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Need Help and Advice with Window Treatments...


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Okay, I have rather large rectangle shaped windows in my SL home.  Every time I buy a curtain for the windows in the kitchen they get too stretched out and the texture of the curtain or drape looks blurry.  Also, with some of the curtain or just valances the blue texture is bleeding thru the curtain or drape, so what I am looking for is something dark enough to cover the blue texture of the windows in the kitchen, plus something that will look nice in my kitchen.  I was thinking of putting a painting there but I have another window to the left of this picture that is also long and rectangle, and two paintings just won't look good, imo, in my kitchen.

What do you think I could put across these long rectangle windows that will look "kitcheny" and also help block the blue texture of the windows from bleeding thru a curtain or drape?  Also, color advice would be appreciated as well!   Also, the rug is not necessary to be kept as a color; it's just there for now.   Also, I'd like to keep a country kitchen looking theme.  I don't want just blinds or something too modernized, but more country kitchen.  Any suggestions I could try?

maywindows1_001 copy.png


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One thing you could do is modify the windows by putting a vertical section in the middle of each so that the two wide windows become four smaller ones. Those would be more fitting to a country kitchen. A sculpty that reproduces window sashes & panes would work well in the openings.

To avoid bleed-through you have to find curtains/valances that have no alpha (transparency) at all -- not in the texture itself or via prim setting (in the texture tab).

I'm rushed right now, but later I'll post a link to any window sculpties I find. I know they exist, and I could use them in updating the windows in my old cabin.


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Oh, that's a good idea!  I like that!  Yes, when you get time I'd love to know where to find such a divider.  Also, I didn't build the house; it's a rental.  But I was wondering if there was some kind of differing window texture to put on those very long rectangle windows to give them more of a divided country old-fashioned feel; that sounds great! 

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I agree with Jacki's suggestion of shutters, but if you prefer drapes, try tthe type that have 2 separate layers (a sheer lining and a heavier one). Maybe that extra layer will help block the window tint...if not, try putting up simple blinds then hanging drapes in front of them. 

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I tried that layered look in my last rental home, but the sheer (well not too sheer, but that's what they are called) kept coming to the forefront and would never stay layered right, meaning the sheer wouldn't stay behind the half curtain, so I was afraid of just getting that prob all over again 'cuz it always detracted from the pretty curtain as the sheer would like a rectangle stuck in front of a pretty curtain.   I don't know if I did something wrong with the layering or what, but it never would stay right no matter how many times I would try to edit the layers. 

p.s.  I also love that table, but don't like the legs.  So if anyone knows of a table similar with an antique style type table cloth, but with better legs, I'd appreciate info on finding a table like the one shown but with better legs.  Just IM me if you are a creator or drop me a notecard about the table.  That is a good size for me and what I want right now but with better legs on the table but I need some kind of antique cloth attached on the table.  

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Parhelion is right about the blue color bleeding through the curtains. The only way to avoid this is to make sure the curtains does not contain a texture with an alpha channel. If they do, you will get the effect you see. This, unfortunately, is a problem with all graphics cards, not with SL, and is hard to avoid sometimes.

To prevent textures from stretching and becoming blurred when you increase the size of the curtains,  you can increase the number of times the texture repeats along an axis. Look in the texture tab of the editing panel and change the repetitions for the texture.

- Luc -

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Oh, I never knew that.  That could help.  Do you know where I could find some kind of window panel texture to look more like an old fashioned window with panes?   But if I do that, I might run into layering problems again, where the window pane might come forward and look attached to the curtains.  lol 

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Yes, I'm wondering about that too.  Maybe I should IM her. 

The other thing I was thinking was that perhaps some type of antique style country quilts (but not too loud in pattern or colors) might look good?  I haven't had any luck finding any quilts on Marketplace yet, except either on beds or on quilt racks. Does anyone know any place inworld I could look at large flat quilts, and/or if I could get lucky, quilts that had a rod attached to them for that made a curtain out of a quilt look?  However, quilts might look too overpowering though on such large windows, but it was something I thought of trying, or might like for somewhere else in the house.  Quilts made into a curtain look is all I can think of calling them and they have a rod and tabs of fabric for where the quilt attachs to the curtain rod.   I've seen them in rl in magazines, but not in SL yet. 

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Okay, I was sitting here looking through Marketplace to get some ideas for you when my sister comes in and asked what I was doing... I told her, showed her your picture and she immediately suggested something which I hadn't thought of but might just work. She can be quite useful at times... lol.

If your house is modifiable, you could always just take the panes out of the windows and use whatever curtain you want.... that would alleviate the texture clash problem completely. I thought that was a pretty good idea.

And if you don't want to completely remove the panes you can always leave them there and set the transparency to 100. I believe that would accomplish the same effect.

Hope this helps... Dres (I keep telling her she needs to come check out the forums. I'm sure she'd fit right in... as much as she likes to lounge.)

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Dres, thank your sister for me but I don't know if it's modifiable?  It's not my own house on my own land.  It's a rental, so I'd need to ask the land owner what she thinks about changing the windows.  It's a very inexpensive place and I want to stay there and not move as it is very well maintained land.  It's great, so I don't know if I want to bother her when it's such as nice place and so inexpensive. 

@ Marianne, yes I think for the kitchen I would like something semi-open looking; otherwise, I think I might feel too claustrophobic.  That's why I haven't jumped at shutters yet or tried to put quilts up or paintings.  I think I would like something semi open but not so I see my neighbor's rental boxes.  lol 

However, if I don't want to bother the landowner which I do kind of feel weird about because I really do love the place so much and couldn't ask for a nicer landlord who maintains it so well, I might not be able to go with something semi open and airy looking?  

