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So Much for the Mesh Test


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Miyo Darcy wrote:

I think soon the marketplace will sadly be floated with ripped modells.



I don't think so. Models sold on 3d models sites are not suitable for SL. In general they are build in a away that they will be much to prim heavy for SL.People can buy for example a nice chair on a model site, or find a free chair model, but then when they bring it in SL the primcount might be 55. Who is going to buy that? While there a are nice 1 or 2 prims chairs available as sculpt? And in the future low prims chairs in mesh.

You must be skilled in 3d to adjust a bought model for SL. It's a lot of work to make it suitable for the needs of the SL grid. It might take less time to model your own chair than to prepair someone else model for SL. When you make it yourself you have the advantage you are the IP right owner of the model.

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Madeliefste Oh wrote:

Miyo Darcy wrote:

I think soon the marketplace will sadly be floated with ripped modells.



I don't think so. Models sold on 3d models sites are not suitable for SL. In general they are build in a away that they will be much to prim heavy for SL.People can buy for example a nice chair on a model site, or find a free chair model, but then when they bring it in SL the primcount might be 55. Who is going to buy that? While there a are nice 1 or 2 prims chairs available as sculpt? And in the future low prims chairs in mesh.

You must be skilled in 3d to adjust a bought model for SL. It's a lot of work to make it suitable for the needs of the SL grid. It might take less time to model your own chair than to prepair someone else model for SL. When you make it yourself you have the advantage you are the IP right owner of the model.

I dont think so. On turbosquid for example you will find a section which is called "game ready".. and those are low poly. I guess you can sort that out on other websites as well. So they will find ready and lowpoly objects in my opinion. That will sadly be a problem.


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All it takes is someone who knows a little about using 'decimate' in blender, and suddenly those high-poly models can be reduced down to levels that can work in SL.


And for attachments, many of the high-poly models will work just fine.....if a bit laggy on the client (and asset servers).  So I'd still expect to see a lot of ripped content.


And many will claim that by using a poly-reduction mechanism, that it isn't the same model, and therefore it isn't an infraction........oy, the arguments that will ensue!


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Miyo Darcy wrote:

Madeliefste Oh wrote:

Miyo Darcy wrote:

I think soon the marketplace will sadly be floated with ripped modells.



I don't think so. Models sold on 3d models sites are not suitable for SL. In general they are build in a away that they will be much to prim heavy for SL.People can buy for example a nice chair on a model site, or find a free chair model, but then when they bring it in SL the primcount might be 55. Who is going to buy that? While there a are nice 1 or 2 prims chairs available as sculpt? And in the future low prims chairs in mesh.

You must be skilled in 3d to adjust a bought model for SL. It's a lot of work to make it suitable for the needs of the SL grid. It might take less time to model your own chair than to prepair someone else model for SL. When you make it yourself you have the advantage you are the IP right owner of the model.

I dont think so. On turbosquid for example you will find a section which is called "game ready".. and those are low poly. I guess you can sort that out on other websites as well. So they will find ready and lowpoly objects in my opinion. That will sadly be a problem.



There is another issues with models from warehouses that deters higher poly from being bought, so they will most likely be directed to game ready stuff! So, the high prim count thing is partially not true.

Now, if there is normal maps involved, the funny thing is...thier model migh be a very very simple shape, like a box with 4 or 5 bumps on it and all of the nice details came from the normal map lol. If they don't do it right, they will give up.

But, trademark stuff...oh, this is so wierd. I don't partially understand why companies don't just hire people to make the models. Then I remember....they don't want darth vader used in a sex tape made in SL lol.

Now, military stuff might not be covered. But dont' be surprised if it is, I heard a case where a guy got his stuff pulled by an aviation company. Sometimes they are wrong, but not all miltary stuff is public domain! WHy? It is not made by the military under commision, it is purchased and national security controls are placed on the company as a way to allow a private company to engineer and compete with products on an open market. This is why you see other countries using planes theybought. Technically, documents generated by the mlitiary are mosltly public domain. So, you can mesh up a book and put an military field manual in the pages, but you might get a takedown if you make a boing, lockhead or whatever item!


