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50% off new Premium accounts?

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So,  I really would like to know why Linden Labs older users aren't getting anything for sticking around?  I mean maybe you need to add 1.5 months to your quaterly and yearly members.  Come on guys use your heads here.  Make those of us that have supported you have something good to say about how you work hard to keep us. 

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And another someone who willingly forked over money wanting a hand out.  I've been paying LL $90 USD a year on this account for six years now.  What's more I have another account that was premium for 5 years before dropping to basic........that was another $90 USD a year.  Add all that up and, in premium fees alone, I've paid $1000 USD to LL.  Guess how much I think LL owes me?  Zero!!!  I've recieved from LL everything I paid for.  They owe me nothing.  If I didn't think it was worth the money, I would stop paying the money (actually I did with my other account about a year ago).


Put your hand down.  Begging is unbecoming to a grown adult.

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I only see one compelling reason to be Premium, and that's access to better support. I don't know why LL doesn't both increase the level of support with better trained support people, and then advertise that as an advantage.  The answers I get from support lately are pretty consistently 1) about a month too late and/or 2) reveal that the support person has little understanding of the issue and not much inclination to find out.


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Come on people you see this kind of deal all the time in advertising. 


New customers only. 


New accounts only.


LL is just doing something here that ALOT of other industries practice to get new customers.  If it upsets you just create an alt and use a new credit card.

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I agree that priority must be given to getting new accounts to stick around and become a part of SL, but this is about getting people who may or may not be new members, to sign up for Premium.  IMO offering a benefit to new Premium signups that you don't offer to current Premium accounts is not a good way to do that. Better support services (and maybe some other perks*) for all Premium accounts is the way to not only attract new Premiums but keep the old -- and it is always cheaper to keep loyal customers than attract new ones.


What good is it to attract new Premiums when the old ones are not renewing because they can't see enough benefits, esp when being Premium means you are putting your account at risk of being cancelled if you miss payments?


*Such as, if your payments lapse you will not have your account killed but will revert to basic.

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$90 per year? wow, thats cheap. i was paying $125.00 PER MONTH AUD, and we all know its worth more than USD's(yes thats right, it adds up to 1500 per year) and that doesnt count quaterlies, thats only tiers, and yet i agree, why not give something back to the poelpe who paid you bills till you got rich? its good business sense. As i dont believe i recieve a lot of good service for the money, and before you open you big mouth and tell me "then leave" i will tell you...i have too much invested to leave...................cause LL wont allow me to take it with me. and if you stopped you other account, then maybe you felt you didnt get what you paid for either (you said it, not me)

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honestly i'm just saying give all quartly accounts and yearly accounts 1.5 months free cause thats what this plan is.  If I was a monthly account I would be changing it to quartly, so that I would only pay 11.25 for the 1st quarter and then I could save up the 22.50 to keep that going. You get someone playing SL for 3 months and lock them in to that cycle they will play for a longer time. 

Is this a hand out well yes but in the MMO community this isn't unheard of.  World of warcraft gives longtime players pets.  Eve gives out stuff and they are very successful.  Asking linden labs to add a month and a half to match this promotion isn't going to ruin them.  all it will do is make sure everyone is around for another 45 days for them to wow and astound us.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I only see one compelling reason to be Premium, and that's access to better support. I don't know why LL doesn't both increase the level of support with better trained support people, and then advertise that as an advantage.  The answers I get from support lately are pretty consistently 1) about a month too late and/or 2) reveal that the support person has little understanding of the issue and not much inclination to find out.


totally agree

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On the other hand, don't sign up and save 100%...

I dropped mine to basic ages ago.. didn't think it was worth payin for it..

might be an idea to have it that price all the time lol

Actually seriously i agree with pamela galli..support is like .. umm that is above my knowledge..goodbye..

If it was that good you woudnt need an incentive to join up..i never got one one ..

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Tablets and phones made a HUGE shift in expenditures and PC usage and I think thisis another example of companies trying to adjust to meet a newely established market of lower speed device users. These are the social media types, the casual gamers as well. This is SL's market I think. These guys are all price sensitive, games are like 99pennies or 3.99$ and this is sort of a effort to appeal to them? Not sure, just a hypothesis.

Also, it could be an effort to not only test prices but to capture some of those impulse buys, or dreamers who wish to expand thier SL business with mesh, now they have thier payment info on file?

Maybe they can now some can really dig in and create thier dream sim they abandoned because of so much time spent building? Hey, now mesh is here they can use that one level they made for thier fav game! They can use the bits and build a neat place...but they need a sim! So, get premium and buy one, right?

Plus, you have users from other worlds coming here becuase thier assets are transferable easily...sort of. Not only those, but maybe some more 3D modelers are interested to have place to play around. So, as these guys are all checking out SL they might wish to get land. Some go right to LInden Lab because you don't really want to bother with a third party or don't know you can rent or 'buy' from another for 1L$ or less and pay tier. Who knows..well, I guess marketing does lol.

