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Post Removal notifications are not being received in email

Mickey Vandeverre

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I'm not receiving notices that a post has been pulled.

I always received them in the past, and you have the same email and the proper email as you just sent me a bill yesterday for premium account renewal and as I get IMs from inworld and marketplace sale notifications daily and hourly.

I had PMs turned off, but that never effected the post removal notifications.  I always received them until the last month or so.

I have turned on PMs in case you have changed your methods.

Please advise on how to correct the email glitch.

thank you.

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I understand the confusion.  There have been posts pulled due to sensitivities of some other forum readers/posters.  I think it would be preferable if the mod educated the person(s) feeling sensitive regarding the Guidelines (e.g. point to the link at the top of the page and ask them to read it would be sufficient).

However, this is not the working practice as far as I am aware.

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Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

Thanks Venus -

a little confused.  a post would be pulled if it did not violate community guidelines?

in the past, a copy of the post was attached so that we knew which one was removed, and it was sent in email.

I believe that was Jive that used email notifications. I've never gotten an email notification from a Mod on Lithium .. other than the email notification that I've received a PM.

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Thank you Darius.  This is not what I have been told in the not too distant past.  I had a thread removed and was not informed.  When I queried,  I was told the thread did not violate any Guideline but there were some number of sensitive readers who took offense.

I am glad they are pulling only if it violates a Guideline now. 

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Thank you Darius.  This is not what I have been told in the not too distant past.  I had a thread removed and was not informed.  When I queried,  I was told the thread did not violate any Guideline but there were some number of sensitive readers who took offense.

I am glad they are pulling only if it violates a Guideline now. 

I think this needs some clarification in the guidelines. They say now that mods can and will pull posts at their discretion, so it's not clear to me what they are pulling -- and it doesn't say much about notifications.

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I added more specifics concerning email since it is actually happening (or not happening) to me personally, and you were asking on behalf of others without the specific details.

did not want to derail a thread that looked like it was wrapped up.

if you don't mind...started a thread with the specific details.

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Yeah, I do that sometimes. I see a number of people discussing a problem that effects them to some level, so I formulate a question or thread that addresses it directly, aim it at the proper people and toss in as much detail as possible. I call it "lensing" .. focusing the discussion down to specifics instead of endlessly going round and round with nothing being resolved. It usually meets with reasonable success .. more and more these days than in days gone by. (Which is a reassuring signpost that things are improving in the LL-to-Resi Communication system.)

No offense taken that you started your own thread on the topic. I actually knew your PMs were disabled because I tried to send you one a couple weeks back but got "denied at the door" .. so to speak. I made that last point about disabled PMs specifically because I'd seen you mention that you weren't getting notifications and it dawned on me that it might be the whole reason.

I'm just a lunatic .. even when it's not "my problem", I like resolving problems anyway.

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Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

when details are left out, I would prefer the opportunity and ability to ask the question specifically without the possible appearance of derailing a thread, as it appeared happened in the last thread where I attached other questions, and it was pointed out that they were already answered. 

While that may be your choice in this case, I chose to leave out the info that your PMs were off because I felt that was private info you would not want divulged. Rather than appear to single you out, I asked a generic question .. and you caught on to the fact that it applied in your case.

I will continue to do that when I "lens" .. leave out private info and personal details .. because it's neither my place nor my right to share such info. If I felt it important enough (or crucial enough) that you be told specifically, I would have found a way to get that info to you .. somehow.

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I have floated your thread for all users.  There seems to be a bug from when it was moved.  (When not floated, it vanishes.) 

From another thread where I responded:

If a thread is removed due to the majority of the posts being outside the guidelines; the OP will be notified.  It isn't possible for the mods to contact each person in the thread.  They just do not have the available time to do that and also keep on top of all the other forum activity.   That said, we are making efforts to not remove whole threads unless it is really necessary.  It is understandable that an author who spent time writing a good post, would be frustrated if it vanishes. 

Re: Single post removal: If a single post is removed, there is a reason. The post would be removed and given a warning or other appropriate action notice.

If a user has their PM's turned off and needs to be given a notice, the moderators will let me know and I will follow up.


Also: I will be updating the guidelines (or creating some other visible public document) to help clarify the issues around post/thread moves and removals.  I will post a notice in the forums when that update has been done.

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I appreciate you replacing it.  not sure what good that does now, since you've got my other thread sitting there breaking every rule in the guidelines.

up to you what you want to do on that.  expected it to get pulled within 5 minutes.  but people commented and took time for thoughts. 

also....appears that someone got a post pulled from the thread-that-breaks-every-single-guideline, This Forum is a Crock thread....and that's not fair, unless he removed it himself.  if the original post breaks the guidelines...not really fair to pull a post within.

inconsistencies and frustrations...kinda hard to clean it up and even it all out for everyone now. 

not sure what to say about that. 



