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Is this script possible?

Hikaru Yamamoto

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Say you have an object with a texture cycle script that creates an animation using one texture.

There are two types of scripts I was wondering if were possible.

Keep in mind I'm not a scripter. =/

I was wondering if this object would be able to turn Alpha (invisible) and back on keeping the texture cycle going. The second one would have a follow script, and while the avatar it is following is walking and the object moves along, this texture animation will play, and when this person stop and the object comes to a stop, the texture will freeze where it is.

Would either of these work? And if they do, Where can I find such scripts?

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2 words, Custom Scripter.


I am currently shopping arround for a texture animation mod and am getting figures from 10k-18k (lindens).


Have to face it bud, the scripters are worse then convicts in a shower when you drop the soap when it comes to the inevitable, you just have to let them rob you blind.

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You are joking?

Someone wants less than 8 whole entire US dollars to do custom computer coding for you?  You can't be serious?!

Why when I was a youngling, we'd have treked three days through snow without food and only melted yellow snow for water, just to get our hands on barely over 7 US dollars.

What is wrong with the youth of today and why are they always on my lawn?

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Usive wrote:

 Have to face it bud, the scripters are worse then convicts in a shower when you drop the soap when it comes to the inevitable, you just have to let them rob you blind.

I kinda take offence to that comment... I have never felt like I have robbed someone blind. And if you feel that way you probably shouldn't be looking to get custom work done and just learn to do it yourself :-/

I often do modifications and small custom scripts as well as troubleshoot other peoples scripts for free. But yes I do charge for scripts that take hours of my time to get exactly the way the customer wants it.

If I had thought about the fact that it is less that US$10 for up to 4,5 and sometimes 6 hours of my time I probably would have not even looked at taking on someone elses job and just continued with my own.


Anyway.. To answer the OP's question in short. Yes.

It looks like what you are trying to do is well and truly in the realms of LSL. I would recomend getting hold of a custom scripter and discussing all the details with them. Make sure they understand exactly what you are trying to do and get a quote before they start work :-D

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Two things about this thread:

1 - This script is possible

2 - The reason I don't do custom scriping is: I will have to use my RL time for that and then become payed with some lousy Linden $  :smileyhappy: I rather stay with having fun and only script for myself - if in the mood.

Of course a litte script isn't worth 10-20K but the work behind it is. :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:

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A technical caveat:  There may be a problem with "the texture will freeze where it is" when the object stops.  That's because texture animation is viewer-side, so a script can never know with complete certainty the phase of that animation cycle, as seen by everybody looking at it.  It can be reasonably accurate about it if everybody has had the object rezzed the whole time since the script started the animation, but a new arrival may see it completely out of phase with how it looks to everybody else.

Simply stopping the animation will restore its original, unanimated repeats and alignment; setting a new alignment to where the script thinks it should be won't necessarily correspond to where some viewers may have been seeing it.

That may not matter for this application; it's just a possible source of confusion.

One other comment about this particular application: if the idea is to include full alpha in the animated texture, that means that when the object is visible (another part of the same texture showing), it will still have an alpha channel, so it will be subject to the usual alpha-sorting problem.

If either of those things matter to this application, one workaround might be to spend the script time to push different textures onto the surface in succession, rather than using the much more efficient texture animation.  That's kind of a last resort, but it would allow non-alpha-channel textures and would ensure synchronization for all viewers.

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Usive wrote:

2 words, Custom Scripter.


I am currently shopping arround for a texture animation mod and am getting figures from 10k-18k (lindens).


Have to face it bud, the scripters are worse then convicts in a shower when you drop the soap when it comes to the inevitable, you just have to let them rob you blind.


Wow.  Just....wow.


Professional software engineer, senior level.......earns  around $50/hr.  Not L$, but actual USD.

So for a job requiring 6 hours of time to do, they would normally earn $300.  That's around L$75000.

$10k-$18k for a custom script?  Cheap, unless it's very simple scripting the scripter can pump out in a few minutes.


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I could write almost any script for anything, but i wont, you think 10k-18k is criminal, lol, even 100k is criminal, if you want me to work for you then it starts in the millions of lindens, or you can do it yourself, simple really, i have enough projects of my own without needing the likes of you, but you get what you pay for and 10k -18k will get you cheap crap.

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Usive wrote:

Have to face it bud, the scripters are worse then convicts in a shower when you drop the soap when it comes to the inevitable, you just have to let them rob you blind.

... because no scripter will ever seek to help an individual learn how to do it themselves - ignore time spent reading and answering posts in forums, forget time writing and updating wiki entries for others to learn the things they had to learn, don't consider those who publish open source scripts or examples.

A scripting forum dedicated to helping people learn scripting themselves is probably not a great place for such a comment.  You could consider how long it would take to learn to do it yourself of course and make that tradeoff of time or money ... just ask in the forum - someone might give you some pointers ...



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Usive wrote:

I use all of those sources. And I am well aware of how much time it takes to write a script, and proportinately to say sculpting, scripters make disproportionately more per hour.

I'm afraid I believe you are mixing up incentives.  If the incentive is there, many scripters would probably work for nothing.  If it isn't, then why do something that isn't much fun unless you are well compensated for the time it will take?

If you can't incentivise by payment because the required compensation is too high in just monetary vs time arguments, then you'll need to find another incentive.  I still think that being derogatory to the people you wish to partner with, in a forum where that same people freely give up their time and expertise to help others might not be the best way to go, but thats just me.

If it is truly disproportionately too expensive as you believe, then eventually basic supply and demand will win out, and the expensive scripters will just price themselves out of the market.  Which probably means they just keep doing their own projects, because that is where the fun lies.



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Usive wrote:

You miss understood me, the script job I wanted done was simply tying together 2 existing scripts into a menu, and 18k for that? I was offended

First off, if it were 'simple,' why hadn't you tried doing it yourself before posting here?

Secondly, when you pay for a service, you are paying for more than just someone's time.  You are paying for their expertise which took them time to acquire. 

When I made my first attempts at scripting and was having trouble with it I posted my work here and these good people free of charge helped me with my work.  Then one of them when they saw what I was doing gifted me with a completed script that did exactly what I wanted.

So don't be surprised if the folks here take offense with your insult.  If anything, you owe them an apology.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have tried, I am paying for, as you said, the expertise and it's associated speed. Now then, in regards to being but hurt, I am speaking my honest oppinion, people decided to reply to MY post with insults, so don't try and play me off as a villain

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