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the new ver 2 update sucks


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i dont like this new update at all. all the stuff has changed. i have ims from clubs filling up the right side of the screen. it takes me longer now to find something now. other stuff is on here now that i dont need.  the stuff is smaller now and is hard to read as well. and what is with thie av thing why do i wont to be a noob av thats just so dum im sorry i dont need something like that.

I whoud like the ims and pop like clubs and freins on the botom  where it was. and why do i need to know what the land is called thats dum. i dont wont to know what the land is called i can find out jsut find with out it. it needs to be set back the whay it was.

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How they did what they did was idiotic, by giving no notice or transition help, but the viewer itself isn't bad. In the "Me" menu open up "Toolbars". You can drag the buttons you don't want off and move the ones you do want to either side or the bottom. And, assuming you've only been using Viewer 2/3, if you tried using Singularity you'd probably kick a hole in your monitor because the layout is COMPLETELY different from Viewer 2.

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Agreed. Until I can FULLY configure it, add more toolbars and move group chat indication back to the bottom I will stay on 3.1. Users should still have the sidebar as an option instead of having individual windows pop up all over the place, as well a the ability to add at least 1 or 2 extra toolbars to the top and bottom. Perhaps they should stop herp derping with the UI and fix these performance and rendering issues that so many ppl have problems with...but then again LL never listens to the users, so I dont even know why Im typing this.

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Good for you, you think it sucks, don't use it. No need to post this garbage really. You could have gone all through life without having to.


As for me  like the new V3. It's a compromise between old and new. You can move the buttons where you need them. You can have them at the bottom like V1.  And the IMs and Notifications are back up in the upper right corner. You know the corner the same you people bitched about NOT having their Announcements. So LL moved them back to the OLD position and now you people bitch they're not where you're used to seeing them. *eyeroll*


But I guess that what LL gets for trying to please un-statisfiable dimwits.

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FireFox Bancroft wrote:

Good for you, you think it sucks, don't use it. No need to post this garbage really. You could have gone all through life without having to.

I rather appreciate the OP. It lets me know not to bother updating to the latest official viewer. As for no need to post garbage, the same could be said about your post. You like V3, good for you. Re-arrange your buttons and be happy.

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i dont like this new update at all. all the stuff has changed. i have ims from clubs filling up the right side of the screen. it takes me longer now to find something now. other stuff is on here now that i dont need.  the stuff is smaller now and is hard to read as well. and what is with thie av thing why do i wont to be a noob av thats just so dum im sorry i dont need something like that.

I whoud like the ims and pop like clubs and freins on the botom  where it was. and why do i need to know what the land is called thats dum. i dont wont to know what the land is called i can find out jsut find with out it. it needs to be set back the whay it was.

tasha35 wrote:

i dont like this new update at all. all the stuff has changed. i have ims from clubs filling up the right side of the screen. it takes me longer now to find something now. other stuff is on here now that i dont need.  the stuff is smaller now and is hard to read as well. and what is with thie av thing why do i wont to be a noob av thats just so dum im sorry i dont need something like that.

I whoud like the ims and pop like clubs and freins on the botom  where it was. and why do i need to know what the land is called thats dum. i dont wont to know what the land is called i can find out jsut find with out it. it needs to be set back the whay it was.

In this thread:  Stop liking things I don't like.


Seriously, technology changes. Its laughable how whenever linden labs changes anything, you get people that go off  about "Th1z updaye iz sux!" because it's different. Was that way when voice came out, was that way when display names came out, was that way with v2 and the sidebar, now is that way with this. I mean come on. People are never happy. Just because YOU don't use a feature does not make it useless. I might need to know the name of the land i am in. I might  like having my IMs and notices pop up on the top.  They should have the option to set it back, but for those that like the new UI they should have that choice too.


FireFox Bancroft wrote:

Good for you, you think it sucks, don't use it. No need to post this garbage really. You could have gone all through life without having to.