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read additional part of your response...

all I know...was told that this thread went off topic and did not meet guidelines.  not really sure what part did not meet guidelines as there is a fairly similar thread that got a direct answer from you.

I am receiving PMs and that question is answered. 

thank you for response....but others have questions.  asking the questions seems to be against the guidelines based on your actions.


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I would say leave both threads there. "This forum is a crock" could just as easily be referring to the system itself, which in light of the fact that this thread has to be stickied to stay on the forum, is probably not a bad statement lol  With some of the bugs in  the Answers section, I have called it a lot worse than a "crock" before & the heated debate on that thread is probably a good reflection of the frustrations that people feel when things do go wrong.

There is also a difference between a thread being on GD for the purpose of bashing the mods or whatever & one being on the feeback forum pointing out shortfalls in the way things are done, in an attempt to get improvements. So long as there are no personal attacks & the language doesn`t become offensive, I don`t see any reason why they would be pulled from here.

There are now 3 or 4 threads here all on a similar topic & as a result Lexie is looking at revising the guidelines, so it would appear that the system works. :)

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Lexie Linden wrote:

Also: I will be updating the guidelines (or creating some other visible public document) to help clarify the issues around post/thread moves and removals.  I will post a notice in the forums when that update has been done.

I'm glad I saw this before posting the thread I was going to post about issues with the moderation process.  There has definitely been some confusion about posts/threads being pulled and some clarification is sorely needed.  Speculation about reasons why posts are pulled is causing divisions in our community. 

Plus, there's no way for us to work with you and the moderators to deal with what may or may not be real problems with the moderation process if we can't get a grasp on what is really going on.  Transparency and accountability are key to improving relationships here, both between users and you and the moderators and between the users themselves.

My hope is that we can start a discussion about these issues once you've posted this and iron out any rough spots with your help.  I'm looking forward to it.

Thanks ...Dres

ETA: The thread I was going to post was going to be an attempt to bring together the various issues about moderation that have been discussed lately and try to figure out some comprehensive solution(s).


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I agree that it is a good time to revise the guidelines. It has been nearly six months since implementing this new software and these processes.  I was initially pleased to see the Off Topic forum created and then, later have it morph into the General Discussions area (at least the name familiar to many of us from the prior incarnation).  I would like to continue to see the GD forum as a bit of a more open (in the sense of topics and conversation flow) area.  Longer threads will likely have some subtopics bloom and whither within the main thread and I would like to see them stay there rather than be removed for being 'off topic'. 

I liken it to conversation at a dinner party.  It moves freely from one topic to another and back again with many ebbs and flows.  As long as posters can disagree without being disagreeable, that natural flow should be acceptable to moderation.

Lexie, I appreciate your active interest in working with us to make this place better for all.

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Venus Petrov wrote:

I agree that it is a good time to revise the guidelines. It has been nearly six months since implementing this new software and these processes.  I was initially pleased to see the Off Topic forum created and then, later have it morph into the General Discussions area (at least the name familiar to many of us from the prior incarnation).  I would like to continue to see the GD forum as a bit of a more open (in the sense of topics and conversation flow) area.  Longer threads will likely have some subtopics bloom and whither within the main thread and I would like to see them stay there rather than be removed for being 'off topic'. 

I liken it to conversation at a dinner party.  It moves freely from one topic to another and back again with many ebbs and flows.  As long as posters can disagree without being disagreeable, that natural flow should be acceptable to moderation.

Lexie, I appreciate your active interest in working with us to make this place better for all.

Yes, we need more freedom to go off topic from time to time.  Hell, some threads don't even have a topic really... they're more like a free form conversation.  I love those kind of threads and cropping parts of that conversation does no one any good.  We talk a lot about threads being pulled and posts being pulled, but I believe the worst problem is lines of conversation being pulled within a thread. 

Instead of pulling everything, perhaps it would be better if the mods would just post a message saying, let's get back on topic or stop with the personal attacks or you will be disciplined (of course not in those exact words).  Sometimes I wish nasty stuff would remain in a thread for all to see what kind of person the poster is, at that moment anyway.  But that might be a bit too much to keep track of where to draw the line.  Oh well, just some of my not entirely well thought out...um, thoughts... if that makes any sense.

I have to question how much Lexie wants to work with us on this or anything else.  The fact that she cut the CTUG meetings back to twice a month (she wanted to cut them to once a month until we raised our concerns) then missed (or actually will miss) two in a role doesn't bode well imo.  I hope this feeling I have proves erroneous.


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  • 1 month later...



Lexie's gone, there are no new


guidelines or


clarifications regarding


stealth censorship, and the new


broom has taken up the old


ways. Is it from


ignorance of


history, or a show of


muscle, both of which do not bode well fo what will probably be a


short reign.




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