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Well, I'm having a good first day in SL...


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First off, I can't teleport.  The loading bar gets about halfway and then one of two things happens:  Either I get logged out, or I wind up right back where I was when I first went to teleport.  This happens no matter where I am or where I am teleporting to, and has been happening ever since I first attempted it earlier today about 12 hours ago.  I have done everything every guide I can find on the internet has told me.  I've forwarded every port SL uses on my firewall, I've cleared my cache, I've tried flying up 200 meters first, I've taken everything off of my character that I can take off, I've lowered my bandwidth setting, I've raised my bandwidth setting...  Nothing works.  I'm on a Mac well within the required specs for the game to run, my dsl connection is good and stable.

Also, I can't edit my profile.  I click on the Profile button and nothing happens.  Nothing at all.

So then I decide, since I can't teleport, that I would just log in to a sandbox so I could at least play around with making some things.  So I go to Sandbox Island and my character immediately starts shouting something about punishment and God, completely out of my control...  and so was just about everyone else in the immediate area.  And since I couldn't teleport out, I just had to log again. <.<

SL, I want to like you, but we're off to a rough start.  :P


Somebody help me!

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ok, first of all, which viewer are you using?  it sounds as though you might have the SL V3 viewer and that you have not enabled the advance mode.  just maybe...but if that's not the case, then knowing which viewer  you are using could allow some others to offer assistance.

eta:  sorry, i should have read more...but still, which viewer are you using?

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It's actually Viewer 2 (if 3 is out for Macs, it's not up on the download page unless it's the Beta one...)  and yes, it is in Advanced mode.


"It's not really your first day is it? On your first day, you would be on help island or someplace, following the path that teaches you to how sit and so forth. You wouldn't know where a sandbox is or how to build. "

Um, yes, it is my first day, I just so happen to not suck at Googling things first. :P  And please, controls are almost self explanatory.

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I knew what a sandbox was on my first day.  I know that I had no clue what was going on and the help island wasn't (any help).  So I turned to the internet after less than an hour of trying to figure it out for myself, and learned immediately that I could get new items for my avatar but that I would have to unpack them in a sandbox.

The internet has step by step tutorials for starting in Secondlife and the OP states plainly that they've been reading up on SL.  Perhaps they are not a day old, but it's not impossible or improbable that someone who is reading their way into SL (rather than in-world exploring their way in) would know all about sandboxes in the first hour of using Secondlife.  I did.

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Anyway, scratch what I said about Viewer 3 for Macs, it is on the download page, I don't know where I clicked that I got Viewer 2. o.O  I'll give 3 a go.


Uh yeah, it says version 3 on the download page, but when I go to install it, it says Viewer 2.  o.O;

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it sounds like either your connection sucks, or the region you are on is having problems...

login screen, prefs, show start location, type "cloudmont" (no quotes) into the location bar before logging in....

if you can get around from there, you're fine and it was the region.


if not, then make sure you aren't using wireless, and run speed and ping tests to palo alto, california (it's one of the major hub points) and see if that isn't the problem (use a service that graphs the responses so you can see if it's erratic)

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RinTocho wrote:

Uh yeah, it says version 3 on the download page, but when I go to install it, it says Viewer 2.  

What's with o.O? You learned face talk on your first day? What's your obsession with SL? Most people if they don't have a good first day logout and don't come back. They don't find a forum and start posting like an old-timer.

@Void, what should the ping time be?

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How about just giving some computer specs.  I've found so many times when someone says their computer is well within the required specifications that it's just not true.  First off the minimum requirements on the SL website is very much outdated (yeah they updated the operating systems it runs on but not the hardware.........it's the same as it was in 2005 when I joined).  512 megs of RAM just will not work.  Nor will the video card I started with in 2005......an ATI 9250 (it's listed as one of the cards that will work).  Then when someone says their computer is good and their connection is good and their drivers are good, most of time they haven't even checked (or don't know what those are and couldn't check if they wanted to).


I'm with Randall.  Even if someone Googles SL and reads or watches tutorials it's very unlikely they would know how to find a sandbox to TP to let alone to be able to build anything.......no matter how many tutorials they watched.  If they knew that much they would also know enough to mute a spamming object that they encountered at a sandbox.


Computer specs go a long way toward resolving problems.  Without them everyone is just shooting in the dark.

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I have a really crappy computer with Windows Vista, and I don't seem to be having problems running "the game" at all. I can teleport absolutely wonderfully, even though I insist on wearing a script-heavy HUD.

