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How to update an item in DD?

Madeliefste Oh

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I've Not tried it yet, but it makes sense to me, that one would make the new folder and send it to the marketplace, then just edit the associated item.. You could change the name of the new one slightly so you can tell the different between the two. After that has been saved, you can then delete the old unassociated item.

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My own experience has been that if anything is changed within a folder & the folder is re-uploaded to SLM, there is no  automatic re-association with the original listing; you have to a manually associate the new upload of the folder with the listing and delete the older folder from UNASSOCIATED.

This appears to be the case even if the folder name is left unchanged.

I found this out after realising I had a number of products with outdated notecards after doing my initial folder upload to convert from using my MB.

Even though it was only the notecards that were changed (folder names remained unchanged), in each and every case, I had to manually re-link the newly-upload folder to the listing in order to get the updated notecards when running a test delivery.

This is covered in a bit of a throwaway line in the Migration guide:

Automatic association may fail if an existing listing's associated item has already been manually changed, which may often occur as a result of product updates.

However, in the context, it seems to only apply to migration, rather than in all cases, as appears to be the situation. 

Anyway else finding this?


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Inara Pey wrote:

My own experience has been that if anything is changed within a folder & the folder is re-uploaded to SLM, there is
  automatic re-association with the original listing; you have to a manually associate the new upload of the folder with the listing and delete the older folder from UNASSOCIATED.

This appears to be the case even if the folder name is left unchanged.

I found this out after realising I had a number of products with outdated notecards after doing my initial folder upload to convert from using my MB.

Even though it was only the notecards that were changed (folder names remained unchanged), in each and every case, I had to manually re-link the newly-upload folder to the listing in order to get the updated notecards when running a test delivery.

This is covered in a bit of a throwaway line in the Migration guide:

Automatic association may fail if an existing listing's associated item has already been manually changed, which may often occur as a result of product updates.

However, in the context, it seems to only apply to migration, rather than in all cases, as appears to be the situation. 

Anyway else finding this?


This is exactly what I am finding also.  I have a lot of outdated notecards and even some outdated landmarks I'm now fixing and I'm having to reassociate each listing and then deleting the old item from unassociated.  It's a pain and will take weeks for me to get everything done.  I shoulda been more prepared. :(

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I admit, after working through updates, writing a guide to DD for the unitiated (and there are a lot out there unaware of it), when I did my first update to a folder & saw there was no re-association based purely on folder name, I thought I'd done something wrong.

When I realised this was actual functionality, I did facepalm. :matte-motes-confused:

Ah well. I suppose it encourages version-numbering releases....

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Inara Pey wrote:

My own experience has been that if anything is changed within a folder & the folder is re-uploaded to SLM, there is
  automatic re-association with the original listing; you have to a manually associate the new upload of the folder with the listing and delete the older folder from UNASSOCIATED.

This appears to be the case even if the folder name is left unchanged.

I found this out after realising I had a number of products with outdated notecards after doing my initial folder upload to convert from using my MB.

Even though it was only the notecards that were changed (folder names remained unchanged), in each and every case, I had to manually re-link the newly-upload folder to the listing in order to get the updated notecards when running a test delivery.

This is covered in a bit of a throwaway line in the Migration guide:

Automatic association may fail if an existing listing's associated item has already been manually changed, which may often occur as a result of product updates.

However, in the context, it seems to only apply to migration, rather than in all cases, as appears to be the situation. 

Anyway else finding this?


This really needs to be changed to overwrite the existing DD folder with the newly uploaded folder if the names are exactly the same. It would be easy for them to make this one thing a lot less work for us when we need to make small changes to the contents in the future.

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I've updated and reassociated an item today and can confirm it will indeed take much time.  Sadly I have several boxes/folders with the name including "for Xstreet" which I'd like to change, which means manually reassociating.  Since one has to manually look up each item in the Product Page each time, and it takes clicking through several pages, and waiting for those pages to update, this will be cumulatively many hours for those with large marketplace inventories.  This makes the initial deadlines way too stringent, if one wants to "do it right the first time."

I am now considering just dragging all my boxes into the Merchant Outbox and dealing with everything later, since it appears it will take a loooong time to make associations when I make any changes, even when the item or folder name is the same.

Well as Torley says in his video... short term pain, long term gain?  I am enjoying the right-click "send to merchant outbox" feature in V3.  I just wish the Marketplace website's Product Page were more user friendly.

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Sera Lok wrote:

I've updated and reassociated an item today and can confirm it will indeed take much time.  Sadly I have several boxes/folders with the name including "for Xstreet" which I'd like to change, which means manually reassociating.  Since one has to manually look up each item in the Product Page each time, and it takes clicking through several pages, and waiting for those pages to update, this will be cumulatively many hours for those with large marketplace inventories.  This makes the initial deadlines way too stringent, if one wants to "do it right the first time."

I am now considering just dragging all my boxes into the Merchant Outbox and dealing with everything later, since it appears it will take a loooong time to make associations when I make any changes, even when the item or folder name is the same.

