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I have Followers! Wait. What?

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OK, here's a poser.

Last week, I removed six people that I no longer talk to and/or who are no longer in SL from my friends list. Today, while configuring the new Firestorm release that I installed, I noticed a setting that allows one to "Use web profiles by default." It loads profiles a little slower than the old-style profiles, but works fine.

I decided to play with the buttons that appear on the left side of the web profile window to see if there was anything new there. That's where it starts to get weird for me.

I noticed, upon looking on my Friends tab/page that I was "Following" six people, and that I also had six "Followers." This, despite the fact that I've never "followed" anybody, and that my profile is also currently locked down so that nobody can "follow" me.

What is perhaps most interesting is that the six people that I was "Following" and the six people that are "Following" me are the same six people that I removed from my friends list last week.

Just to see if what I thought was happening was happening, I added one of my alts as a friend, had the alt accept, and then unfriended the alt. I'm now "following" the alt and the alt is indeed now "following" me.

Is this a new bug? Is this a new "feature" to let people who may have missed the fact that I've booted them off of my friends list know that I've done just that? Or is this just LLs way of forcing/coaxing people to "follow" each other?

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You are indeed correct, Griffin. I just looked, and my follower is indeed someone I removed from my friends list, because they deleted their account. Wonderful. and no way to remove them from the following list >:(

ah: here it is:


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That would account for why, having logged in with V3, I found that I had a follower - someone who hadn't logged into SL for a very long time.

If it's not a bug, it's downright stupid. I can't believe that anyone with a brain would programme it that way, except perhaps as a way to get the system going, albeit with false data.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

You are indeed correct, Griffin. I just looked, and my follower is indeed someone I removed from my friends list, because they deleted their account. Wonderful. and no way to remove them from the following list

I found I had a false follower and I'm sure I managed to remove her. I'm off to V3 to check...

ETA: Yep. I did remove her. I'd found that she was following me and I was following her. Now neither of us are following the other. I don't know how I did it, but I did remove her from following me. At least I think I did. I suppose she could have logged in, found it, and removed me from her "following" list.

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I had the same thing happen. Oh well, i don't care hugely, but it would be nicer to see the system working correctly.

It is all pretty new so I cut Linden some slack. At least the overall profile design here that is appealing now, no longer some no-design-style holdover from early nineties looking like something you'd find in some techy admin software backport.

Really though.... I just want them to add rich content to these web profile things so I can post pics and video. Until that happens.... :matte-motes-bored: meh

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@Charolotte: "Good" to know I'm not the only one. Thanks for the link.

@Phil: If you ever figure out how you removed your "follower," do let us know.

@WADE1: You can add snapshots to your profile feed. It posts the location, too, for good or bad. Still not enough for me to use it.

@Perrie: I bet you could pick up some "followers" from your post(s) here if you allowed them.

@Ceka: Hit the "People" tab on profiles inworld or at my.secondlife.com. Your friends will be on the first tab on the resulting page and "Following"/"Followers" on the next two. It doesn't have to be "on" for one to get "followers" or to "follow," apparently. Which isn't so much a problem as it is an annoyance.

@Perrie: LOL!

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

where does it show you have followers?

maybe because mine is off i don't ever see any hehehe

that or i just don't ever really have any hehehe

but if i were to ever get any..where would i see them at?


You are automatically following all you friends, so they won't show in 'following'.  If you click the People button on the left, there will be 3 tabs on the top of the window: Friends, Following (this will not show your friends, but you are following them and they are following you), and Followers.

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Ah. It all becomes clear to me.

So, rather than automatically "unfollowing" me from people that I was unaware I was even "following" (and no, I wasn't aware that I was "following" everybody on my friends list; I think I've gotten a total of five updates from other people's "walls," which shows just how popular that feature is among my set of friends), LL decided that I should "follow" them anyway.

I guess it's been decided for me that, in SL, I'm going to be a "social media" user whether I want to be one or not.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

@Perrie: I bet you could pick up some "followers" from your post(s) here if you allowed them.

that could be seriously scary.................

regardless of that i have no intention of activating the function InWorld

i already go into sensory overload as is with pop ups and notices and have them turned off in almost every group i am in.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

You are indeed correct, Griffin. I just looked, and my follower is indeed someone I removed from my friends list, because they deleted their account. Wonderful. and no way to remove them from the following list

I found I had a false follower and I'm sure I managed to remove her. I'm off to V3 to check...

ETA: Yep. I did remove her. I'd found that she was following me and I was following her. Now neither of us are following the other. I don't know how I did it, but I did remove her from following me. At least I think I did. I suppose she could have logged in, found it, and removed me from her "following" list.

Yes, if she removed herself from following you, then she is no longer showing as following you. Mine and some others issue is, in part, that I have a follower that is no longer an active account and there is not an option to remove them from following me. They cannot do it themselves because they (the avatar's account) no longer exists. 

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Charly Muggins wrote:

I have no followers
but I am now following Rodvik Linden.

Oh but you do. According to Cinnamon (previous page of this thread), we are automatically following everyone in our friends list, but they don't show in the Followers tab.


The reason why those who are removed from a Friends list show as Followers is because they were invisible followers as friends but, since they are no longer friends, they are no longer invisible followers, and therefore they show in the Followers list. Not removing people as Followers when they are removed as Friends looks like an oversight on LL's part. Nothing new there then.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Charly Muggins wrote:

I have no followers
but I am now following Rodvik Linden.

Oh but you do. According to Cinnamon (previous page of this thread), we are automatically following everyone in our friends list, but they don't show in the Followers tab.



You're assuming Charly has friends though and I think I can say from observations of late that he definitely has none in high places around here.  :smileywink:

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Feed 1.jpg


Phil Deakins wrote:

Charly Muggins wrote:

I have no followers
but I am now following Rodvik Linden.

Oh but you do. According to Cinnamon (previous page of this thread), we are automatically following everyone in our friends list, but they don't show in the Followers tab.


The reason why those who are removed from a Friends list show as Followers is because they were invisible followers as friends but, since they are no longer friends, they are no longer invisible followers, and therefore they show in the Followers list.
 Not removing people as Followers when they are removed as Friends looks like an oversight on LL's part. Nothing new there then.

Does any one know if there is a Jira about this?

I mean seriously, I am going to start posting every time I decide to chew on my toe nails.

Toe Jam anyone? Very tasty.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

@Phil: If you ever figure out how you removed your "follower," do let us know.

The person who I removed from my friends list, because I thought she'd gone from SL - the one who was in my "Following" and "Followers" tabs, and thought I may have removed her from both. She hadn't gone from SL at all, but logs in only occasionally. So I checked with her as to whether or not she stopped "following" me. She hadn't. In fact, she had no idea what I was talking about, and she's never seen the V3 viewer.

So it looks like either I did find a way to remove her from my "Followers", or the system did it some time after I'd removed her from my "Following" list. One thing is for sure - she was in both my lists (Following and Followers) when I discovered them not many days ago - when I d/loaded and tried the V3 - and she isn't in either list now.

I feel a bit guilty, removing her from my friends list when she hadn't gone for good, but it wasn't my fault, guv :/

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