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Your world. Your imagination.: What does this mean to you?

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'Your world. Your imagination.' is the tag line for Second Life.  Inworld, you can be whatever you want to be without violating the ToS that we all agree to when we join up and become residents.  SL residents 'express' themselves in a myriad of ways, both large and small.

I think there are many who lurk and post in the forum who are very creative inworld and/or find ways to express themselves to maximize their enjoyment of our environment.

What does 'Your world.  Your imagination.' mean to you?  How do you express it in your Second Life?

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It means something new almost every day, Venus!

I do stuff in SL that I can't do in physical world.

Last week....wanted to be in the food truck race on the food channel, but just not up to speed yet...so set it up inworld, and good to go!

Today....it's Planking.  All the twitter folks have been posting their pics all month and felt left out.  Got it goin' on today!

Don't really get to chat with Hefner much anymore, since the huge break-up - he's still bent and hiding out.....

but had a great chat with SL's Infamous Heff this morning about his next project.  Last week sneaked into his bachelor pad and tapped into his computer system, so he had to come clean about what's up.

something new and exciting every week.

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Venus Petrov wrote:


What does 'Your world.  Your imagination.' mean to you? 

Hi Venus.  As you've stated in your OP, it allows us to express ourselves, do/achieve anything we set our minds to.  For me most of all, it represents "freedom"...the freedom to do what I please, without worrying about the constraints that RL put on us  :)

In my case, it's the freedom of finances...I love to decorate, if I had it to do all over again in RL, I would have pursued that as a career.  In SL, I am constantly purchasing new homes, new plots of land to decorate/landscape, with minimal money compared to RL.

I love SL for this reason...and, it keeps me out of trouble! :matte-motes-inlove:  :smileytongue:


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I express my imagination through music and sketching.  I've occasionally brought it into second life but it existed long before I had even heard of SL.

SL is just another tool or outlet for creativity but not the only one and definitely not the best one, but plenty of other threads about that.

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Yahoo says 'Your World, Your Way'

I guess LL didn't get a trademark on 'Your World'

I don't express myself inworld much.   I try to stay low key mostly.  Build some little stuff for fun.  Hang out.  Nothing special.

Really... I just had the bit about Yahoo.

If it brings you satisfaction, enjoyment, and/or peace of mind, might it be special to you? 

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I joined SL after reading an article.  I had never heard of avatars in a virtual world and thought that I would give myself a few days to 'check it out'.  The graphics on my laptop at the time were so poor, I would stand for several minutes in front of maps of SL on Orientation Isle just waiting to see what it looked like.

I never expected to still be here 4 1/2 years later.  In addition to enjoying the creative output of others (gorgeous or scary sims, consumer items, art and music), I have made a few very good friends.  If not for SL, I might never have met them.

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Your world. Your imagination. It’s a simple but snazzy catch-phrase. Very enticing, I suppose, but not very accurate. It is most certainly the users’ world, in that they create the content. However, the control of the platform remains firmly in the hands of the company which owns it. It represents a most brilliant business idea – where the costs and the manufacture of the product are covered by the consumers themselves, but, like in all businesses, it’s no democracy. Brilliant for the owners, not so great for the consumers. It’s a bit of a bind – when people have bought into the YOUR world shtick, and have fallen in lurve, partnered and set up home and produced prim off-spring or adopted…or set up businesses…or have come to depend on SL for romance, friendship, freedom to be/do as they please…and they come a cropper for one reason or another and find themselves ejected from “their” world without a bye or leave. Just as hard to digest could be one of the infinite scenarios which in real-life would have you running to a lawyer or the police – theft, harassment, bigamy, disappearance of loved-ones, slander, libel, etc., etc., etc….and here you are utterly powerless to defend yourself. Not forgetting that YOUR imagination (true love and genuine friendship) might not be compatible with the imagination of others (fun, fun, fun!!!).

 For me it’s always been a case of – yes, I can be imaginative here, but I’ve always been very aware that it is most certainly NOT my world and that I would be foolish beyond words if I allowed myself to perceive it as anything more than a source of entertainment which could dry up at any time. Add to that a reluctant but sincere admiration for the brain which invented this clever business idea in the first place.

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I do not consider SL to be MY world or MY imagination.  It was built by others and is populated by many I am a very, very small piece of that.  I have control over only a small bit of what that world consists of - my avatar and the actions it takes.  As a tag line it sounds good, but it is not my view of what SL is.  MY world and MY imagination would be controlled entirely by me - and that would be lonely indeed... 

Someone who is perfectly happy to share the imaginations of others sometimes,


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I agree that SL is not MY world, MY imagination but, within the confines of my brain and my ability to affect changes in my little environment, it does quite nicely.

Indeed, SL is the brainchild of a company and we are at their mercy.  That fact has not kept me from enjoying the time I spend inworld and doing things that make me laugh or smile.

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