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I'm kind of torn and confused on what system to get =(

Ceka Cianci

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i'm looking to get a new system maybe as soon as next week..

i'm torn on having it built or just getting something pre built..

i'm looking to spend right around $3,000...

i've been looking on google for the past couple of days and i find i am getting frustrated at the choices out there..

I like the amount of power i can get having one built..

but then again systems like say an alienware there is service agreements and support..i know they are costly..but i don't know if i want to worry about parts making it to my house and then having to send things back because of shippping breaking something or something being bad and have to wait for a card that is holding up the rest of the system..

i want to get something high end and for extreme gaming..

i looked at the alienware aurora alx and it has a lot of nice features and seems to be pretty upgradable..

and i love how you can cool it down with the neat setup they have where it goes into cooloff mode if you get too hot..

here is their add and also a video of it cooling down


Alienware Aurora ALX Cooling Down Thermal Controls


I've also been looking and IBUYPOWER and CYBERPOWER systems..

then also looked at the ASUS systems and  i'm at a point that i am cinfused as what i want..

I know i want something extreme that i don't have to worry about an ungrade for a year or two..

but i also want something that looks nice in my house..i want to get something as if i were also looking for furniture for my house..something i could set right next to my entertainment system that enhace it..

in other words i want to get something that is nice on the outside and packed with a punch on the inside..

i guess what i mean is i don't want to get a honda with a corvettes power..i want a corvette with a really awsome paint job lol

if i have to go over $3,000 i can..but i figure thats a good starting budget..


do any of you have any ideas or advice  as to a good place to look?

i don't want to try and build it myself..but if there is a good place that does build awesome systems that would be great also..

i just want to not have to worry about messing with a system for awhile and wonder if my system can handle anything..

i want to go fast..really fast on the net and in second life or where ever i go LOL

any help would be great..

i am so worn out and confused from looking on google..one minute you hear great things about a system..then the next link they are dragging it through the mud..

so for me it makes me so confused where to turn..i don't want to spend all this money and then hate my system lol


thank you to anyone that  responds..sorry if i sound goofy..i am just lost because i think i had taken in too much information in an area that i am not really good at understanding as much as i may have before..things have changed so much since a few years ago in gamer systems..


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I don't know how it works where you are, Ceka, but I always get my home computers built to order here in the UK.    Most computer repair shops here offer this service.   I just go in and explain to them what I want to use the machine for and give them an approximate budget.    

Since I don't know much about the hardware side of things, I explain I want it for SL, so good quality 3D graphics are very important, and that I understand nVidia cards are usually preferred for SL, show them the SL specs page and any relevant discussions here or at SLU I've found particularly interesting, and ask them to come up with a reasoned proposal.

I've always been very pleased with the results, and I've always ended up with something that seems to have a higher spec than something I could have bought for the same price in a store.   Plus there's the advantage that if I do need any after-sales service, it's a lot easier and faster to call up a guy in the local area and say, "you remember this computer you built for me" (often meaning him personally) than it is have to go through a store's support system.

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Kobuk Farshore wrote:

We're looking for
, Ceka, except I want it in laptop form. :smileyhappy: 

I would get an Asus or Battalion if I could customize one online better, but so far Alienware has most powerful choice of componants I want with the least hassle.

I'd love to hear what you decide on!

Alienware is sposed to unveil their new system on the 18th of this month so i want to see that one also...

i hate shopping for a new system..but i love shopping for a new system also LOL

i want to get the best bang for my buck but i also want it to be sexy lol

i still right now have 3 other tabs with google searches that i am going through right now..if i do see something that looks amazing  i'll post it up and also as soon as i know what i am getting..


i was looking at the laptops and Wildcat showed me hers..she is upgrading to the Asus G74 i think it is..i looked at those and the alienware as well..both are realy sexy..

but MSI also is something that i am looking at..

i may end up with a laptop  in the future..if i do it may be an MSI..they seem to have always been up there with gamers from what i remember..and looking at their laptop GT783-625US..if i were getting a laptop which i am not counting out..it may be this one hehehe


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I heard people hate alian wear, others like it. Laptops overheating to basically the "build it yourself is best" BUT....I haven't used one or owned one. I use junk, stuff people don't want lol. I figure if I can hobble by on this, then anything that works and is up to date can have it's side pulled off to cool it down (ok, not laptops..but, standing under a AC vent might help) and as long as I have slots to put stuff in I can change stuff...So, I say whatever is cheapest and has good reviews. Good warranties draw me towards some gear. Ram is obvious, but I even have seen lifetime warranties on GPU cards (viosontek, and zotec had one more year than some others) and THIS is what draws me to wanting to purchase parts and build myself.