This is a difficult one for me.  I've tried five different curtains, and I keep failing but mostly because fancy type curtains or heavy draperies work for most of the house, but the kitchen, I'm not sure what to do here as I don't think something "fancy" (I know that's a subjective word) works for a kitchen look.  And I'm a bit of a steampunk (antiques) so I was trying to go for a country antique look here in the kitchen, even tho these little kitchen items are a lot of prims or can be; it just depends.  I saw a lemon cutting board with 27 prims.  That's just too much for a cutting board.  Oh and I just happened upon that lemon cutting board with 27 prims because I was looking for lemonade as it's Summer and I felt like putting out some lemonade. 

But to answer Marianne's question, yes I think I would like something open looking for the kitchen, but I'm not sure it's possible(?).

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Maya, I have a lot of curtains from when I used to own a house, which I don't anymore.

I searched and searched for a long time before finding curtains I was happy with so I know how you feel.

I'm online now, if you want to you can IM me and I"ll come over and put some up for you and you can see if they work for your kitchen window. Even if they're not exactly what you want, if you're happy with the fit and shape, you could always go to the stores where I originally purchased mine and see if they have something that better suits your style.

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Thanks for the landmark, jojo.  I got it inworld. 

I decided to try some stained glass windows.  I was thinking with stained glass they would be transparent and not help.  However, they weren't transparent and I think for now have turned out okay.  I also thought the strained glass texture would stretch out and blur like the other things I had tried, but they didn't.  The stained glass works well for me for right now.   I also did my upstairs hallway in clear stained glass windows; they look very nice, too, with no bleed thru. 

Now I have to arrange the furniture and some other things.  I said I wasn't going to decorate until I got the windows done, but I tried so many things and failed, I had decided to buy furniture before I got the windows done.   However, today, at least I've got something accomplished! 

Thanks for your help everybody.  This is the best I've got for now. 

maykitchen2_002 copy_edited-1.png

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You're welcome. It looks much better with the stained glass. Good idea.  The land mark I sent you has some curtains that would frame the stained glass nicely and the curtains are very versatile. You can change the color, the transparency and open and close them and they are low prim. You can also take some of them home and demo them at your place.  

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Yes, I think it turned out pretty good!  I'm pretty happy with it!  Thanks a lot!  The hallway with the crystal clear stained glass looks pretty good, too!  Now I just need to rearrange some little things here and there.  I was trying for over a month to get those windows done!  Finally! 

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Ah, that really looks nice. I haven't had time to log into SL, my RL is a bit occupied but I log into SL forums just to get an escape.

The stretching of textures can be avoided if you can change the repeats. I really shouldn't try to teach stuff, since English isn't my #1 language. Isn't it called "repeats"? let us say you have a curtain that you stretch so it is double wide, you could double the texture repeats horisontally.

If you dare to try it on the stained glass, you would see that it will repeat the pattern, giving the illusion of 2 stained glass windows close together. If the curtains had a seamless texture, you would not have to worry about patterns. This would work best on texures that don't have baked in shades.


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Yes, you were trying to tell me something about repeats when I first asked about possibly using some type of wallpaper for this room oh about a month or so ago in the wanted section, and yes Marianne you were the one who was helping me.  Your English is great and I understood what you were saying, but I didn't think I would have the patience to do that.   I wasn't even sure I wanted a kitchen at that time tho, but now I'm a single Mom of fraternal twins, Rose and Dale Resident, so I need a kitchen to cook in!  However, once I tried to do repeats on textures; all I can say is it was very hard for me and it gave me a lot of respect for builders who do that repeating texture thing.  I don't think I have time in my SL, being a Mom and all. 

I could also try to use the clear crystal stained glass windows with some kind of lace curtain around it,  but a little more blue bleeds thru those clear ones just a little bit and blue in the kitchen wouldn't look good as I have a green door, and kitchen cabinets and a sink to the other side that can't be seen in the photo where the backsplash for the kitchen sink has a faded red color in the tile work.  So I had green and red to work with in that kitchen area, so I think this will look the best rather than letting blue leak in when I already have green and red in my kitchen.   I wanted to get all my window treatments done before I even decorated the house, but everything I stretched got blurred out like some big blurry blob, and I was at my wits end.  lol  And, so I decided to get some furniture until I could figure out this thing!  What to do here, as I failed so many time with curtains. 

I think the hallway which is blue, another color for the house (I have lots of colors in my house, including maroon and antiqued pink bedroom wallpaper for the bedrooms which is very pretty, and then a blue hallway), looks very nice with the crystal clear stained glass windows, and I am thrilled with not having to look at a flashing bar sign anymore.  Yes, our little sim has it's own local bar.  It's kind of cute the way the houses are all set up with piers and ramps like we are floating on a bay of some kind. 

And @ Marianne, I loved the pic you shared.  It was a very nice kitchen!  However, I'm wondering how you got your avatar out of the shot???  That is one I will have learn another time!  lol

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What a great work around... gives it a very unique look. And now that you have the window covered up with a non alpha texture, you could definitely put some alpha texture curtains up in front of it without it clashing, if that's what you want of course.

Also, I don't know if you did this or not but glass textures, especially stained, tend to look better if you set them to full bright... you might want to give it a try and see whether or not you like it.


P.S. My sis says you are very welcome.

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