As for me  like the new 
. It's a compromise between old and new. You can move the buttons where you need them. You can have them at the bottom like V1.  And the IMs and Notifications are back up in the upper right corner. You know the corner the same you people bitched about NOT having their Announcements. So LL moved them back to the OLD position and now you people bitch they're not where you're used to seeing them. *eyeroll*


But I guess that what LL gets for trying to please un-statisfiable dimwits.

This. Seriously. I like v3, even thoguh I mostly use firestorm. I see 3.2 as being a step in the right direstion. is it perfect? No. is it exactly Like v2? nope, its actually more v1 like which will hopefully get the luddites off v1 viewers onto something more modern. Its funny, all you people moan and gripe about how bad v2 was, then when they make a change to it to make it more like v1 then you guys gripe about that. Come onnnnnn. Seriously, some of you are unsatisfiable, and it really is very annoying.


Randall Ahren wrote:

I rather appreciate the OP. It lets me know not to bother updating to the latest official viewer. As for no need to post garbage, the same could be said about your post. You like V3, good for you. Re-arrange your buttons and be happy.

Erm, except OP didn't say anything, just "Dis viewer suxxxx". Yeah, its not perfect, but half the issues he or she listed are not bad problems. They can be ignored or dismissed or moved around. The viewer doesnt suck because its crashing or making peoples computers turn into radioactive goo or deleting inventories, it apparently sucks because the UI is different

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It is working great for me. Although I would really prefer a non modal approach to windowing so the tools are not trapped in the viewer window and I would prefer all coms in a single tabbed window and get rid of the so-called "chiclets" lagging up the screen. If the tool windows were not modal they could be slid to seperate monitors in multi monitor configurations leaving the main viewport for the immersion.


However this is a good start. There is more to come too.

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This is really hilarious! :matte-motes-evil-invert: Nothing seems to be good for some people. When V2 came there was terrible outcry how it SUCKS. "We want V1 UI back, NOW!" The Lab made some changes to V2 UI. Some started to get used to it after initial complaints. Many still continued to hate V2. In the latest V3 viewers there is new UI, configurable to some degree, no sidebar, floating windows like in V1 viewers, notification on top right like they were in V1. Even the annoying pop ups can be disabled.

And yet, the complaning continues! "I want the sidebar back, I don't want the floating windows all over the place. I want notifications down in the right corner. I want popups. I don't want the popups, etc, etc..."

I really do like the new V3 UI. It's configurable. It resembles V1 UI (that's what many where hoping for, right?). Neat feature is Ctrl-Shift-U which hides all the controls leaving just the graphics. Press Ctrl-Shift-U again, the controls are back. Great! That is the right direction. It will become a great viewer, IMO. I think the majority will come to like the new UI. Then of course there will be the ones who hate any change, unlearning old habits and learning new ones.

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What's the purpose of V2/V3? Does it render faster, achieve greater frame rates, take less CPU cycles or what? It couldn't have been to just render mesh, because Singularity with V1 code does that.

Is V2/V3 just supposed to ape Facebook? I get emails periodically from Facebook informing me that I have notifications pending. Did the SL developers purposely copy the term notification from Facebook for referring to IMs just to be more Facebooky? 

What was the purpose of eliminating first and last user names and implementing display names? Wasn't that supposed to be some grand scheme to get more traffic from Facebook, but that ran into massive snags because Facebook deletes avatar accounts and demands RL info?

How about they stop screwing with the viewer and bring back first and last names?

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i am not liking it i can manage the windows anywhere but everytime i aam switching the friends window the viewer is locking up on me it wasnt doing that on previous release i have i core 5 processor ,1 gig nvdia gt 420 m graphics card and 4 gb of ddr3 memory and why it still locks i have no clue!!

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Ann Otoole wrote:

It is working great for me. Although I would really prefer a non modal approach to windowing so the tools are not trapped in the viewer window and I would prefer all coms in a single tabbed window and get rid of the so-called "chiclets" lagging up the screen. If the tool windows were not modal they could be slid to seperate monitors in multi monitor configurations leaving the main viewport for the immersion.

