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Griefers / Hackers and Linden Labs

Yohan Roux

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ok i am looking for help on this matter , i will give a brief description of events and what has been done , any help is appreciated.

i am a game creator on SL and i have made one of the biggest multiplayer games on sl

i have over 250 sim / games places in a special group where we communicate

all these sims are reliant on my game for income / traffic etc

recently (last night) i seem to have attracted a serious hacker / griefer who has managed to close my sim down on several occasions and effect my grid wide games by doing so

over 100 of us sim owners reported this guy to LL and i personaly was in IM's with a Linden employee xxxxxx Linden (i dont want to mention names) , after many many reports there seems that there was very little LL can do

this has got serious as the griefer and his alts / friends are asking for 100k to stop this happening (this has all been reported to LL) , yet still today its continueing to happen and once again i am locked out of my sim and my game is at risk

we (sim / game) owners need protecting from this , as LL are the main policing force on SL we have to trust in them , but they seem to be not doing anything ,

i have options of getting together a team of top scriptors and greifers and start attacking back all thier sims and friends , but this is just gonna cause all out war

as we creators push the boundries of SL and what we do on here surely LL needs to step up their game and realize that they need to offer better protection for us "Paying" people

blackmail is illegal in many countries yet on sl seems to be ok

so if there is any other ways of dealing with this i would love to hear them .

many thanks


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no i am not going to , it was more of a statement to say "what else is there" ? .. in RL we would call the poilce on here we have to rely on LL , but if the police dont come to your rescue in RL what do you do ? ... i am not a griefer or a hacker , but there are alot of sims and 1000's of ppl that do love my games , those people are getting upset too :)

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There are gangs like that in sl, as was said in another post, they go to the highest bidder, I had an estate once and upset another estate owner she sent waves of them but as she had a bigger estate and better linden connections I was banned even if I spoke to her, so I closed all 31 sims, will never forget or trust anyone here including the lindens again.

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you mentioned blackmail being illegal but being ok in sl..

um sl is also restricted to RL laws as well and if it is happening in here it is just as illegal because it is a real world threat for real money..you can go to the police if someone is breaking real world laws..

that's what i would do if i were you..

maybe then LL will listen when the authorities come knocking for that persons rl information..

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Dazza Staheli wrote:

yes ty for that .. that was suggested to me today , my concern with that was that they are from an middle east counrty and i am not sure on the regulations or laws that apply there ,

I think it is safe to say that what they're doing is likely not lawful almost anywhere. Getting any legal recourse might be more difficult, however. Is there any way you can simply set the targeted regions to invitation-only groups until something more can be done?

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Dazza Staheli wrote:

yes ty for that .. that was suggested to me today , my concern with that was that they are from an middle east counrty and i am not sure on the regulations or laws that apply there , and in the meantime i / we am loosing about 100k a day , but tyvm for the reply

it may at least get them banned..if it is a sim owner doing this..it could be costly to them when they lose their sims..

i would still talk to the authorities to see what can happen..maybe  by informing LL and making them aware..they may become bound in some way to do something after that..

it's worth a try..just to see what your options are..


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hi tateru , unfortunately not , the sims in question are all gaming sims so open to public , i think the problems are that as we make more advanced things for SL we are more vunerable to attack , i realy thought LL would atleast suspend the main perpetrators for even a hour whilst they investigate it , i have now implemented many new devices to protect my games from being hacked but the 250 sims are still vunerable , i can only hope that LL will act today as these people are sending suptle warnings before they do it (this must be logged on their servers somewhere) , but tyvm for the reply :)

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Yeah, I also suggested to Dazza to try the way to report that to the authorities/police. Not, because there would be a chance get them in a lawsuit that would possibly involve 3 countrries in 3 continents (and would be more expensive than just to give up the biggest business in SL), but just to have the authorities knock at LL's door and ask for the RL data of the griefer.


LL CAN react quick and with suspending alts and even computers from access, they do that on other cases. In this case, a crime is done in SL (give me 100 kL$ to stop the griefing means: give me 400 US$ ... and that is blackmailing). As long as LL do not repond in a proper way, they might learn the hard way: having the authorities ask for the RL data.

