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Encroaching objects... I'm at my wits end!

Jebediah Brown

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I have had this problem for almost a year now! There are a couple of planes abandoned near my parcel with wings/fuselages encroaching into my parcel. I have tried to report abuse them to get them removed many, many, MANY times and I'm at the point that I am hating second life and dread connecting to find what else has been dumped near my land that I can do nothing about. I can not return these, the neighbour whose parcel they are actually on clearly doesn't care, the owners of the objects don't care and now I've got neighbours complaining to me like they are mine. I am sick of it. Will someone please get rid of these objects, I feel like I'm screaming into a void!!


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Fayes advice is a good one. Derender them. You will need to use a viewer which has this capability, as the LL viewer does not.

You could also try to file a ticket. I don't know if this is something that is covered by this.

Another option is to sell/abandon the land and buy a new parcel.

- Luc -

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Yeah I've tried lodging support tickets but they're ignored, the forums are my last hope... I am in the process of thinking I'll just cut and run and abandon the land and leave the mess for someone else to deal with, but that's not exactly a good thing for the community and my neighbours.

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Well first of all, clam down.  and two, Encroaching prim return feature is coming pretty soon.  A month at the most but it's coming and you'll be able to return them if they are indeed encroaching your parcel. Lindens has been talking about turning it on for mainland pretty soon.  The problem was they have too many estates to manually turn it on, so they have been working on a automatic method to switch it on for the whole group of estates.


But of course, there's always another good land out there, you just have to find it.  Just hang on a bit longer and maybe cover the planes with something less tacky? A hill maybe?

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Hmmm... Now you mention it; I'm pretty sure derender is not in the LL viewer, but not 100%... :o I have never seen any command for it anywhere in any menus...

Anyways. With LL's new TPV policy, I wouldn't be surprised if this in one of the things that shouldn't be in other viewers either. I am by no means sure of this, though...

- Luc -

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I read encroaching prim return was almost ready and we'd have it in a week or two...


Back in 2009.


So yeah...

Gues it'll be here soon.


DOes anyone near the OP's land have banlines? objects in the air get like that from people crashing into banlines and being ejected. The driver and vehicle can get tossed in opposite directions - sometimes by multiple sims of distance. If the vehicle lands in a place with no auto-return, its there for good, unless the driver somehow locates it.

Contact vehicles owners and let them know you found their lost vehicle.

This is one reason though, that almost no experienced vehicle user in SL will buy a no-copy vehicle...

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I have sent owners the coordinates of their vehicles,, but never knewif they could get them, or if it was the land owner who returned it. After my last series of posts, I turned off my ban lines for good! I was not aware of their evilness. 

Regarding this encroaching prim return, how does his work? I am confused. Will it return all of Anne's cars? Her cars get stuck all over my area. The roads have ditches around them and they often have a car struggling like a beetle on it's back!

Also if someone's prim is hanging on your land, does it take up prim count? And can't you just return it through the return object option?

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Faye Feldragonne wrote:

Regarding this encroaching prim return, how does his work? I am confused. Will it return all of Anne's cars? Her cars get stuck all over my area. The roads have ditches around them and they often have a car struggling like a beetle on it's back!

Also if someone's prim is hanging on your land, does it take up prim count? And can't you just return it through the return object option?

FWIW, AnnMarie is pretty good at picking up her vehicles when there's an issue. Send her a notecard inworld and point out that it's a recurring issue. 

Prims will only take up your count if they're centered on your land - in which case, they could be returned normaly. If they're not centered on your land, then they cannot be returned. They can be ARed, however, if they are indeed encroaching onto your property.

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Marianne McCann wrote:

Faye Feldragonne wrote:

Regarding this encroaching prim return, how does his work? I am confused. Will it return all of Anne's cars? Her cars get stuck all over my area. The roads have ditches around them and they often have a car struggling like a beetle on it's back!

Also if someone's prim is hanging on your land, does it take up prim count? And can't you just return it through the return object option?

FWIW, AnnMarie is pretty good at picking up her vehicles when there's an issue. Send her a notecard inworld and point out that it's a recurring issue. 

Prims will only take up your count if they're centered on your land - in which case, they could be returned normaly. If they're not centered on your land, then they cannot be returned. They can be ARed, however, if they are indeed encroaching onto your property.

