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Starting a club. Can hiring people that are under 30 days get me banned?

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The person who told you that is full of it.


There are some very good reasons for why folks prefer to hire over 30 days. But each person ought to decide for themselves, imo. Some people have had great success hiring folks less than 30 days old, while others not to much. It's a gamble to have employees no matter how long they've been here though.

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Very sparse info you're providing, Carl.

- Noob is premium and bought the land the club is on? Of course they have all land rights incl. eject/ban.

- Noob is renting the land/club? Depends on what rights the landlord provides them with.

- Noob wants to "get" avies suspended from SL? AR to LL, LL does the rest.

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Carl Thibodeaux wrote:

Someone told ms it is.. So now they want to redo the whole club.

I want to give noobs the chance.

It's a club on Mature land. What are your views?

whoever told you that you could be banned from second life for that..they were wrong..

if it was the club owner talking about their hiring rules..then  ya they can ban you from their land..but thats the only places it would hold water..not outside their land borders..



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Oh...can it get you banned from the club?

Yeah, if the owner says hiring 30 dayers will get you banned from the club then yes, the owner can ban whomever they want for whatever reason. Not hiring new avatars is common, it helps to cut down on hiring disposable griefers.

I thought you meant Second Life. 


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most the clubs that have a 30 day rule on new hires do bc is a high dropout rate from sl during that period. is time consuming to hire someone, set them up and teach them how everything works. then have them drop out on u, bc of their 1st encounter of emotional drama, most times not even anything to with the club

when ppl survive the 1st 30 days of sl then they pretty much a lot less emotionally fragile by then. seems like 

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Normally the reason for not hiring someone at a club under a certain age is because you want them to have a skin and some nice clothes. And you want them to have a fairly good idea of how SL and the viewer works. There is also the emotional thing and wondering if they will actually stick around. However regardless of age, there is a high turn over rate in clubs. If none of those things bother you, then there is nothing wrong with it. I started in a club within weeks of joining SL and stayed there for almost a year.

As for being able to get banned from SL for it, no way, that is nonsense. Now the person that owns the land or club could fire you and the person you hired and ban both of you from that parcel or sim. They can do whatever they want because they own it.

Also keep in mind a lot of people that show under 30 days old may actually be alts that have been in sl for years. Unless they admit that to you, you will never know.

I personally think its great you are willing to give new poeple in sl a chance at earning some lindens. One of the biggest reason poeple quit is because they can't figure out how to make money or can't find anything to do. You  hiring someone may keep them in sl longer, not make them quit.


Good luck with it.

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