Well as Torley says in his video... short term pain, long term gain?  I am enjoying the right-click "send to merchant outbox" feature in V3.  I just wish the Marketplace website's Product Page were more user friendly.

This is exactly what I did, Miss Sera.  Uploaded everything so I could deal with them all as I have the time and hours.  If I had been more on the ball, I would have unpacked everything, changed my landmarks and notecards and made sure everything was up to date, and then put everything in a folder called; "#To Upload For Direct Delivery"

That way...everything would be changed and ready.  But I didn't.  So now I'll go through them one by one and make the necessary changes.  As *I* have time.  Not by Linden Lab's time. 

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Sera Lok wrote:

Inara Pey wrote:

Ah well. I suppose it encourages version-numbering releases....


But then it does make you wonder why there is a "version number" field in the listing, eh? hehe ^^

Hang on, you're not suggesting joined-up thinking are you? :matte-motes-silly:

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What we had was simple: just update your box, delete the old box from your magic box and put in the new one. No need to change the name of your product, no hassle with the marketplace listing.

I was willing to update some of my older products,and then also put them in folders in stead of boxes. But since there is no easy method to do so, I will leave them as they are.

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Marcus Hancroft wrote

This is exactly what I did, Miss Sera.  Uploaded everything so I could deal with them all as I have the time and hours.  If I had been more on the ball, I would have unpacked everything, changed my landmarks and notecards and made sure everything was up to date, and then put everything in a folder called; "#To Upload For Direct Delivery"

That way...everything would be changed and ready.  But I didn't.  So now I'll go through them one by one and make the necessary changes.  As *I* have time.  Not by Linden Lab's time. 

Yep, I have decided to go this route, otherwise it would take me days to make all the changes I want to. I am on box 4 of about 8. ^^  I am finding that manually deleting my Magic Boxes from the Xstreet page is working faster than waiting for the Marketplace to figure out I have deleted them from inworld.  Since I want to change many of the box/folder names too, I figured I might as well go ahead and migrate to DD.

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I can pretty much guarantee that it never occurred to any of the devs working on DD that merchants update their products -- although we have mentioned this here before, at least I have. Remember for the marketplace initially there was no way to choose an item to associate -- we begged for that for months before we got it. But those devs are I am sure long gone so we have to explain everything all over again to this latest crop.

I am always adding something, updating something, fixing something, and putting it in the magic box. I don't rename it unless it is a major update of some kind. I mean literally hardly a day goes by that I don't do this.


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Really, really, really... DD is a nice new feature but I cant understand how they did forget that we merchants might want to update any listings some day? Now.. how it is.. I just can say its much more easy to update an item in a magic box then with updating an item in a merchant outbox, lol.

Thats crazy.

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Don't worry - in 3 or 4 years from now when all the current DD devs have long gone and the commerce team as we know have all been 'let go' or have done a runner from the stress of it all. Someone will come up  with a bright new idea that what we really need is some kind folder or box that works magically across all viewer versions and can hold our items which can then be easily updated by simple drag and drop.

Yet another reason why I will not be offering customers pre-opened folders.


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Fantastic document Darius everyone unsure of what the udate process involves, should grab this.  Worth  reading just for being aware of Step 3 alone. There quite a few  stumbling points in the process now that you have brilliantly demonstrated here

Many Thanks


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You're very welcome Lasher. I hate seeing folks stumbling around. It's one of those "geeky" things that makes complete sense to me, so I figured I'd help out and document it.

Now if I could just get my car mechanic to document some of the stuff he finds simple and that totally baffle crap outta me .... LOL

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Lasher Oh wrote:

Don't worry - in 3 or 4 years from now when all the current DD devs have long gone and the commerce team as we know have all been 'let go' or have done a runner from the stress of it all. Someone will come up  with a bright new idea that what we really need is some kind folder or box that works magically across all viewer versions and can hold our items which can then be easily updated by simple drag and drop.

Yet another reason why I will not be offering customers pre-opened folders.


This is scarily predictive...  One reason that I have considered sticking with boxes for now (even though it will add a step to my workflow) is that once you rez a box out of the Received Items and open it, it sticks the opened folder right in the normal Inventory pane where it belongs.  Although, the Commerce Team has proposed that at some point you won't be able to rez things out of the Received Items folder. So that'll change things if that goes through and make me reconsider. 

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I can pretty much guarantee that it never occurred to any of the devs working on DD that merchants update their products -- although we have mentioned this here before, at least I have. Remember for the marketplace initially there was no way to choose an item to associate -- we begged for that for months before we got it. But those devs are I am sure long gone so we have to explain everything all over again to this latest crop.

I am always adding something, updating something, fixing something, and putting it in the magic box. I don't rename it unless it is a major update of some kind. I mean literally hardly a day goes by that I don't do this.


Exactly! And why we need to be able to automatically overwrite existing DD folders with the new ones if they have the same name.

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