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I hope this isn't a cross post. I did a search but nothing came up.

I'm really excited about these new tools. One of the things that Linden Realms has done is give the Lindens a clear picture of some of our challenges as we build and design. The teleporter and temp hud are one! This is good and positive news! Can't wait to try this. Just today I was struggling with a teleporter that wouldn't go farther than 500 meters. Yay!

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Wondering from the stats in the video:

As of March 6, 2012, 249,000 unique visitors, 5,000 unique users daily 150,000 HUD attaches per day and 4,000,000 attaches per month.

What that comes out to in user hours that would have been spent on residents land, in resident run events, buying merchant items and so on, rather than time spent in Linden Realms.

Beta grid next time might be a good idea. Unless you want to capture some of the gaming market for yourselves too there, LL. I realize you wanted to also test the load, but game developers outside of SL can tell you that you can automate fake players for those kind of tests. Surely you can do that too. If not, ask your beta testers to whip up some test bots.

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Are you a degreed game modeler and own or work for a game modeling company? If so then you should be allowed in. Because that is what a "professional content creator" is. Which means either LL is using the wrong description for registered hobbyists or LL intends to limit new features to only the few companies still making content for SL like Modavia.


I.e.; LL needs to post the blog article on this "Professional Content Creator" program so people can make/prepare for their decisions as to whether or not they will remain in business in SL.

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how they work in the video is way cool. will be really good for all kinds of things

can't wait to go shopping in stores where they will make demos you can just click to try on. try before you buy in a easy way like this is going to make shopping inworld SL chocolate awesome sauce . woohoo!

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Ann Otoole wrote:

Are you a degreed game modeler and own or work for a game modeling company? If so then you should be allowed in. Because that is what a "professional content creator" is. Which means either LL is using the wrong description for registered hobbyists or LL intends to limit new features to only the few companies still making content for SL like Modavia.


I.e.; LL needs to post the blog article on this "Professional Content Creator" program so people can make/prepare for their decisions as to whether or not they will remain in business in SL.

Hi Anne, your comment has me lost. Is not going to be available across the grid?

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If I may step in here for Ann..

I think what she means is the capability will be available across the grid, but only "Professional Content Creators" will have access to the tools, including the expanded permission system and the additional script commands.

So, like her, my future in SL will greatly depend on their definition of a Professional Content Creator. Until that is answered it almost makes me want to halt development, because of the risk of losing a lot of work if it does indeed turn out to be a very closed group.


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If this is the case then my opinion of this would not make it past moderation.

SL is all about anyone being able to create and an open playing field. 

I was really excited about pathfinding before I read this.

I did not think anyone could screw up worse then M Linden. 

There's nothing I am allowed to post on this forum that comes close to describing how I feel about this and what I am coming to think of that Rodvik chap. 

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Triple Peccable wrote:

If I may step in here for Ann..

I think what she means is the capability will be available across the grid, but only "Professional Content Creators" will have access to the tools, including the expanded permission system and the additional script commands.

So, like her, my future in SL will greatly depend on their definition of a Professional Content Creator. Until that is answered it almost makes me want to halt development, because of the risk of losing a lot of work if it does indeed turn out to be a very closed group.


Where are you and Ann getting the "Professional Content Creators" from? In Rodvik's blog linked earlier in this thread he said this, and I believe ONLY this, regarding who can use the tools:  "To prevent abuse of these tools, we will introduce a "creators" program in which verified members will be given access to these very powerful capabilities." In the video there is a comment right the end inviting interested parties to join the inworld group "Advanced Creator Tools Notification".

I have no stake in this whatever. I make nothing for sale. But unless I'm missing something it seems to me that all the comments so far say is that these tools will not be part of the regular Build list, that a person will have to pass some kind of acceptance test to be able to use them.




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I just hope you are right. But with LL's track record anything is possible. If their goal is to move more and more towards LL only created content, and away from the problem-causing grief-ridden resident created content then this is the beginning of that movement. The openness or closed-ness of the "Professional Creators Program" (that is quoted from the last paragraph of Rodvik's blog post) will be very telling.


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Triple Peccable wrote:

I just hope you are right. But with LL's track record anything is possible. If their goal is to move more and more towards LL only created content, and away from the problem-causing grief-ridden resident created content then this is the beginning of that movement. The openness or closed-ness of the "Professional Creators Program" (that is quoted from the last paragraph of Rodvik's blog post) will be very telling.


We seem to be talking about different blog posts. I was referring to the one Seven linked earlier: this one. Would you mind including a link to the one you're quoting? Now that I've gotten interested I'd like to read more details. As for what the actual method of deciding who gets what will be, you're right. It's currently unknown.

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Since that is the same post, here is the last paragraph:

In parallel to the rollout of these tools, we will be launching a Professional Creators Program. This program will provide members with helpful resources, such as tutorials and exclusive closed betas. More information will become available in the next few months.


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Thanks. Not sure what you meant by "since that is the same post":  the last (2) paragraphs in the post I linked to are:

"In addition to delivering new features and increasing our support for Second Life, we will be launching some completely different products next year not related to Second Life. Some of them will be very experimental, but all will fit within our company’s proud history of enabling creativity, which I hope may interest some of you.

Thank you again for being a customer have a great holiday and a Happy New Year!"

In any case I appreciate getting the link.


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this is what i think the Profesional Conent Creators is gonna be: when they talked about releasing the new creation tools many complained that it was going to be used by griefers.

the system seems to have have a control over who uses those tools, so they will be responsible of what those tools do, the way Linden Lab knows for sure the identity of the person is if they have payment info on file, so i think they will be allowing only persons that have payment info on file to use them, the new tools will not be available to the rest, separating the verified merchant from the anonymous hobbyist.

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I thought the point of these tools were so content creators could create more robust gaming environments within SL.  I just don't see everyone needing access to these tools unless they are creating those types of environments.  

Maybe someone can get a better explanation about the creators program from Rod on his wall or one of the third party forums he seems to post at.  He is always welcome to post here in the official forums too.  :smileytongue:

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