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Privacy Question


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I have a query about privacy which i'm hoping someone can help with, someone is using something...i dont know if its a third party viewer or a hud or something to track when i log off and log on aswell as other names i have, is this against TOS and if it is how do i go about getting this person banned or there programs removed to stop tracking me, naturally this must be grossly against privacy for second life residents and must be stopped =x thanks for all answers in advance!

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There is no real privacy in Second Life. Most TPVs allow others to see when you are online. And it is not against the ToS. What is against the guidelines is harrassing, griefing or threatening you. In these cases, you are entitled to file an Abuse Report including as much as proofs as possible such as chat and IM logs and pictures if you have any.


Check the permissions on your friends list. Make sure you don't allow an unwanted person to see you on the map. Set your web profile privacy to friends only or nobody. Avoid pics and names of your favorite places, that's often how people can find you.

In the end, the only way to be completely incognito in SL is to create an alt without telling anybody.

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I use one of these devices. It is called an Avatar Online Tracker.  It only shows the log in and log out times of people, and does not actually tell anyone where another avatar is, and is really only the equivalent of you being able to look across your street, and see if a car pulls into a driveway or a light comes on in a window to know that your neighbours are home.  It does not invade anyone's privacy any more than that either.

Anyone can see when you are online, or when you last logged in, if they join the same groups as you, and look at the list of group members.

As has already been said in this thread, the only way to have total privacy/anonymity, is to create an alternative account and tell no one about it.  I have those too - we all need to be unavailable at times, and it's far easier than just having to hide behind the sofa when someone calls :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

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do they know anything about you..like what groups you are in or where you go to hang out..

people can be very resourceful and persistant even without a program or hud..

try to figure out if they are in any of the same groups..groups can give out the last time you logged into sl..also if you are logged in at the moment as well..

also they may know someone you know and getting information from other people and those people not even know they are giving away important information..

if you show your groups in your profile..all they have to do is join any of them that are open enrollment..

with LL pushing all this web based crap..it's gonna get less and less private the more it goes on..


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As far as 'knowing other names'  you have, there was a product called RedZone a few months back  that was able to find out your IP address and the names of all avatars associated with that address.  However that product is banned from SL now.  Its possible however that there are similar things around. 

If someone is resourceful and persistent enough they can find out the names of your alts in many ways that are perfectly legal.  If your alts belong to the same groups as you do, if you have pictures of them in your profile, or even friends that know the names and give them out on purpose or inadvertently, to name a few.  I've even seen people create alts that are exactly like their main avi, other than having a different name. 

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Privacy in Sl you came to the wrong place then if that what you was looking for,, might has well wear a big sign saying I'm online ( that was a joke ) yeah there huds but you don't have to have them to see you online open up your profile all it take for the most part ,, heck even IM you and they will know .

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ya you have to really kind of make a game out of stalkers lol

you must enjoy the stalker ..embrace the stalker ..drive them nuts with attention to where they now feel like you will be boiling rabbits in their kitchen..

make them want  to get away from you..love them more than they have ever been loved..so much that they run!! \o/


my song to my stalker..it is the deal closer :P

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As people have said, it is simple to know if you log on or off in sl. They shouldn't currently be able to detect alts easily, unless you are not careful. I enjoy determining who is an alt of who, it's sort of a hobby. There's nothing wrong with that as long as you don't use spy tech like Redzone to do it, and if you don't hassle them about it. I keep the knowledge to myself.

What I use to determine who is an alt of who is the silly mistakes most people make. They introduce alts to the people they know, then log on and off contigously. If Fred and Sue are seldom on at the same time, and one always logs on within a couple minutes of the other logging off, it gives a pretty good clue. If they have the same groups, make the same typos, have the same indosyncracies, you have some good confirmation. If they bring up the other account to ask how you feel about them or show up in a place they shouldn't know about when people close to the other account are there, it is just getting childish.

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Courtney Sinister wrote:

What I use to determine who is an alt of who is the silly mistakes most people make. They introduce alts to the people they know, then log on and off contigously. If Fred and Sue are seldom on at the same time, and one always logs on within a couple minutes of the other logging off, it gives a pretty good clue. If they have the same groups, make the same typos, have the same indosyncracies, you have some good confirmation.

Maybe they introduce them because they want people to know, and its odd that you call this a silly mistake.

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