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Customers receiving Marketplace items that I am not paid for!!!

Paulette Parkin

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I just had a querie from a customer asking me to customise a texture she purchased from me on the marketplace, she even sent me the texture so I would know which one it was. When I check the transaction history the marketplace shows that the textures were not paid for & that the delivery partially failed!

Looking at my records I dont have a particularly high proportion of delivery partially failed orders but there are enough to make me quite concerned at how many other customers have received goods that I have not received the money for!

I shall of course file a ticket but does anyone else have any experience of this worrying phenomenon?

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Brooke's response to problems such as this is to alert them - file a ticket or something -- when it happens. The problem, tho, is that we don't know when it happens unless the customer happens to contact us about the purchase. So it could very well be a common problem -- but we would only hear about it in a small percentage of cases.

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I gave up worrying about it. LL's commerce team does not accept any input or feedback. The LL CEO appears to have no control over them. The only way to be assured of credit for sales is to sell in world or via a non LL controlled marketplace.


Maybe I get paid. Maybe I don't. The task of auditing LL's freebie code websiteis too massive to bother with anymore. Free code is worth what you pay for it.

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Josh Susanto wrote:

But if the customer doesn't indicate getting the item for free, that would seem to mean that the money went somewhere.

Where did it go?

You already know what I think.

so, let me see... November 17 :: 20 times Delivery Partially Failed with total of 9397L$. None of these 20 customers had contacted me to complain. Should i assume that they got all the stuff they bought and i'm short of 9397L$ which went to LL pocket? FailedDeliveries17nov.jpg

November 16 :: 12 times Delivery Partially Failed with total of 4362L$.

November 15 :: 4 times

and then it goes 1-3 failed deliveries a day... So what happened on November 16-17??

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First thing I would do is contact everyone of those customers to see if they got the product and money was withdrawn from their account.  Of course, emphasize that in no way do you want them to pay for any product that they recieved even if money was not subtracted from their account.  Emphasize there may be an issue between yourself and Linden Labs and that you need the information for research purposed only and to verify if there is a problem.  If they did pay for the product, ask them nicely if they would take a screen shot of the transaction and send it to you.  The evidence of a problem (if there is a problem) you have to present to Linden Labs that they have a problem with their system, the faster the problem can be fixed.  Of course, if there is a problem, I would be demanding that Linden Lab pay you Linden $ they did not pass on plus interest.  If they won't, take them to RL court.  If its a problem with they system, it could turn into a class action suit.

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It's not impossible that every single one of those customers simply didn't notice or decided not to mention the fact that they were not charged.

But it does seem unlikey that even as many as what looks (blurred) like no fewer than at least 8 different customers would all be either sufficiently unobservant or sufficiently sociopathic not to eventually send you a message.

Of course, if they're all secret Linden alts, the probability would tend to increase. 

As for the money, itself, if it went "nowhere", that's the same as going to LL, since LL ultimately profits by destroying money in order not to pay it out later. 

So if LL say they don't have the money, they actually do have it unless someone else does. 

They better be prepared to show that someone has that money.

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I wonder if the "Delivery Partially Failed" applies to your items in every case? I thought I remembered (and it's been a while since i've had one personally - my things tend to get bought as singles) that you'll get a "DPF" in email if any of the items in the cart failed, not just yours. Maybe be worth checking in fine detail?

Meanwhile I had a similar yet different strange one today - saw an IM that MB delivered 3 items all at 17:30 - still (after 6 hrs) there's no record of any sale or payment anywhere - in my SL or SLM records. Does anyone know if there's a jira for this particular event yet?

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Ok re this - I just went through some "Delivery Partially Failed" in my SLM history - and when you click on the details to the right, some will say "failed" and some will say "delivered".

So yes it is giving you the status of the *entire* order, not just your items.

Which is, just,  gobsmackingly stupid. Why on earth do we need to know about other merchants' sales in the same cart, and have our own sale's status obfuscated in the process???

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Zanara Zenovka wrote:

I wonder if the "Delivery Partially Failed" applies to your items in every case? I thought I remembered (and it's been a while since i've had one personally - my things tend to get bought as singles) that you'll get a "DPF" in email if
of the items in the cart failed, not just yours. Maybe be worth checking in fine detail?

Meanwhile I had a similar yet different strange one today - saw an IM that MB delivered 3 items all at 17:30 - still (after 6 hrs) there's no record of any sale or payment anywhere - in my SL or SLM records. Does anyone know if there's a jira for this particular event yet?