And the reason I am telling you this, is not to be a smartass, but to try to reassure you that if I can run SL relatively smoothly on this inferior old boat, then you, with your computer that is "well within the required specs", should have no problems at all.  Just post your computer specs here, and someone should be able to advise you and alleviate your frustrations.

Regarding the griefer in the sandbox, spamming you with God messages, I take it you were in Sandbox Cordova or Sandbox Goguen, or one of the other Governor Linden owned sandboxes.  Use the search facility inworld to find a less populated one, or take up a premium account and you get to use the premium member only sandboxes, where griefers are far less likely to hit. Apfelland and Denmark sandboxes are good because often the Europeans are in bed leaving nice empty spaces for the insomniacs and Americans to play quietly in them.



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Randall Ahren wrote:

It's not really your first day is it? On your first day, you would be on help island or someplace, following the path that teaches you to how sit and so forth. You wouldn't know where a sandbox is or how to build. 

I tried to create my first own skin on my first day, before I even left the newbie island. I didn't want to be seen with the default clay skin, so I downloaded the avatar templates, made my own textures, tried to upload them, found out that this wasn't free, added payment info to my account and bought L$. It was all pretty self-explanatory, and I was used to working with texture templates from making my own skins in Poser.

Alas, the skin didn't turn out the way I hoped, so I left the noob island after I found out that I could use classified ads to teleport right into a store and went on a shopping spree. After my avatar looked presentable, I bought several texture packs (walls, carpets etc.), purchased a 2048 sqm plot, and started to build my own mansion. The building tools were quite self-explanatory too. 

I didn't know about prim limits though. When my parcel was full I had barely finished the ground floor, so I went and bought a prefab mansion instead. Which didn't fit onto the parcel, so I bought another 2048 plot next to mine. That was all on day one :) On my third day I started to script, and little more than a week later I finished the "violator", my first piece of selfmade BDSM furniture and my first sales object.

Some people learn pretty fast I guess :) Too bad that my neural plasticity is no longer what it used to be in those days. (Which probably has something to do with the fact that I smoked 40 cigarettes a day back then. Since I gave up smoking, my learning capacity and ability to focus appear to have greatly diminished. The same could be said about my interest in SL).

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Randall Ahren wrote:

RinTocho wrote:

Uh yeah, it says version 3 on the download page, but when I go to install it, it says Viewer 2.  

What's with
? You learned face talk on your first day? What's your obsession with SL? Most people if they don't have a good first day logout and don't come back. They don't find a forum and start posting like an old-timer.

@Void, what should the ping time be?


Mabey he's just stubborn. I do all kinds of things that drive me crazy, because it would drive me crazier if I couldnt.


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You are a noob. You don't know how to edit your replies so that you can put everything in a single reply, unlike Rintocho. You can add objects to your mute list. Not that there is anything wrong with being a noob. They are cute, like tiny kittens taking their first wobbly steps.

If Rintocho is a noob or not, I don't care. However, SL has a unique culture and there are some aspects of it that I've become accustomed to, even though I think it is strange.

First, there is all the face talk. I thought xD was extremely strange.  Doesn't look like a face to me. o.O is cute, however.

Second there is the making of words longer, when I would expect them to be shorter, for example, why type okie or okies, when ok or even just k will do?

@Rintocho, may I suggest changing your display name to Supernoob?

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Look for Mute List under World, and then select Mute Resident or Mute Object by Name. In your situation at the sandbox, you will want Mute Object by Name.

Also consider using a third party viewer  like Phoenix or Singularity that come with built-in spam protection. It is very useful at clubs and infohubs for blocking gestures that fill half the page with ascii text.

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Thanks :matte-motes-smitten: I'm not sure about the other veiwers. I couldnt tell you my comps specs, but a freind told me what to do to read them off to him on another game a forever ago, and it was crap then. Pretty sure it doesnt heal itself, so its crap still. I'm shocked I can run sl at all, I had to leave my old game because my comp just couldnt run it anymore. :matte-motes-dont-cry:

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Randall Ahren wrote:

You are a noob. You don't know how to edit your replies so that you can put everything in a single reply, unlike Rintocho. You can add objects to your mute list. Not that there is anything wrong with being a noob. They are cute, like tiny kittens taking their first wobbly steps.

If Rintocho is a noob or not, I don't care. However, SL has a unique culture and there are some aspects of it that I've become accustomed to, even though I think it is strange.