If that would happen more often, they might think about allowing griefers so many ways to grief and residents so few ways to protect themselves and to be protected.

So reporting that griefer to the police would not aim at the griefer themselves, but at LL to think about if they let residents blackmail other residents (and hide behind: it's between residents, we can't do anything).


I think, Tateru made a good suggestion too, see, who you let on your sim ... however: if you want to get players to a game, it would not be good for the business to have them sign up to a group first. If you offer services like a big multiplayer game, gate should be open (though it's risky).

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The Lab are notoriously slow in clamping down on SL crime.....it's always been that way! If you have the ear of an Linden employee...that will most likely be the quickest and most effective way of getting something done.

I'm not sure contacting RL police will do much good in this instant....they have problems relating to some forms of internet crime i.e bringing down Sims, commited inside a Virtual world.....as opposed to a website stealing credit card numbers.

LL hate bad publcity, particularly media and social networks......maybe you should start tweeting Rod Humble LL CEO (@rodvik)....see what that does. He's currently got his hands full with the way his CS team have treated Ina Centaur. (another story for another occasion, unless you're following Twitter)

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There is more than one way to skin a cat, most from the middle east use Turkish owned sims to hide thier adult actions, in their own country they could face the death penalty, so a few pictures with naked girls shown sent to the embassy could shut them down, not for greifing you but for breaking laws that have long prison sentences or the death penalty, so I don't think they could be Muslim.

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What exactly are they doing to grief you?  You mention that they are a hacker/griefer.  Are they hacking your PC or using tools to grief your sim inworld?  If the latter what are they doing? Knowing that might help people give you suggestions for mitigating it.

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hi sy , first thing they did was shut down our sims . locked us out (land settings were group only rezz / scripts) groups for rezzing are by appointment only (hosts / managers only) , but they got over this somehow and locked the sims down which then required rolling back , after that they managed to crash our game , this game is a real time full grid game that relies on our server to run (first of its kind) , we think we have stopped them from getting to the servers and the game but all the sims (220 of them) are still open to attack , sim owners cant lock their sims down or they wont have any players :) ...

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From what you are saying it sounds like they are attacking the sim's servers, which not being an expert I'm not sure how they would do, but I would think that it would have LL responding to it as a high priority as it is an attack on their core systems.  Otherwise from what you said I can only think that it is somebody or people who have group rez and script abilities and is able to grief the sim with the usual tools.

I'm sure other people will have more insight than me, but thanks for adding the extra info/detail and good luck to you.

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hi qie , grid wide gaming is common on SL , but Real Time gaming is different , this requires alot more complicated scripts and servers to run as we are fighting sl time frames , so if you are on 1 sim and i am on another for us both to get exactly the same number rezzed at exactly the same second requires alot of calculating due to sim differences , this is what makes it easier to attack , the games are advanced enough to know when a sim is being attacked and will disconnect that board from the main frame , but this doesnt help all the sim owners and that is realy what this is about :)

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If you have enough proof of what is happening... LL can be held accountable if they do not do anything to stop it... doesn't matter where the blackmailer is, you are here in the states.... that makes the crime scene here.. not there.... if they do not do everything possible to help stop it... and its their "game" ... the can be sued as an accomplice or at least complicate in allowing it to happen....all it would take is probably one letter from a good lawyer and you will see that group of ppl disappear....

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In addition to calling your local police, you may want to check to see if your country has a special Cyber Crime unit and file a report with them.  In the United States, the FBI runs one.  I've put the link below.  Even if you are from the UK, it couldn't hurt to file a report there as LL is a US company and perhaps the griefers are living here too therefore the crime may also fall under US jurisdiction.


USA FBI Cyber Crime Reporting

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Kudos to you SimonLeo!  I'm sure a lot of us would be interested to hear anything you learn about the nature of these attacks.  I'd like to learn how someone might be "locked out of their sim" and what measures can be used to prevent it.  (No, I don't want details on how to reproduce the attack, just the technical nature of the threats.)

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