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My wish - a blacklist for marketplace

Carolina1 Setsuko

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hi there.

I got this idea, because some griefers banned on my store, buy my products on marketplace, especially to write a bad review. 

Or sometimes, they write bad review only because our products are more popular (the competitors).

That's not fair. 

I think a blacklist, to block some users on marketplace, could be a great idea. 

What do you think ? 

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I understand your sentiment here. There are many reasons a Merchant might want to prevent someone from purchasing on the Marketplace when they have banned them from their inworld store.

I recently posed this question to Dakota Linden who responded that we must create a JIRA to change TOS to prevent or ban someone from buying on the Market (even though we can control it inworld through land bans).

Seeing your post here, I am curious how many others would be in favor of supporting this kind of JIRA to change TOS?

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I don't know about a black list.   I do know what you mean, though.  I've also noticed A LOT of very silly reviews written by noobs who claim they haven't received the item, or they misread the description of the item, or they perhaps don't understand English sufficiently to understand what it is they're actually buying.  I imagine those one star ratings can be pretty annoying, especially when you're starting out as a seller and only beginning to getting known.   

There must be some solution but i don't think a black list is really it.  One can't really penalise noobs for being, well, noobs.

ETA:  in the case of them griefing your store, i'd say go ahead, ban their asses!

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If there are one star or low reviews due to delivery issues, file a support ticket to have them removed. That's what we've been told to do by the Commerce and Customer Service teams.

I think this issue is broader than just the frustrations with regard to delivery issues causing the ratings problems. It's really about a Merchant being able to control their store on the Marketplace the same way they control it inworld, overall.

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Madeliefste Oh wrote:

I specially would like to ban people who infringed my IP rights, but were not banned for that by LL.

Grrrr that makes me mad.  The person who copied half my store is still listing things on the marketplace made with my original content -- after I filed two DMCAs.


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Pamela, when I asked Dakota this question and she responded it was a TOS issue/change, she explained that "a users access to any portion of Second Life is subject to the Terms of Service". That does seem in conflict with our ability to ban from land inworld at the landowners discretion, however, that is the explanation I got.

Perhaps she will pop up in this discussion to add to that explanation. But basically, if we want it changed, we have to create a JIRA to change TOS.

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If it is your web page store then you should have the ability to view and accept or delete any reviews on your store page.

Bad people can still buy things from your store so you and LL make money off of them, they just can't write fake reviews.

That would be the quickest and easiest way to monitor reviews and it would be done by users so LL would not have to be bothered and the bad people could still buy things on other web page stores of other users.


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My concern with banning, as a customer, would be the fear that store owners would start banning ANYONE with complaints or who left bad reviews. I should have the right to comment however I choose; if I don't like the product, I can leave a bad review, and the store owner shouldn't be able to ban me because I did so. (I do realize that the majority of store owners wouldn't do this, but some would, and that's not fair to the honestly disgruntled consumer.)

I think it's important for store owners to remember that they can comment back to a review - a polite comment offering assistance for a disliked or malfunctioning product, for example, encourages me to buy the product despite the bad review because I know the merchant will work with me. A negative, snippy comment by the store owner, on the other hand, makes me not want to buy the product because I see that I can't expect any help.

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 I respectfully disagree. I like to see reviews on a product, even if they're bad. Too many store owners would just delete all negative reviews if they could, and keep only positive, which gives a skewed view of how good or bad the product actually is. I think merchants should just take the time to respond to reviews, especially negative ones.

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I agree with you. This shouldn't be about honest reviews (good, bad, or inbetween). If, however, an avatar has griefed or copybotted (documentable through AR's and DMCAs) and they are not permitted at an inworld location, the Merchant should be able to decide if they are permitted access to the same store on the Marketplace.

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Capability  to ban or delete reviews are different things. I would be able to ban people who gave me problems already, as preventive measure ( in the same way that they are banned in-world) and in this way to do not give chance for personal vendetta by bad  rating or review . Would be a great idea

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Ariel, i'm pretty sure that most of store owners would not ban anyone simply due bad reviews. Anyway if we are talking about rights, i think that merchants should have the right to ban from market place in the same way that they are able to do it in-world. About comment back to a bad review the system is quite unfavorable to the merchant. Comments are hidden, anyone needs log on  to be able to read them...

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you don't understand the problem there.

Some people are banned on the store, and buy the products on marketplace just to rate them bad.

If they're banned on the main store, we should have the possibility to banned them on our marketplace.

That's fair. 

Plus most the time, the bad rating are about the problem of delivery lol (problem caused by linden lab, not us)

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