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Not sure is this is the current forum but I have a question or perhaps more of a statement.  I purchased two items off market place, and while I am glad that its a place you can write reviews. After, purchasing two items I wrote a negative review, which I felt it was due.  When the owner got the lindens she removed the products and reposted the items, so that left my review null and void.

Its seems shaddy to me so I will never buy an item with 0 reviews again. I will always think of this shaddy transaction.

I wanted to know if this is common ???




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Hello Javan, it is unfortunate that there are merchants that are irresponsible and unethical in SL. I don't know if you can report the merchant or not. I will say though that punishing all merchants with 0 reviews is a bit unfair since most people can't be bothered to write reviews. It is your choice though. It is sad that unscrupulous merchants ruin it for the rest. 

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JavanTrust wrote:


Not sure is this is the current forum but I have a question or perhaps more of a statement.  I purchased two items off market place, and while I am glad that its a place you can write reviews. After, purchasing two items I wrote a negative review, which I felt it was due.  When the owner got the lindens she removed the products and reposted the items, so that left my review null and void.

Its seems shaddy to me so I will never buy an item with 0 reviews again. I will always think of this shaddy transaction.

I wanted to know if this is common ???




Howdy, Javan

I am a Merchant on the Marketplace and inworld (I have an inworld store as well), and I can tell you that, while that seller you purchased from did something wrong to rid themselves of your bad review, not ALL of us are that way.  I would never do such a thing.  I would expect that any customer of mine who had an issue with any product they purchased from me, would contact me with the problem so I could fix it to their satisfaction BEFORE a bad review was left.  

Nearly ALL my products have zero ratings because people just do not leave reviews on the Marketplace.  They can't be bothered, don't have time, don't like to, or some other reason that prevents them from reviewing something they purchased.  However, that does NOT mean my stuff is crap.  

I have known some merchants who have tried bribes to get their products reviewed.  One such bribe was; "You buy a product from me on Marketplace, review it, and I will refund your purchase price!"  I am assuming the refund was for only positive reviews.  The problem with this is that Linden Lab takes a 5% commission on all sales through the Marketplace.  So, while you may have paid $350L (for example) for a product, the seller only received $332.  If he refunded your purchase price of $350L, then he just lost money.

So please don't limit your purchases to only those items that have reviews and punish me and the other sellers who don't get reviews.  Our products are just as good (if not better) than those others that do.  

I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with one merchant.

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Common, probably so. There's no way for us - residents - to tell how often this is done, of course, but dishonest business practices are a dime a dozen, and so are those who use them.

Now, is it right? Of course not. In fact, LL has a specific rule against it, so you can report the merchant for violating that rule. The only legitimate way to remove a negative review on the marketplace is for the merchant to contact LL and say that they think the review is unfair for some reason - it was made by a competitor, it's unnecessarily rude, it has nothing to do with the product itself (for example, a one-star review left because the product was not delivered is not the fault of the merchant, but of the marketplace, and so the review is unfair). Those are a few examples, though there are certainly more reasons out there. De-listing and re-listing a product to dump bad reviews is neither fair nor allowed. Report it.

ETA: Don't mistrust all 0-review products, though! As others have said, most people can't be bothered to leave a review. Go to Youtube, find a popular video, and compare number of views to number of likes and dislikes. Most have been watched far more times than they've been "liked" or "disliked." Then compare the number of reviews left, and you'll find even fewer. Most people only review when there is an incentive, or when they feel very strongly one way or the other - it was very good, or very bad.

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Also there should be seen what a bad comment can do to a product. Many people don't even take a look at products rated with two stars or lower. But very often I see that the comments which downrate the product are just a mirror for the customer being dumb. I saw people whining on products which they didn't get (not a merchants fault), people getting angry about them being not able to do certain things or understand how to use something right and one person even started to rage, cause he brought a mod and thought he get a whole avatar.

As long as I haven't seen the item and your comment, I would be carefully to judge about the merchant.

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Kenbro Utu wrote:


If there was fault at the hands of the reviewer, then there are channels by which a merchant can get a spurious review removed.  What the merchant did was wrong, no matter the story.



Maybe he did just that - maybe it wasn't listed new but the review was removed for whatever reason.


Sadly almost nobody rates anymore, most likely because nowadays you have to write a review and can't just give a star rating. Because of that one bad review can mess up the whole average big time. My best selling item (more than 300 sales as of today) got two 5 star ratings - and then a 2 star rating with text "This is badly scripted, it doesn't work when scripts are turned off.". Thankfully LL granted my request and removed it.

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You do not have to forego items with zero ratings.

The trick is to be able to kind of study something you are buying and try to imagine what it will be like in the real, er, virtual world when bought. I guess that is hard if it is scripted objects.

But like with clothes or something, you can usually just look and get an idea of how it will be on your avatar.


I have not had a lot of problems with stuff I got off the market. There were times I bought and then soon decided it was not what I wanted but it had nothing to do with getting gipped.


But yeah in interest of not knowing fully with market items, maybe see if they have an in-world store so you can maybe demo the item first. Or if you cannot, don't spend a lot on any one item. Like say you buy some L$100 whatever on the market and it is a flop, no big deal but don't take that chance with expensive things.


Also, as a lot of vendors are trying to make money, they will often do whatever they can to make things right if you have a problem, all you have to do is try to contact them. The quality of the service may be better than the quality of the product and to me, that means a lot more.

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JavanTrust wrote:

 When the owner got the lindens she removed the products and reposted the items, so that left my review null and void.

Its seems shaddy to me so I will never buy an item with 0 reviews again. I will always think of this shaddy transaction.

I wanted to know if this is common ???

If the seller reposted the item to remove your reviews, it's a violation of marketplace listing guidelines, so you should flag the items for "disallowed listing practices". If it's true, review team will remove it and block the item to be re-listed again.

As to the rating/reviews, not a few unethical people game the review system using their alts to give a lower rating to their competitors' items and give a good rating to theirs, so you can't trust them.

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Also sometimes if they have low reviews, I notice delivery errors will cause those.

"Never got product" is a common bad one. This, however, is a totally different thing than the product quality.

I believe once someone posts something on the market, it is up to the website to ensure delivery. Course the creator might be able to help with re-delivery

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JavanTrust wrote:

"After, purchasing two items I wrote a negative review, which I felt it was due.  When the owner got the lindens she removed the products and reposted the items, so that left my review null and void."


Whether you're a merchant or a customer I think majority of people try and give others the benefit of the doubt. What I am not seeing mentioned regarding to the OP message is how exactly can they know for sure that the merchant re-liststed themselves instead of contacting LL to remove the review? Unless of course there was other reviews and all were removed possibly meaning a re-listing. Also, as the OP said they wrote a negative review because they felt it was due...did they try contacting the merchant beforehand? Did they give the merchant an opportunity to improve the issue? Though I suppose it doesn't really matter in regards to the question, but perhaps it could of been solved.

But to answer the question, I agree with everyone else on this issue. If it was indeed a re-list by the merchant then that isn't allowed. It would be hard IMO to determine if re-listing is common or not because sometimes you can never tell if it was a re-list or LL removal for review.

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