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Market Place - SLOW as a SNAIL

JoJo Aurelia

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Faye Feldragonne wrote:

Why is Market Place SO slow??? I feel like it's 1998 and I'm on dialup!!!

It is because you are not a Linden Lab employee Alt competitor Merchant?




As it is now, I can barely redeliver any items because the transaction reports time out. Its been almost a year since I have been able to see the "most viewed" report because of the time out .

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It's because you have an expectation that the marketplace will function within acceptable parameters.  If you would only drop this expectation in favour of expecting complete borkage in every direction, your expectations would not be frustrated, although your market experience would be just as slow.

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I think people are probably less bothered by the lack of speed than by the lack of consistency.

Sometimes the SLM seems to work perfectly for substantial periods of time.

Given this, it's very reasonable for people to ask "WTF" when it doesn't work correctly, and no explanation has been provided as to why.

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  • 1 year later...

Yes, I mean to necro. It's been a long time complaint of mine.. how S-L-O-W the marketplace is. Today is slow like no other... Not sure why a simple website has to be as slow as in-world. There are so many options out there.. doesn't LL monitor this?

There isn't anything to rez over here... just webpages...


Is LL afraid to make money?

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  • 5 months later...

I have heard nothing from LL about this, the slowness is unbearable half the time. On average it takes 10-15 seconds to load each link, if they even load at all. If they don't load it takes a few refresh's to get things moving again. It has been like this for a very long time. Ever since they made the entire site https, its gone to a snails pace. Same story on all my devices on any internet connection.

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Unscheduled Marketplace Maintenance

Posted by Status Desk on February 17th, 2014 at 10:14 am PST

[postED 9:14 AM PST, 17 February 2014] We are undergoing unscheduled Marketplace maintenance. During this time, residents will be unable to access the Marketplace. Please keep an eye on this blog for further updates.

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Joachim Waydelich wrote:

Marketplace maintenance is not the problem, It is like this every day all the time for over a year, unless they are doing maintenance on a 24/7/365 basis.

Oh, I agree with you on the overall slowness.

I suffer it also.

It suxors.

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Any slower than it is now and I could swear LL is using AOL...

1. Pages take forever to load

2. Attempting to add items to cart fails half the time

3. After purchase, the cart sometimes doesn't empty

4. The site errors out if it takes too long

5. I'm sure theres a dead hamster inside the server somewhere. Get the spatula.

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Wolfee Yaffle wrote:

Any slower than it is now and I could swear LL is using AOL...


1. Pages take forever to load

I've actually never had much problem with the slowness other people have reported on the MP in the past, but for the last week or so just trying to get the MP page itself to load has been an exercise in extreme patience.  I'm sitting here now waiting...waiting...waiting...

...has anyone else notice the MP loading being especially slow this past week?

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Wolfee Yaffle wrote:

Any slower than it is now and I could swear LL is using AOL...


1. Pages take forever to load

I've actually never had much problem with the slowness other people have reported on the MP in the past, but for the last week or so just trying to get the MP page itself to load has been an exercise in extreme patience.  I'm sitting here now waiting...waiting...waiting...

...has anyone else notice the MP loading being especially slow this past week?

It's terrible this week. Today buttons don't even work anymore. They simply don't do anything, or throw up an error.

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Marketplace is so slow that it is real pain to search and buy anything from there. If one knows exactly what product to buy (i.e. has direct link to the product) then it's just bearable.

If one just comes there to browse and search things to see is there something interesting then it very soon gets extremely boring and bad experience due to the slowness. It's no fun watching and waiting over and over again for the pages to load so  S L O W L Y.  I often just give up.

:smileyfrustrated:  :smileysad:

I noticed in other thread that Ebbe is aware of the problem. So hopefully we will see improvements. :matte-motes-smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is actually pretty ridiculous. Not only is BROWSING the MP stupidly slow, trying to upload/transfer to the MP is just flat out silly. It takes forever to send anything and once you do finally get your products to transfer, it takes hours to upload images.

I know it's not my computer. It does everything else wonderfully fast. But anything to do with the MP, it's like having dialup.

They ARE losing money over this. I have creator friends who gave up and stopped uploading items to sell on the MP because it is so painfully slow. :(

I am about to give up myself. SO frustrating.

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