I find it funny business types don't see it this way. I sort of agree and dislike price changes myself, they make you feel all wierd and wish you had been given some sort of renew early offer, right? But, I understand sales are just like that. THey happen and you kick yourself for not waiting, ehich is always why it is best to stash away the cash and then mark on a list what you want. But the hour or two you lose each week shopping around might not be worth it, it all depends on what you like to do and how much time you have. But yeah, defer if you can. If you really needed it then you got the benifits you needed, so don't bother being upset! Be happy either way, your life could be worse...right?

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Oh for chrissakes, all businesses offer 'sales' now and then.  You purchase a car and two months later, that same car is on sale.  So, you go back to the dealer and complain?

I am a happy premium member.

I don't like it when I pay full price for something and two months later it goes on sale. A lot of people find that annoying. So I don't do that to my customers.  Instead, I send a notice that a new release will be on sale for a week.

My focus is on my customer base. I have found if I take care of them, they will take care of recruiting new customers. LL could take the same approach; right now, current customers are generally not going out of their way to recruit. But they could.


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It may be annoying sometimes but it happens all the time.  I do not begrudge someone who is able to take advantage of a deal that was not available for me at the time.  You are attentive to the customers that join your group -- kudos and that is one reason a group exists.  You may have a new customer come in after that one week and lose out on the 'deal'.  It happens.

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they have always been good at shmoosing the ones they want in..what would make you think they would want to perk you if they already got you?


we got our awsome perks already..sandboxes and  furniture..LOL

i do like the sand boxes..but really i already have my own..and the furniture..bleh.i already have my own..

thanks LL for the perks  :P


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50% off 1.JPG

50% off2.JPG


I wonder how many people are going to take that deal without reading the fine print, thinking that they are going to get that rate for a whole year?  I know I had to look at it twice because at first glance it sounded too good to be true.  The discount applies only to the first quarterly cycle.

ETA to add:

I can just see it three months from now, we will get a slew of threads in the Forum raising hell about "Where did my discount go?"

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Perrie Juran wrote:

50% off 1.JPG

50% off2.JPG


I wonder how many people are going to take that deal without reading the fine print, thinking that they are going to get that rate for a whole year?  I know I had to look at it twice because at first glance it sounded too good to be true.  The discount applies only to the first quarterly cycle.

ETA to add:

I can just see it three months from now, we will get a slew of threads in the Forum raising hell about "Where did my discount go?"

one perk sl does have is this..after awhile..you will learn to always read the fine print LOL

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i think the 50% off premium for 3 months if you can get it is a cracking deal i'm sorely tempted to take advantage with stipend and the sign up bonus you get more L$ than the third party L$ exchange with the best rates could give you for the same price, the 512sqm allowance the new stuff - extra sandboxes gifts and extra support are a bonus even if you don't really have a need for them. i know it doesn't help those that are already premium but new sign up's and long time basics thinking about upgrading should take advantage while the offer is there they can always downgrade before the next billing date if they don't want to stay premium

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it's just a test recruitment drive, just like any other service company has.... I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually being advertised somewhere... if it's not then it's what's known as a market visibility test.... in which they would try to gauge whether the service is visible enough that they don't need extra marketing, or possibly test whether a particular service plan has enough interest or value compared to other plan... the extremely short time frame gives it away.


the fact that it's on the likely least used plan tells me it may be a value test, although putting a discount on the yearly plan would actually hurt LL's bottom line, and putting it on the monthly doesn't add consistency to their userbase numbers (doesn't show commitment), and so doesn't ad value for them.

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Lets take what I said for what I said.  I said I get what I pay for..........at $90 per year.  I felt it even worth $180 per year for 5 years.  Last year I decided it was only worth $90 a year.  So I dropped one account to basic.  I never said I felt that $1000 total over 6 years was not worth what I paid for.........but, it's likely $1100 over the same period would be a different story (the reason I lowered my payments to LL).  Each person makes their choices for themselves.  You paid $125 a month?  Did you continue to pay that once you thought maybe you weren't getting your money's worth?  If you did then you only have yourself to blame.  If you didn't then what's the beef?


Grousing about something you willingly did in the past (or continue to do in the present) is not only stupid, it's pointless.  It also makes you look pretty silly.

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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

all you get for a premium account is the option to pay through the nose for land. get stuck with it when you want to sell it and have to sell at 1/4 of the price you paid.

oh,,and help when you lose inventory because LL's system is so slipshod.

good luck.

ROFL...Aint that the truth !!!   (dogboat isnt lying kiddies)

EDIT..Why do need incentives... you  can make your own stuff lol

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