EDIT:http://boingboing.net/2008/03/21/wwii-bomber-trademar.html A link to a famous blog that has showcases what the trademarks laws do and why all this is so odd. You can see in the responses that even people who work in intelectual property do not get it, this stuff is really NOT standard easy to understand stuff.....it is line blurring and all throughout time people have copied skills. The reason though, is that some would keep secrets and crazy stuff like the recipe for concrete getting lost in the Roman empire spurred on the march toward copyright, trademark and patents. It was to reward, entice and so on. Royal rewards where given when a problem was needed to be overcome, as was given for the navigation issuses that lead to longtitude and latitude being in use. But, not all problems can be solved and many people work, and to have a free market we end up supporting the inventors and discoverers via direct payment. So, laws where made to spur on a division of labour to aid people to work full time on things. But, a 3D model is not hurting the sales of the real thing...a WWII plane lol. Seriously, maybe they have darth vadar havign sex on this plane and both companies are now goig to lose sales as they become a laughing stock and no one wants thier goods anymore? /me shrugs

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Jenni Darkwatch wrote:

What's worse, since LL's DMCA policy is so asinine, you can't even report these items. SL is saturated with stolen content, and I don't mean the kind one would use a ripper client for.

I think it would be utter chaos if anybody was able to report supposedly infringing content. Lots of people would probably use alts to report their competitors and drive them out of business. It's only sensible that LL demand a written confirmation of copyright from the IP owner.

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Jenni Darkwatch wrote:

What's worse, since LL's DMCA policy is so asinine, you can't even report these items. SL is saturated with stolen content, and I don't mean the kind one would use a ripper client for.

I think it would be utter chaos if anybody was able to report supposedly infringing content. Lots of people would probably use alts to report their competitors and drive them out of business. It's only sensible that LL demand a written confirmation of copyright from the IP owner.

Ok that is a good point and we learned that in the past.

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The other saving grace that I haven't seen mentioned yet in this thread is the fact that, because of last minute security changes implemented by LL, they have Real Life info tied directly to the individual that uploaded the content. If at some point in time a DMCA is filed against the content, LL has direct and accurate information on the specific individual responsible.

There will always be people that "test the fences" with any new process or feature. However in this case, Linden Lab has made some very good choices that let them be absolutely sure who is culpable.

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It will be interesting to see what happens when/if some of the major franchise holders realise their intellectual properties are being sold on a widespread basis in SL (in all forms, be it mesh, prim, sculpt or AV).

I'm not referring to stolen meshes in this case, I'm referring to recognisable concepts (example being the stormtrooper mentioned). It's one thing to be "vaguely based on" something so it is sufficiently different to NOT be a direct clone/ripoff, but another thing entirely to be a deliberately recognisable clone of an existing franchise/movie etc.

Being a little familar with general 3D outside of SL, some studios such as the one which produces the Star Wars films are tolerant of fan-based works (meshes, artwork etc) as long as they are NOT SOLD for currency (in other words, passed around FREE) - they tend to take a very dim view of people making actual money from their franchises. Others such as Disney totally stomp on any form of derivative works, regardless of whether it is free or not. So it is very thin ice to be walking on, when creating anything even remotely based on others' intellectual property.


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Maeve Balfour wrote:

[..]  it is very thin ice to be walking on, when creating anything even remotely based on others' intellectual property. 

IMO this is where the real "Mesh Test" will occur ... testing the reactions of the Big Name Copyright Holders (such as Lucasfilms and Disney) and their willingness to protect their rights in the full measure required by law.

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Back before I got into SL (long long ago, in the before time :) ), I used to hang out at garage games (a site for independent game designers). A group there was creating a game based on Stargate for fun, until they got sent a cease and desist from the studio. In the four plus years I've been in SL, I've seen more stargates than I can count, along with full RP sims and complete, working stargate TP systems. And not a peep from the studio. I think many of the big names just don't consider SL worth even looking at. Of course I'm not going to plan on this being the case for ever.

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