As long as you know how, a big problem I guess. Because if you don't use antistatic wrist bands and wear cotton.....well, damaging a motherboard is big $$$ down the tubes when you get a gaming system. The individual parts replacements, warranties and basic knowledge of how to use those old parts you saved or got a good deal on when there was a sale (backups can help, to the girl with the two guns...well, there is also a bargain and this SLI etc. stuff I am a little clueless about/...uh, like duel CPU's but for GPU's? Or is it just for multiple monitors and using CUDA et al for tiny supercomputer nerds and tiny 'render farm' stuff or 'render gardeniing' lol?) uh...wow, I forgot what I was saying.

Yeah. If you build, you can get warranties on all those parts. If you buy the parts one by one, you have a reciept for each (and possibly save by shopping at llike 10 stores, which can be fun if you truly like shopping lol) so....yeah. I like that idea. But, I would hate for anyone to end up with a dead mother board and be all crying. So...sort of a sad deal.

SO, I have absolotely zero experience other than GPU cards are worth getting a good warranty on..I had one burn up. It was not to much to replace, and I got a good deal in a sale....but, yeah...this is important stuff! No PC, I walk around and have nothing much to do...or at least can't get anything done either way, so at least the PC is sort of a nice distraction for a while....though it can destroy your vision, your health and all that! So move around, don't die...or at least painfully die....unless you really want to....I can't stop you either way.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

I don't know how it works where you are, Ceka, but I always get my home computers built to order here in the UK.    Most computer repair shops here offer this service.   I just go in and explain to them what I want to use the machine for and give them an approximate budget.    

Since I don't know much about the hardware side of things, I explain I want it for SL, so good quality 3D graphics are very important, and that I understand nVidia cards are usually preferred for SL, show them the SL specs page and any relevant discussions here or at SLU I've found particularly interesting, and ask them to come up with a reasoned proposal.

I've always been very pleased with the results, and I've always ended up with something that seems to have a higher spec than something I could have bought for the same price in a store.   Plus there's the advantage that if I do need any after-sales service, it's a lot easier and faster to call up a guy in the local area and say, "you remember this computer you built for me" (often meaning him personally) than it is have to go through a store's support system.

ya we have a shop in town that is actually in walking distance from my house..i am going to go there  before the week is out to see what they can put together for me..

they have been great for when things have gone wrong with my current system..

it would be the best choice as far as being able to reach them when things go wrong lol

plus the guys there do know what they are doing..

what i want to make sure is that i go in there if i am going to have them build one..i want to make sure it is the best i can get for my budget..sometimes they can lean to a certain brand when there is something better out there..

if  intel is the best then i want their AMD guy to not try and sell me on an AMD because he thinks it's best because he is an AMD guy and biased about them.. lol

i had that happen before..

i guess i am just wanting to make sure i don't walk in and get shorted when i could have had something  that was way better..

they are good there..but i left the other guy in town because he wanted to unload something on his shelf which was power supplies ..i wanted the best i could get and he sold me something to just get me by..i was in there every 30 days changing out power supplies until i finally just ate it and went elsewhere lol

so i am trying to be armed with info this time around hehehe


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Phil Deakins wrote:

Can I haz your stuffs (your current machine when you've replaced it)?

i don't think you would want it lol

it was kind of a quick buy that really was not too bad but it wasn't anything great..

it's a dell dimension 3700 with an MSI NX8600GT Nividea GeForce video card and 3 gigs of DDR3 ram and i forget the other stuff lol

but that is pretty much maxed out on what you can do with it..

it's worked well for lots of things but it's not getting me what i want in second life..it does play other things pretty lagless though..like WoW..

it can handle lots of goodies in that..

but it's out of date..

i need more sexyness and powerness and more of other kinds of nesses  on my next system..

your system is probably better than this one  lol


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Be very careful Ceka. Top end Alienware, (I do mean custom Alienware - read multi cpu, huge ram, custom order), stagger when it comes to something as simple as SL.

Would you be using it for more intensive apps & games or just SL? Oh extreme you say..

The Aurora is an off the shelf model & run of the mill apart from le' bling. Just go max i7 for now with big fast ram, 20gb or so, ssd or two and possibly SLI or crossfire, but you can get GPU's with 3gb of ram these days.

