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Unhappy with purchase


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I bought a kimono,it looked good on the pic,and have a nice stars on marketplace,so I decided to bought it today.It was a big mistake.Im to big for it and its moves to much,and its get worse with my AO.

I want to know if theres anything to do,im trying to contact the creator,but he is offline.I really would like a refund,like some stores have.

Btw,this is the iten:https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Japanese-Haori-Hakama-for-men/268138 

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The Marketplace shows the product as a transferrable item so it is something that can actually be returned to the creator but I did not see anything in the creators Store Profile about refunds. The product is also modifiable so you can possibly change sizes if you feel comfortable with that.

I suggest sending the creator a notecard explaining your situation and your request for a refund and wait at least 24 hours for a response. And it is always a good idea to maintain a pleasant demeanor in these situations.

One of the hardest things for me to learn was never ever purchase anything clothing or attachment-wise without first trying out a demo. It''s rare for me to find something that fits without having to alter my avatar shape. But hey, that's just me!   :-)

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Well, it is transfer, so maybe the creator takes it back. Be nice to the creator when you send him a notecard.  All sales are final, that's the policy most stores have.

Or you can offer it up for sale? That way you can get at least 150 or 100 L back.

You can edit it bigger, it says it is modify. Are you familar with editing? it is always a risk to start editing on a no copy item. Mess it up and it's ruined. You can edit how flexi it is too, but it is harder than stretching.  

The Ivory Tower of prims has tutorials you can go through, when you edit prim clothes you are using the same tools as when you build houses. But start with a copy first, if you will try it... always a copy first!

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Some merchants take that attitude as they really create nothing but crap and expect customers to either forget about it, write it off, or figure it would be too much trouble for a customer to do anything about it while they continue to distribute crap.

Not saying that this particular item is crap. But one never knows... could be the creator missed something when boxing it up and might be very appreciative of the feedback from a customer.

I personally don't mind spending a few minutes filling out a notecard and dropping a copy to a creator no matter what the circumstances.   :-)

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I have the same outfit and it's an awesome creation for just L200. My shape is 2.24m tall so I guess you are really big. Yep, to make it fit perfectly you have to modify the prim parts, but when you get outfits with prim parts, you'd always have to edit prim parts anyway. It's not that hard to stretch them and if you don't like the flexible parts' (sleeves and hakama) movement, you can edit also their flexibility. Hope the creator will get in touch with you indue time.



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Sorry, but It's only L$200. I've purchased a LOT of stuff that hasn't met my expectation.  Its life.  Just like in RL, where you buy an item of clothing, get it home, then never wear it.  

We all buy stuff at times that isn't what we thought it would be. 

And yes, often with SL clothing, if you're not a "standard" shape, or the shape that a prim item was made for, you do need to edit it, resize it, move it up/down to make it fit your shape/size. 



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Wow it looks great in you!

If you could help me inworld to edit it,a friend gave me a rezise script,but I dont know how to use it.

and I really want to check this edit flexibility thing,but Im scared of messing around with those pieces,beacause its not copy,so, I could really use some help.

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Here is a webpage that teaches how to edit linked prims, which you must know how to do to resize your outfit (or any other).  I am a pretty standard size and invariably have to adjust the prim size and position.


Expecting a creator to make something that exactly fits your shape is unreasonable.

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Sure, feel free to IM me in-world. If I am on-line that time, I might be able to help you.
I've never used resize script in my products, so I don't know how to use it either, but I think it's faster to edit manually than to use the script if the object you are going to edit doesn't contain it yet.


Ask the creator to give you copy/mod/no trans version of the outfit so you can edit the prim parts at ease. (Not sure if he accepts, but I think most merchants would acceed to such a request because the item is transferable, so can be returned to the merchant.)

Go through some tutorials other people post here. Ivory tower of prims is here.

As to flexible thingy, http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Building_Tools#Features_Tab

I checked closely how the flexible prim parts are composed.
As to sleeves, just 1 prim each for right/left sleeve, so it's comparatively easy to edit.


Haori : The bottom of the jacket is flexible  - 5 prims, hollowed/cut cylinder

Hakama : All prims except for the root prim (yellow one) - 15 prims, hollowed box

I don't really think it's a good idea to edit the flexibility of the hakama parts because..as you see  those prims overlap each other and so it would be a bit too hard for people unaccustomed to edit.

Anyway everything is trial and error. Make sure to make a back up copies before editing
(if you could get copy/mod/no trans version, though)


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If it moves around to much due to flexi then mod the flex settings. If you mean it is not flexi...um, you could try and make it flexi. But only some shapes can be flexable, so this might not work. But, making it flex a little bit will make it less wooden looking and it will maybe appear to move more natural. 

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