Modal window.

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Randall Ahren wrote:

What's the purpose of V2/V3? Does it render faster, achieve greater frame rates, take less CPU cycles or what? It couldn't have been to just render mesh, because Singularity with V1 code does that.

You perhaps didn't know that the V1 viewers which are mesh enabled actually use exactly the same mesh code what is in V3 viewers? For example what comes to Singularity, it is a mix of V1 and V3 code. Nobody has made V1 mesh code, it's just V3 mesh code imported to V1 viewer.

For me, having a fast computer, V3 renders fast, gets high frame rates, viewer CPU load is about 10 per cent. On mesh enabled V1 viewer I get very similar results. No big difference between them.

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ashwin129 wrote:

i am not liking it i can manage the windows anywhere but everytime i aam switching the friends window the viewer is locking up on me it wasnt doing that on previous release i have i core 5 processor ,1 gig nvdia gt 420 m graphics card and 4 gb of ddr3 memory and why it still locks i have no clue!!

This is my setup.


Viewer: Second Life 3.2.1 (244227), Nov 1 2011 07:01:35 (Second Life Beta Viewer)


CPU: Intel® Core i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz

Memory: 8169 MB

OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)

Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation

Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCI/SSE2

The viewer performs very well, high frame rates, no lockups, rarely crashes. And I really do like the new UI a lot.

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Coby Foden wrote:

 No big difference between them.

So what's the point? Why the massive development effort and constant releases? Why were last names eliminated? Why change IMs to notifications? Why use chiclets? Couldn't they have just re-organized their sock drawer or played on-line poker if they needed something to do? Here's how well V2/V3 is being accepted after three years of development from a sampling just now at a popular club in SL.

15 Phoenix Viewers

 4 Viewer 2/3

  1 Emergence

 1 Ascent

 2 unidentified

Out of 21 identifiable viewers, 17 are TPV V1 types to only four V2/3, that's better than a ratio of 4 to 1 in favor  of the old V1 style. V2/3 was a huge mistake.


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I think with a bit of constructive input (ie; not "it sucks") then I think it'll be a good update. At the moment my only 'hate' is the fact I can't move the notifications (unless I'm mistaken), why can we move everything else but not the notifications?

And another quick thing or two; where's the ability to 'snap' windows (e.g. snap window to bottom) and I noticed that you can only have the icons centered and not aligned to the left or right, a divider function would be handy too — for example:

People Profile - divide - Chat Speak - divide - Inventory Search Destinations



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Randall Ahren wrote:
So what's the point? Why the massive development effort and constant releases? Why were last names eliminated?  V2/3 was a huge mistake.

One point is that that V3 code is more robust than V1 code ever was. And V3 enables a lot more new features (yet to come) what V1 code was able to have. V1 code is aged, thus new code had to be created. The unfortunate thing in the code update was that initially they ruined the UI of the viewer. But now with the renewed V3 UI it is getting better, even great. V3 surely is not a huge mistake, it was a necessity, and it runs great. Surely it does not run great in cheap low end computers. What does?



By the way, eliminimination of last names has nothing to do with the viewer. Actually there is a JIRA about this matter. If you really want to have your voice heard about that matter, you can actually do it.

Go to: Bring Back Last Name Options!

Click there "Wote" and "Watch". Thus Linden Lab hears also you voice. You can even leave your comment there. Linden Lab already has commented that "we see lots of interest here". It was also stated that they are investigating the decisions made earlier about this matter. So there is some hope that last names for new accounts migh come back.

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Basuoma Audeburgh wrote:

      I just got the new update it looks completely different, but I can't say it sucks.

 I just missed the side-bar, and the snapshot button, I would love to have the side-bar back, but I had better used to it because I know nothing lasts forever.

You can customize what buttons to show and what not to show. Buttons can be located to left, bottom and right of the screen. Just right click any button, select "Toolbar Buttons..". Now you can drag the buttons from the "Toolbar button" window to the sides of the screen. And you can drag the buttons what you don't need back to that window. You can also set the buttons to show either "Icons and labels" or "Icons" only. There is "Snapshot" button available too.