That might mean that the MP redelivered something at customer request. But there's no way of knowing, is there?

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I have not been paid for ANYTHING since November 13th ! even though the customer was delivered the item ! i now have THIRTEEN support tickets pending in the last 3 days and will continue to inundate LL's with support tickets for each and every item delivered and my account not credited


Delivered item VALUABLE SCRIPTS.
VALUABLE SCRIPTS     45340317     Undelivered     L$5     Not paid     SL RESIDENT


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Skylace Moonshadow wrote:

I have not been paid for ANYTHING since November 13th ! even though the customer was delivered the item ! i now have THIRTEEN support tickets pending in the last 3 days and will continue to inundate LL's with support tickets for each and every item delivered and my account not credited


Delivered item VALUABLE SCRIPTS.

VALUABLE SCRIPTS     45340317     Undelivered     L$5     Not paid     SL RESIDENT


That example you gave is an item that was *not* delivered - see the "Undelivered" status there?


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I am having the same problem.  The record shows in my transactions "delivery partially failed." The record shows in my customers transcations,"delivery failed," but in REALITY, the customer actually receives the product

I tested this with my partner. She ordered a product from me and her account was deducted 200L.   Her records showed, "delivery failed," and mine showed, "delivery partially failed," yet She received the product from my MarketPlace Box. I never recieved the Linden for it.  Someone did, but not me. 

I spoke with another customer today and she verified the same thing.  She recieved products, and her records showed she had paid for them, but also that the delivery had failed.  For the past three daysmy records show ALL sales as Partially Failed Deliveries.  Every customer I have spoken to has paid for the product, and the product was delivered.  Linden has kept 14,000L worth of my sales so far.  I have a ticket in, and an IM to a Lidnen, but no reponse as of yet.

This is a VERY REAL problem.  Linden is taking my money. 

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I agree with Pamela, please create a JIRA and post the link here. What you are experiencing is a serious issue. To date, people have reported this kind of thing, but haven't necessarily had the documentation to demonstrate it. It sounds like you have the necessary documention to let the Commerce Team know and investigate/fix.

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What is a JIRA?  I'll provide all documenation I can.  Much will have to be logs of dialogue with customers who have checked their records for me.  I can get them to send me those records, and my partner can dup this problem at the drop of a hat.  It happens with every sale that goes through my store now.

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Cald, Pamela may not have seen your post, so here's how to file a JIRA:

1. Go to https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa

2. Log in

3. There's a tutorial there on how to create a JIRA. In short, click on the little +Create in the upper right hand of the page, and select the project-Web (for Marketplace) and issue type-bug. Then, you'll need to fill in the required information, including any screenshots or spreadsheets that support your issue (When I create one, I always blur out customer names in my attachments to respect their privacy). In the "edit" section, there's an advanced tab so you can set the priority.

It took me a little while to figure out when I first did one, so just have patience while you're doing it.

4. Once it is created, a number will be assigned and you'll be able to copy/paste a link back here in this discussion.

Hope that helps!

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Thank you Arwen. Sorting data now. The Good news is, my problem seems to be resolved in that orders are finally going through again properly.  I removed all my old boxes, replaced them with new ones, and reset them all.  That seemd to clear it up. 

I still have the issue of recovering over 18K for product delievered for which i wasn't paid though.  Honestly I'm not hopeful linden wil return that to me but we'll see.   Maybe my JIRA will them see the error.


Cald Stine

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Cald, a JIRA may be helpful if this is happening to others, or, if it happens to you again. I would suggest sending the info on lost sales to Support in a Support ticket with your documentation as an attachment so they can help sort it out/investigate, and, maybe recover your funds for you. Usually, Marketplace Support (Dakota) is really quick to reply...just not sure today since the LL offices may be closed or only partially staffed for the US Thanksgiving holiday.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the same problem and i created a ticket yesterday.

They kept telling me its a region problem but its not!

and i can tell you where the money goes too... it goes back to the buyer!

I tested this a couple time... The person buys something i see the status: Being Delivered after a hour or 2 it changed intoo Delivery Partially Failed The money get send to the person that bought your item while they did got the item already!

Its a lot of money and i just hope that LL fixes this and give me the money i should have gotten.

At this moment i got instructions and now my whole marketplace is inactive im totally not amused by this....

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