First, there is all the face talk. I thought
was extremely strange.  Doesn't look like a face to me.
is cute, however.

Second there is the making of words longer, when I would expect them to be shorter, for example, why type okie or okies, when ok or even just k will do?

@Rintocho, may I suggest changing your display name to Supernoob?

I can a'splain that one. It's either an age thing or a region thing, but ancient (43) americans like myself use mostly emotes that represent faces turned sideways, like: ;-),   >:((that one turned itself into a cool face on it's own, but anyway..)  and xD. Sideways, its a big grin with squinted eyes. I've noticed that younger people use the head on ones more.

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seriously, lay off the ice, or go smoke a bowl, you are way too paranoid an jumpy.... just because a person is new here doesn't mean they are new to the internet or can't find their way around most software... you'd be amazed by what I did on my first day, and I didn't even find the forums for at least another year after that (although the setup was different then, they were harder to get into)

as for ping times, the lower the better. depending on your location most NAmerican users be worried if it climbs over 200, or more than 40ms spread between average tests. outside of NAmerica, double those. half those numbers is probably an acceptable value for SL.

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Despite merely reading text tutorials (rather than watching any video tutorials) I was in a sandbox \within an hour of joining SL, but I was in SL for over a week before I knew how to mute objects, or that I could mute objects for that matter.

I suggest that if you knew how to mute random objects before you had found out about and visited sandboxes, that your experience in this respect is that of a vanishingly small minority.


@Randall:First, there is all the face talk. I thought xD was extremely strange.  Doesn't look like a face to me. o.O is cute, however.

Wow, you're right!  Either this person has used SL before, or the internet, or SMS texting, or has been living somewhere other than under a rock on Pluto at some point since the 1990s....


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Did it matter, Randall?  Perhaps the person is trying to hide that they are creating an alt, and that is none of your business.

This forum is so hypercritical, it's almost impossible to network constructively here.

As far as what I've been through with posters, they are so judgmental about every little thing that who would want to come here to the forum and post here for help?

Dillon, says I post too much as if that is any of her business, let alone perhaps Dillon needs to take care of her house and moot in her own eye and deal with her ridiculous hypocrisy about my having too many posts all the while her sl bf has thousands of posts about correcting grammar, and many incorrect posts about correcting grammar.  Deal with your own house and problems, Dillon.

Then, Anaiya Arnold libels me and can't come up with proof for her slander and nonsense that I gave unhelpful advice in the viewer section. 

Both Dillon and Anaiya need to be told by me that I don't use the photography features much because of all these beta viewers I've had to go through for one thing, not to mention that on some viewers the photography tools have broken on me altogether and given me broken bridge links, and NOT even to mention I PREFER THE DEFAULT CAMERA SETTINGS and keep them that way on purpose because that's the way I LIKE IT!  As if that is any of their business how I like my camera and happen to love the default settings.  Next, I can't stand hunts so never asked one single question on the forum about "hunts" because I didn't care about going on any kind of a hunt period.   As a matter of fact, there is a steampunk hunt going on right now, but I roll my eyes as I'm not interested in the least. 

In my other thread that got locked, people were acting like I'm 18 people at once and can jump through 500 hoops.  I have a rl, and I don't have time to answer 25 messages in less than a day. 

To the OP:  Try seeing if you can log into basic.  Sometimes, at least for me, logging into basic gets the viewer going.  Once you get the viewer going, log back out and switch to advanced.  This little trick worked for me many times.  It may or may not work for you, but you can keep the logging into basic for future reference as when you log onto basic it doesn't have to download your inventory and sometimes it just gets the viewer going. 

I had more to try to help the OP, but I am so upset with the way people act on the forum, I can't even recall the whole OP's post, so I'm going to have to post again so I can go over his post and have some time to think. 

Now, I'll most likely get a bunch of responses...."I thought you left".  I did leave, but not before giving Dillon and Anaiya a piece of my mind, and Randall, too. 

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Mayalily wrote:

Dillon, says I post too much as if that is any of her business, let alone perhaps Dillon needs to take care of her house and moot in her own eye and deal with her ridiculous hypocrisy about my having too many posts all the while
her sl bf has thousands of posts about correcting grammar
, and many incorrect posts about correcting grammar.  Deal with your own house and problems, Dillon.


Dillon has forsaken me.  

PS I told Dillon she would shoot herself in the foot, and she finally did.  

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