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Okay, think of things this way - the vast majority of people who use the UI of a computer program use it as a means to accomplish SOMETHING ELSE. The UI is a tool that should function transparently without their trying to think about it. Think of it as a "language". With the exception of linguists, most people use languages to do SOMETHING ELSE instead of thinking about the structure of the language itself. All of Earth's languages have strengths and weaknesses, and most people find it easy to use the language they learned from birth and more-or-less difficult to use any other one unless they've had time to learn and work with it, and they probably won't embrace new languages unless they have a compelling reason to do so.

The whole problem started with Viewer 2. Imagine a country that speaks French. The leaders announce, "Studies show that it's easier for new people to learn Spanish than French, so from now on all new residents will be taught Spanish and new laws and regulations will be issued in that language. We encourage all of you to start speaking Spanish now. Have a nice day."

And that worked just about as well as you'd expect. The French speakers felt no reason to learn Spanish, especially when they discovered that many of the new works were badly written because the writers themselves weren't completely fluent in Spanish yet. When new residents came to them speaking pidgin Spanish most of the older residents, many of them not terribly friendly to those who didn't even speak French well, encouraged the new people to speak French instead "because it's easier and better." For those who already spoke it, of course.

However, there were other new residents who learned Spanish and found themselves fluent in it. They found many French speakers to be stubborn and annoying and French itself to be a clunky and difficult-to-use language compared to Spanish. So in essence, the country found itself a little Canada or Belgium, struggling with two different languages and having difficulty advancing with the language conflicts.

So the leaders decided to try to address this. After an interesting experiment limiting new residents to the vocabulary of a Spanish translation of "Go Dog, Go," they decided to attempt to work out a compromise that would appeal to both camps.

So, one Tuesday evening most of the Spanish speakers woke up to discover that they were suddenly expected to speak Catalan (the dialect of eastern Spain that's sort of halfway between French and Spanish but not instantly understandable to either.) There was dancing in the streets of Barcelona, but other than that there was understandably mass confusion. Some French speakers were pleased that the heathen Spanish speakers were now expected to speak a language that was "better" because it was closer to French, but most of them just kept on speaking French because they were used to it. Many Spanish speakers rebelled and declared they'd just keep speaking Spanish. AND the new Catalan works reached even FEWER people than the Spanish ones did.

I'm not going to say anything about the relative merits of "French", "Spanish" or "Catalan" as languages. Because of how I was "born" into SL I prefer the Viewer 2 "Spanish" of my birth, but have learned "Catalan" and function well in it as I HAD ADVANCED NOTICE because I poked around and found out about the change and HAD A COMPELLING REASON TO because not-yet-released versions of the Viewer 3.2 model fix my crashing problems.

However, the way the rollout of 3.2 was handled, with little advance notice and no training for 3.1 users and many bug fixes for the OpenGL libraries not yet included, was BREATHTAKINGLY IDIOTIC. Everyone who is upset has good reason to be upset and I have no idea how Linden Labs is going to win back people now. Personally, I think Linden Labs should change their logo to a hand with its palm over a face because that's what I do when I think about things like this.


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I actually like it, I have been using it for a little over a week and wrote about it here. I don't understand what you mean by "stuff is smaller" the buttons are all actually bigger and I wish they were smaller. The toolbars are customizable to a certain degree, if there is stuff there you don't need you can take them off. Don't want the noob av button? Then take it off. The notifications window is now back at the top right hand corner where it used to be in V1 and where people said they wanted them back. The frame rates on this viewer are the best yet for any mesh viewer I have tried.

I agree that there still needs to be some improvements but for the most part this is the best viewer LL has come up with in recent years. As a Linux user I am used to fully customizable panels and I wish the viewer's toolbars were as such. I would love to be able to make the buttons even smaller than they are now and also would like the ability to drag their position to where I want them and not have them settled at the center.

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