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Lidri Soulstar

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  1. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/76460 Angel Rock https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/52966 Ooh-la-licious Skins https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/46629 Wow Skins https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/50652 Demi's Starshine Here's a few stores that carry darker skin tones. Hope this helps! If I find more I'll edit the post and add them below this text with an 'Edit' tag. EDIT: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/53512 Al Vulo! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/89245 Diamond Skin Corp. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/13353 YS & YS https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/93753 Tuty's https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/20845 Pink Fuel (Pink fuel offers their specific skins in varying shades. For example: The skin named 'Ember' comes in Milk Honey Mocha etc. to reflect the skin tone color. It's so that if people like that facial pattern or make-up they can still choose it with their preffered skin tone. Cocoa Mocha Java and Espresso are their darkest complexions with Espresso being the darkest. Caramel and Maple are a tad lighter than those selections) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/37578 Egozy https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/147505 Sinful Curves
  2. Kuso might be perfect for you then to be honest. They have some professional female AOs already (the AOs Kuso sells are actually a brand called ORACUL) but it's definitely cheaper to purchase the individual animations and create your own. Kuso's AOs are $L300 for a complete prebuilt AO and individual animations are $L10. I'd like to warn you that a lot of the AO's have some weird running animations (your character will do wild frontfilps for example)- you'll want to disable those in the AO hud or omit buying for the type of AO you're looking for. There are four rooms on the Kuso sim all containing AOs. I think the professional female looking ones are on one of the bottom floor rooms. Vista has some nice animations and so does Abranimations or however you spell it- but they're exceptionally costly in comparison and some of the animations can be a bit... choppy I suppose is one way to put it? And sometimes a bit flashy/eccentric (not frontflips like kuso- but wild gestures or excessive moving in some of them). But they're still quality options.
  3. That last bit was absolutely beautiful. "There are some kinds of worms I'd rather not find in the pages..." PFFFFFT. Anyway. I feel like the issue is being caused by either the word "lovers" in itself or the combination of "lovers meet". You're definitely going to have to play around with the wording and word order. Sorry the system is being dumb and causing your book club event to not get set up as smoothly as it should!
  4. Thanks everyone for sharing your wonderful stories and look forward to reading some more! And thank you for bringing up the Code Talkers- not many people know how invaluable these people were during the war due to Native languages not being very well known. We certainly wouldn't be this well off without the effort that was put forth by so many all over.
  5. That sounds really weird and frustrating :matte-motes-sour: Account on hold? I didn't even know that was a thing! Did you do anything that could have gotten you banned? But that question is sort of irrelevant because I don't think that's the message it displays for a banned account. The only way i'd remember the region I was in is if I happened to log off someplace exceptionally memorable with a region name of the same title (like Insilico)... but even then if it'd been 4 years I'm not sure I would. Good luck!
  6. Yeah the starting island really should be a bit more clear about the mesh system- especially now that they're including mesh and prim based avatars in the default starter pool. Allow me to explain some very brief basics: There are two types of wearable mesh. Rigged mesh and non-rigged mesh. Mesh is (as you are probably aware) is an item or object made in a 3D modelling program and then imported into SL. Rigged mesh means it's fixed to your characters skeleton. This enables the clothing to bend and move with your avatar. You can not move or resize rigged mesh- which is why it's very important to always try the demos available at the shop before you buy rigged mesh. Non rigged mesh is NOT fixed to your character's skeleton- which means it will act more like a prim attachment item. It will not bend or conform to your characters movements/shape... but you are able to move it to adjust where it sits on your character. I think you may be able to resize it as well in some cases but I'm not sure. Mesh avatars cannot wear basic linden clothing like shirts/tattoos/underwear/etc. It has to be a prim or mesh item. Mesh avatars it is more important to get demos for mesh clothing and accessories than it is when buying for the default linden avatars. This is because most of the mesh avatars are so custom in shape a vast majority of mesh clothing items will not fit unless they were designed specifically for that avatar. This is not always the case obviously- for example I have a mesh avatar called Avatar 2.0 from Utilizator that I can wear other shop's clothing with... but I have to be very careful because most of them do not fit unless made by Utilizator himself. With the right amount of poking about in world and on the marketplace you can find some quality mesh freebies.
  7. I wasn't able to find it but I also didn't spend too crazy long looking. I got around 10-15 pages into 3 different searches. Hopefully this stuff helps you find it/a suitable replacement. Some shops that may have it or something similar. I've provided some store links along with links to specific available vehicles that are similar to the one you're trying to find. I haven't scoured their shops front to back to check for others so that's up to you: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/28580 G&D Buildings Similar vehicle: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GD-BUILDINGS-4X4-Off-Road/4218813 (G&D's most similar car has what appears to be an identical vehicle frame to the one in your photo but it's not the same colors or license plate- It has it listed as a 4X4 Offroad vehicle so maybe that will help you weed it out if you want the exact vehicle in the photo). https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/96906 Q's Customs Similar vehicle: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Defender-Offroad-Edition/4859551 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/10190 Wasteland Motors https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/48725 WB Motosports (similar vehicle frame but this one is noticeably different. Has floodlights. Store's one page so I didn't bother linking a specific product)
  8. Ick that's depressing. I can't say I'm all too surprised though. LL is slow to fix a lot of things- even if it's clearly not stable/safe/what have you. Well- thanks to everyone who posted here for the info and your thoughts.
  9. How is that them having it easy? That means almost all of their friends are also Resident and therefore it would be asking you to name your friends based on a list that only says the word 'Resident' three times. Name three friends with the following last names.. Resident Resident Resident That sounds like hell. D: I'd rather them just give you more security options or just... anything else really. As stated it's a bit of a security risk and without the custom last names you're literally guessing at that point. And what you said about having a ton of clients and acquantences on your list just makes the system seem even more unreliable. The only thing i can think of to beef up the system without scrapping it would be to implement a more fleshed out friend favorites system that the account check would read from or the option to omit Resident legacy names from spawning on the list entirely.
  10. Yeah... it seems like it can just as easily be a security flaw as it is an aid to the person who actually owns the account. All someone has to do is know the same people you do or know who's on your list and they could potentially gain access.
  11. My friend was trying to recover his account and rejoin Second Life. I've always known that one of the things to help recover your account is that it lists off three last names of people in your friends list and you have to say which people they belong to... I REALLY think it shouldn't be allowed to use Resident in the questioning on older accounts- or they should give you some other way to bring up a new list of names that doesn't involving answering the security question incorrectly... or maybe at least provide the first letter of the username relating to that Resident. With literally everyone new to SL being given the name Resident and having to get all 3 of the names right in order to proceed- it's too confusing and difficult to remember for people who've been away for a long time. He's gotten back into his account because we got it to give him a list that didn't have a Resident on it... I'm just posting this here to see if I'm the only one who feels that it's kind of nonsensical to use those users for this function.
  12. Two months into 2014 and the MP still loads with the speed and grace of mollasses. If anything it feels worse. Has LL said anything about this yet?
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