I have talked to Anne, but it would be a fulltime job.

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Regarding this encroaching prim return, how does his work? 

So this isn't available yet, but history notwithstanding, I expect it soon.  What it will do is allow landowners to manually return objects that are centered on somebody else's parcel but extend ("encroach") into their own.  

There are some cases where it probably won't be perfectly accurate (notably, those funky Linden plants), and "estate content" can be excluded--which in the case of the Mainland, should mean that Linden-owned builds that cross slightly onto private parcels will be preserved.

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Knowl Paine wrote:

I think Linden Lab should be responsible to act, and remove the objects.

I would file a ticket with Support if the AR system appears to not be responding.

This is the best thing to do.  It's not an abuse report situation really, unless someone purposefully left a vehicle on someone else's land.

To the OP, please just submit a support ticket to LL via the "help" button at the top of this page, and ask nicely if someone from LL can just pop out and remove the offending prims, as you've contacted owner and had no result.  They've done it for me on a couple of occasions when I've had wings from planes cluttering up my land.

Edited to add:

upload a photo of the problem too, to the support ticket, and give exact location to LL, then you have much more chance of them coming out quickly to fix this for you.

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As others have suggested, file an AR via the help button. There is a selectable category for encroaching prims. But do more...

The AR team notoriously fails to do what they are paid to do, so don't just file one AR. In the first AR explain the history so far - the length of time the planes have been there. Tell them what you've done to try to get the planes removed (contacted the land owner and owner of the planes) If you've ARed the planes before, tell them that too.

Then wait a week to see if they get removed. If they don't get removed, start ARing them daily. For the first of the repeats, explain it all again, and add that you intend to submit an AR every day until they are removed. Also say that you are paying LL for something that they are not providing, and that you don't intend to continue paying them for something they are not providing. If the planes haven't gone after a few days of those, start ARing several times a day, and then hourly (save the text of an AR and copy/paste, of course). At the same time write the full story to Rodvik Linden (the CEO) and tell him that you will not continue paying LL for something that they will not provide.

Some time ago, I had an encroaching prim that had been there for a long time. It only encroached by about a meter on two of its sides, and my land was huge by comparison (most of the sim). Even so, I was paying LL for land that I couldn't use. I did exactly what I've suggested, except that I found the name of the Linden who managed the AR team in those days, so at the point of ARing hourly, I sent him the notecard. When the first hour was up and I was in the process of doing the next AR, the prim disappeared. These days, they are so scared of users that they are secretive about their names, so I'd use Rodvik Linden instead.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a similar thing happen. This time it was encroaching particles from an object that had been placed on abandoned land (owned by Govenor Linden). I didn't wait. This time I went straight to ARing daily. On the second day, I went to hourly ARs but I only submitted the first one when the particles disappeared. They returned a few days later and were gone again within minutes of my first AR.

I've been in SL since 2006 and, in the early years, I just waited. But a couple of years ago I decided that, as a paying custoimer, I would not be treated in the way that the AR treat customers. Instead, I put my foot down, and it works. Dealing with such things is a one minute task for someone, and I will have such things dealt with in a reasonable time or I will not be a paying customer.

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Explains very well why my partner is no longer a premium member... there's nothing premium about the service you get here for what you pay extra.

Also explains very well why we gave up on living on mainland some time ago, and why mainland continues to empty of residents. If its not the overhanging prims, its ugly builds forcing you to either put up a landscreen or cringe everytime you look outside your front door or its grieving or neighbors lagging your SIM and slow responses, if responses at all, to fix.

My suggestion, contact me about purchasing a parcel of private land, and drop the premium membership completely. As for the thought that this somehow abandons your neighbors, sorry but it's LL that has failed them not you and why should you continue to try to fix what Linden Labs can't be bothered to?

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SaskiaCarena wrote:

Its clear Richie Kanto's reply was ment for the OP, not you.


If you read the TOS you would know that you dont 'own' any land here, LL do. You're monthly  tier payment for mainland parcels is rent to LL ! So its the same as renting private

It was a reply to me, whether or not it was meant as such.

We all know that tier is effectively rent, thank you, but, nevertheless, we do refer to owning land, as distinct from renting it from another user. That's the way we make the distinction to save having to explain what we mean every time.

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