Socket 2011 motherboards for example are in their infancy supporting only 1 processor at approx $1300 AUD atmo.

The bling is the killer, starting with liquid cooling for example. The tower beside me is three years old and can take 12 fans, but theres only 5 in it. That's all it needs.

If you really want to go nuts with your cash we could chat inworld if u want some "extreme" & expensive facts.

Honestly, unless you are employed in an area that demands "extreme" you can get awesome & extreme power for maybe half the price of blinged out retail just by doing your homework.

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Be very careful Ceka. Top end Alienware, (I do mean custom Alienware - read multi cpu, huge ram, custom order), stagger when it comes to something as simple as SL.

Would you be using it for more intensive apps & games or just SL? Oh extreme you say..

The Aurora is an off the shelf model & run of the mill apart from le' bling. Just go max i7 for now with big fast ram, 20gb or so, ssd or two and possibly SLI or crossfire, but you can get GPU's with 3gb of ram these days.

Socket 2011 motherboards for example are in their infancy supporting only 1 processor at approx $1300 AUD atmo.

The bling is the killer, starting with liquid cooling for example. The tower beside me is three years old and can take 12 fans, but theres only 5 in it. That's all it needs.

If you
want to go nuts with your cash we could chat inworld if u want some "extreme" & expensive facts.

Honestly, unless you are employed in an area that demands "extreme" you can get awesome & extreme power for maybe half the price of blinged out retail just by doing your homework.




i know alienware is over priced hehehe thats been its reputation since forever hehehe i knew by posting it up here that i would get that response from people lol

i used to give that to people as well..i guess i was just  hoping there was something out there that i could just go and get without having to build something or wait a month to have it built..kind of like going out and getting a car hehehehe

hey there is a ferrari..i'll take it..you know it's gonna kick butt lol..

computers are different..

hey there is a ferrari..ya but they are nothing like the car you could build yourself for half of the cost lol

i guess what i am saying is i have money for a ferrari..but if i can get a ferrari for half of what i have..then i want something better than a ferrari that cost $3000..

like if i found a $6,000 dollar system and could make that for $3,000..thats the one i am looking for  hehehehe

it's a gift from my husband  so i have the whole 3,000 and even more if i need it to get the system i want.i don't care if it is over kill from what i will mostly use it for..i want the extra room incase i want to do more with it hehehe

it's for SL and anything else that comes along..i may even add to it and get three monitors  for my new desk hehehehehe

it will be a long time before i can ever give him an ear full of anything but kisses..

any argument we have he wil be like..oh ya and that new system you got!! wasn't that love!!!??






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Alienware crashes and burns...You would buy a very expensive end table!

Here is the system I am thinking of getting. Any thoughts?


  • Intel® Core™ i3-2100 processor
    Features a 3MB cache and 3.1GHz processor speed.
  • Intel® Core™ i3 processor
    Features smart 4-way processing performance for HD quality computing. Intel® HD graphics are built into Intel's smart new processors.
  • 8GB DDR3 memory
    For multitasking power.
  • Multiformat DVD±RW/CD-RW drive with double-layer support
    Records up to 8.5GB of data or 4 hours of video using compatible DVD+R DL and DVD-R DL media.
  • 1TB Serial ATA hard drive (7200 rpm)
    Offers plenty of storage capacity.
  • Intel® HD graphics 2000
    For lush images. HDMI output for connection to an HDTV.
  • 16-in-1 media reader
    Supports Memory Stick, Memory Stick PRO, Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick PRO Duo, Secure Digital, miniSD, Secure Digital High Capacity, miniSDHC, xD-Picture Card, Microdrive and CompactFlash I/II formats.
  • Also compatible with MultiMediaCard, Reduced-Size MultiMediaCard, MultiMediaCard Plus and MultiMediaCard mobile formats.
  • 6 high-speed USB 2.0 ports
    For simple connectivity.
  • Built-in 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet LAN
    For quick and easy wired Web connection.
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit operating system preinstalled
    Provides a stable computing platform.
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i should have never mentioned alienware lol it's overtaking  what i was trying to say..

i basically have 3,000 minimum for a system..i am not spending less than that hehehe

if i can only top out at $2500 in parts because that is where technolidgy has us at,,then i have 500 more to spend on whatever else i can for it..

so basicaly if there is a shelf model out there that i can get that cost 500 more than one i can make..i'd be happy to get that..i just want to be able to not make it a long venture on getting a new system..waiting for parts to come in from the fed ex guy and stuff like that..

i don't really see much  in any searches i have done so far...so i'm probably stuck having to make one..

i used to be so up on this stuff..then i got a dell and fell out of the loop because i didn't have to look up stuff for my good computer anymore =(

bleh..i just want a system that if one day i feel like taking over the world a girl could take over the world with no lag and a few shineys to make it a more pleasing experience hehehehehe


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I just woke up and am kinda bleary eyed so I haven't read every word here.  Ceka it looks like you're wanting a desktop, but i wanted to mention to anyone considering having a laptop built you might want to check out xotic pc.

