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Banning problems and a solution

Dak Deed

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Why doesnt LL rig it when we ban someone it bans by ip or mac or something.. so people cant create a ton of alts and continue to Grief you. I have banned the same person 4 times today.... he just keeps making alts to bug us. Ban one hit them all... This is an issue and the only ones who have a problem with banning all alts are those who are doing exactly the same.,

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That's why you file AR's.  When they get enough complaints, they can ban by IP address.  I really personally don't want this power in the hands of someone else.  Here's why.

Let's say someone has the same IP address as you. Either they used your PC at one time, are in the same household or that you logged in with the same network at work or whatever.  Then that person does something wrong and you get banned.  I have had this happen and trust me, it's not fun and took me weeks to prove my innocence.

SL is borked enough as it is.  Add to it a complexity that can break and allow people to ban all over including others who share or have used the same IP?  I know, it sounds easy enough. So is fixing the links on Marketplace that have been broken for months.

More often than not, people are banned or ejected because they hurt someone ego.  In those cases, you will get little assistance from LL however, true griefing is taken seriously and they do respond.



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"An IP address is not a person." - Judge Harold Baker

The simple fact of the matter is, all manner of trolls, including griefers, infest the interwebs.  If you get mad, they win.  Just keep banning and move on, file your reports, and don't give them the satisfaction of creating forum topics about them.  This is what is known as "feeding the troll", and it will only keep them coming.  The fact that this and the notice for your club are both showing on the main page of the forums is like griefer bait.

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I did say WHEN WE BAN ll rig it where it bans them by ip.. never once did I ask for their ip... hell even a Mac address ban and ll keep the info.. It has been 6 months of me having problems with these same 2 toons and fileing with linden labs... they are still here and still causing us grief. I have filed and this guy makes alts at least once a week to bug us... today he made 4. Did we file.. yes we did.. will it do any good?? No.... I have better things to do in my club than sit and watch and hope I catch  his alt this time before he does something else to grief. And yes all the greenzone people and the griefers dont want all alts of accounts banned so they can continue to bug people who have banned them. Come one people get a grip on reality if we dont want that toon we dont want any of your toons lol



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When I'm at school there are 240 rooms in my residential building with the same IP.   Now some girl down on the first floor pieces you off and you want me banned too because I have the same IP.

Do me a favor and just tell me the name of your club so I can avoid it like the plague to begin with.  Being run by a self important jerk like you, I wouldn't want to take the chance of wandering in at random.  The place probably sucks as bad as you attitude.

Have a nice day though....    :matte-motes-grin:

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Banning Public IP addresses would not work, because I use VPN's myself for legit reasons, I do not like being scanned by CDS, or Red Zone in world, and do not like being DDOS myself by griefers, so there are legit reasons for using a VPN, or going to a cafe in real life or something if you are going to be going to clubs and stuff. There are many forms of Griefing, and I believe that CDS & The Content Creators Logging my IP without my consent through CDS & Red Zone were violating my privacy, spreading accusations about me, and griefing me, but nothing was done about that and LL has not removed the systems from SL yet now have they?

Linden Lab dealing with griefers would require only having one client in Second Life, and that client being updated daily as well as banning all other clients, and versions, as well as running client checks every single day on that one client that LL has made that would be the only legal client allowed in SL, this would mean close soruce SL.

As far as griefing and dealing with it there are many forms of griefing in SL, but I deal with a lot daily and it could be for a number of reasons such as Revenge, You pissed someone off, or maybe one of your friends, or someone you know pissed someone off, so my advice is to stay away from all known Griefer networks in SL, Simulators that support griefing which there are quite a few that I know which do, and don't do with Evil Doers, groups, or connections in SL.

1. For the most basic griefing all you have to do is Mute the person every time they contact you on an alt, and they will go away, make sure to file an abuse report each time.

2. Abuse of griefing, self replication of objects on your lands, Ban/eject, and disable Build to public, and possibly scripts if you have to problem solved, oh and dont make your group open enrollment.

3. No matter what file an abuse report every time.

There are of course advanced methods of griefing which I will not talk about on these forums, but I personally have dealt with those too.

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It takes, what, 15 seconds to ban a griefer?  Is that so hard?

Besides, an IP ban is not going to work as slick as you think.  I might log on from 20+ IP different addresses some months.  Then, assuming you ever travel and log in from a hotel, might log in after me and find, oops, you can't get into your own land.

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  • 1 month later...

madman626 Fall wrote:

But here a thought how likely is it that they play sl ? If they have the same IP and if IP banning don't work why do LL does it ? Just my thought .

last few people i had heard that had gotten banned was a hardware ban..not their IP's although who knows if they didn't do that as well..

who knows really lol...

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