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Diamonds on your Doorstep

Eloise Baily

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OK I'm jealous. My new neighbour has built a home so damn lovely I'm going to have to do some actual work! I need to make my place compliment it now. I've already IMed her and gained permission the plagiarise the poop out of her. Anyway, here is the lovely build. Do you have anything nice next door to you?


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ooh i would love to get a lot like that.......... i would do asian garden up the hill with watewrfalls and ponds and pathes that went off to the sides..one main path oin the middle that squiggled on the way up.... and just all kinds of cool stuffs ........ it looks very nice..... it makes me want to go land shopping hehehehehe

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well it beats the hell outs of a mega prim sign with the words 'trespassers keep out.'....or a gothic castle on a sub tropical beach...transylvania does waikiki doesnt really work for me ...or best of all a 100 metre black mega prim wall maintained by a nutcase until he'd made all his neighbours leave ad then bought their land ... !!!!

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I used to have a massive functioning "bat cave" next door to me haha. It was on an ideallic tropical sim which, until that point, had been beautifully landscaped en-masse by a whole group of my friends, but some land opened up... and this new guy apparently felt it needed an ugly towering 40x40x50 blob of rock to keep his batman suit/cars in. He kinda made me laugh lol, but geez.

Derender derender derender....

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Derender is lovely but not nearly permanent enough. There's a hideous skyscraper on a tiny bit behind me, hence the short DD.

Mine by the way is the house on its own at the bottom of the hill. I've stripped my land and now I've kinda carved out some teraces to match next door. Next step is deciding on the water. My land is tough to work with because it's triangular. It slopes away on 2 sides, but with a jaunty angle I can see it working for me.


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Sigh. :} I love that blank-canvas feel... although I get so focused and nest-buildy that I neglect friends for days until every sunbeam and lillypad is perfect. At least you have some amazing inspiration...

ETA: Will you post photos when it's done? Maybe a home/land photo-thread is in order soon. ;)

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Eloise Baily wrote:

I've torn it down 3 times already. This is not my forte.

I get this! :} I flooded three-quarters of my 4096 parcel and turned it into a shallow sort of row-boat pond-paradise, purely because the choices (and subsequent indecisions) were becoming too much for my buildy heart to take.

Well... possibly also I did it because I was at 1000+ prims just furnishing my house. :\

Take your time and enjoy it though-- and I still want photos when its done!

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I'm on commmercial land. If you look near me, you won't see much of anything. I'm actually grateful for that. There was a camping/ad thing just behind and one parcel over from me. I'm guessing they were asked to leave though(and it's likely the giant bilboard of naked noob dudes with freeni probably contributed to that request, I could be wrong, none of my neighbors talk, lol).

There's other people on the sim, but most are up in the air. There's a club and at least two stores from my last check. I don't wander the sim much to be honest. I'm kinda non-nosey, and when inworld lately, I'm usually building. That's where my store is too, 300m or so up in the air and about 100m above that is my build platform which at the moment has playground stuff on it. But my house, if you want to call it that (it's a box-sorta, you can see out, but not in without camming, and it has our, eh hem, rug, and an intan in it, lol) is on the ground. I've also got a building thingymabob on the ground('nother box I build on when making micros). I'm not sure if anyone on the sim has anything on the ground at the moment though. It's a flat sandy(with bits of grass here and there) sim.

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I stand corrected, lol. Seems some of my further back neighbors moved their locations to ground level, rather than up in the air. Maybe it's crowded up there, lol.

I decided to take a wander around the sim after replying earlier, curiosity, and stuff. Least now I know why the lag increased recently, and why daily restarts are part of our life (used to be more like every few days or weekly).

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Yep Tari, it's crowded up there alright!

Sounds nice Amethyst. I like living near water.

That's pretty LoveAngel. I've got a ridiculous amount of tropical stuff tucked in my inventory.

I've started mucking about with my place now, so pics may arrive at some distant point, but please, don't schedule your life around the event. ;)

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I'm bordered on a couple of sides by ugly and/or abandoned builds - really typical mainland stuff. To my south are a couple of plots which have been bought up for rental; they've been smoothed and left empty but for rental boxes and a single cloned tree on each (could be worse!). Another neighbour has pointless ground-level banlines serving to protect... nothing. They don't even block object-entry or have autoreturn on, so periodically there are vehicles and other junk stuck there. 

Two other neighbours have beautiful and well-considered builds; one a gallery and the other a store. The store in particular is lovely, with simple but effective landscaping, nice groundcover, trees and a well-proportioned building. For my part I keep ground level clear and have a garden on a platform in the sky. Looking further afield the standards are probably even lower... unfortunately you just can't expect great views on mainland.

The good neighbours (my parcel is actually behind the gallery, off to the left of picture):


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I have ~2500 sq.m of roadside land on a steep hill side and though the lack of flat land seems to be a bother to most it has been a fun challenge for me.  Had been slowly putting together something inspired by the Juro homes only making real progress when real inspiration hit me and not forcing a deadline. Been real happy with the results, really hope to finish someday.

Then one day I log in and all over the place are huge purple blocks, one of which right in front of my home blocking my view of the road and other builds I liked having in my view.  It's someone that owns lots of land there but in lots of small plots, my guess she is trying to drive off the other residents so she can buy up their land for her "party house" that she has announced in her land descriptions.

One thing about me that can drive people crazy is my ability to be a real stubborn ass, which I intend to be in this case.  The home I sent up into a skybox in hopes of being able to work on it in the future and I've started a new build, a Star Wars like tower high enough to look over the hill and view the lake in the neighboring sim, a view that Purple Prim Lady can't block.  And two small parts of my land, awkward shaped parcels I only bought for the prims, sit right in the middle of the land I think she is trying to consolidate.  Whatever I eventually do I intend to hold onto those as what I hope are thorns in her side.


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