 I got my Sager laptop from them a couple of months ago and it was the most amazing experience, their customer service has been over the top.  I was really impressed with the reviews I found about them and so far they've lived up to everything I'd read. 

Before I ordered it I called to ask some questions and got my own 'guy', who gave me his personal extension so that if I had more questions I'd go right to him.  I did call back a couple of days later, and it went to voicemail, he called me within five miinutes and apologized for having been on another line.  OMG!  

I have lifetime 24/7 tech support, I used it once after i first got my machine and "Donald" answered within three rings, after he helped me with my question, we chatted for a bit and he gave me a whole lot of other tips, in other words he wasn't in a hurry, it felt like I was talking to a tech savvy neighbor.  

I love my laptop!!! (actually it's considered a desktop replacement, 17.3" monitor and I'll be hooking up a larger monitor to it at some point)  In sl I often get over 80 FPS with my settings on ultra. The only surprises I've had with this machine have been good ones. :) 

off to get more coffee....

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Leyna, thank you so much for posting this! I think you just helped me find my laptop. :} The Sager NP7282 looks amazing and is actually cheaper with better specs than the Alienware I was looking at. Plus, I was reading some iffy reviews about Dell customer service, and that it was taking 6 weeks for people to get their machines.







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Kobuk Farshore wrote:

Leyna, thank you so much for posting this! I think you just helped me find my laptop. :} The Sager NP7282 looks amazing and is actually cheaper with better specs than the Alienware I was looking at. Plus, I was reading some iffy reviews about Dell customer service, and that it was taking 6 weeks for people to get their machines.







i agree that looks like a nice site and they have all the really nice laptops there also..

as much work as it looks like in getting a desktop together i may just go and get the ASUS or MSI ..i seen where i can hook up 3 monitors to the MSI..so if i want to use my monitor  or get a couple more.i can do that..

plus still have mobility of taking my system where i want to go..

things must really be moving to laptops..i mean i spent hours and hours and hours doing desktop searches only to get laptop links popping up..

google if filled with tons of desktop stuff if you want to read about things from 2009 lol



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Ceka: I totally agree, technology reviews more than a year old should be relegated to some dark dusty 20th page of Google searches, lol. As for desktop vs laptop, I think gaming laptops are really just "slightly more portable desktop alternatives" and I doubt I'll be carrying my brick around much other than to get on a plane. A 27" monitor will be something else I need to buy. :}

Leyna: :smileyvery-happy: No worries, I'm the same way with telling people how wonderful Macs are. I don't think I'd heard of XoticPC before but they do have impressive reviews, so I'm really glad you posted. Decent customer service is also a huge plus since I live in northern Alaska and don't have the option of finding a walk-in place to build my computer. I was fairly anxious about that with Alienware.

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

i basically have 3,000 minimum for a system..i am not spending less than that hehehe

if i can only top out at $2500 in parts because that is where technolidgy has us at,,then i have 500 more to spend on whatever else i can for it..] 

I could build 2 systems with 2 monitors each for that much that would both run sl on ultra just fine with enough money left over to buy diner for the whole family for a week. Are you shure you need to spend that much?

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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

There is a difference between ultra and deferred rendering enabled with high settings

Every one says they rung "great" on ultra, but cringe when they enabled deferred and their fps drop to 12 :matte-motes-mad:

I did mean deferred. In order to spend 3k you'd have to get an SB-E system and run quad SLI which IMHO is a massive waste for sl.

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As far as I can tell Ceka is looking for a desktop.


ETA: Given the price difference between laptops and desktops I think I'd still recommend a desktop even if she was looking for a laptop. Many people don't even need a laptop, they just let it sit on their desk. And there's a good chance that buying a cheap but faster desktop and paying a teenager minimum wage to carry it for you would end up costing less the the laptop.

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