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Inconvenient Truths about Second Life

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10 minutes ago, SandorWren said:

Here is something interesting. I'm a switch. I have been both dominant and submissive as both male and female. I have been respected in both roles as a female. But no woman has ever wanted me to stay permanently submissive as a male, and I lose respect if I do.

I don't know a whole lot about the whole dominant and submissive thing but I guess that's indicative that a lot of people are still clinging to some preconceived notions of gender roles and therefore a male who is permanently submissive is somehow less desirable as a long term partner.  That being said I'm sure there must be at least some females that would have a preference for a permanently submissive male.

Personally, I can be neither and prefer to be in a relationship where both parties considered themselves as equals and treat each other accordingly.

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10 minutes ago, SandorWren said:

Here is something interesting. I'm a switch. I have been both dominant and submissive as both male and female. I have been respected in both roles as a female. But no woman has ever wanted me to stay permanently submissive as a male, and I lose respect if I do.

That's a little different than what Fluffy is referring to, I think. Fluffy can poke me if I'm incorrect, of course. 

Side note: I'm having way too much fun typing "Fluffy," btw, so don't mind me.


Anyhoo, I know of a few relationships where the woman works/runs a business and the man is the stay at home dad. That's probably not overly common, but it does happen here and there. How often that's represented in Second Life, if at all - I dunno. I can't even comprehend adhering to a single gender role in the first place (lol, RIP to the men who have tried my patience with that) so these types of non-traditional switch-ups don't particularly surprise me.

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2 hours ago, SandorWren said:

It's the exceptions that make the rule!!!

Hey!! Some squirrels are pretty exceptional!! \o/

In fact some are just masterminds that defeat many many humans and their bird feeder protection attempts at keeping squirrels out of the feed.


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2 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

That's a little different than what Fluffy is referring to, I think. Fluffy can poke me if I'm incorrect, of course. 

It was a bit of a tangent but still an interesting observation and possibly indicative that traditional gender roles are still as prevalent in SL communities as they are in RL.

4 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Side note: I'm having way too much fun typing "Fluffy," btw, so don't mind me.


Well I can hardly get mad at you for using my name in vain, I mean it's a pretty frivolous and silly name to begin with so it's not like it's going to lose its impact. 😅

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3 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Hey!! Some squirrels are pretty exceptional!! \o/

In fact some are just masterminds that defeat many many humans and their bird feeder protection attempts at keeping squirrels out of the feed.


And let's not forget Squirrel Girl who single-handedly (aside from the aid of her trusty sidekick Tippy Toe) defeated Thanos and saved the multiverse!


Go Squirrels!!

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2 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

It was a bit of a tangent but still an interesting observation and possibly indicative that traditional gender roles are still as prevalent in SL communities as they are in RL.

Oh yeahhh, traditional gender roles are quite alive and well in SL, for sure. Don't I know it. 😩😄


3 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

Well I can hardly get mad at you for using my name in vain, I mean it's a pretty frivolous and silly name to begin with so it's not like it's going to lose its impact. 😅

LOL, I nicknamed my best friend "Fuzzy" so so so many years ago when we first met and it's stuck all this time, with numerous variations (Fuzzers, Fuzzykins, Sir Fuzzington III, Fuzzers Fuzzington Fuzztopolous Fuzzwiffle the Fird). I just love words like that.

Fluffy...can do a lot with that one, too. Better watch it. 👀🤣

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2 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Inconvenient truth in SL - not enough short guys. Then again, I'm way too tall in SL, so that wouldn't work out so well when it comes to dance balls and whatnot.

   Pfft, dancing in SL is the most boring 'activity' out there. If I'm to suffer through it, I'd rather do it with a face-full of bosom. 

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Just now, Orwar said:

   Pfft, dancing in SL is the most boring 'activity' out there. If I'm to suffer through it, I'd rather do it with a face-full of bosom. 

I like where your head's at.


... See what I did there?

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9 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Fluffy...can do a lot with that one, too. Better watch it. 👀🤣

I noticed a while back that Fluffington was on the list of SL last names.  It's been a long time since I made an alt but I was sorely tempted for a minute or two! 🤣

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1 hour ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:
1 hour ago, Paul Hexem said:

The biggest complaint I see younger men making these days is that they can't be emotionally expressive or they get dumped.

That doesn't sound like an issue they ought to be worrying about. They probably wouldn't mesh well with those women in the first place. There would likely be other incompatibilities along the way. Always are.

It's like back when the whole "nice guy" thing was blowing up in the online dating space (I guess it still is, really, but I removed myself from that scene a long time ago) and frankly it all boils down to just finding your people. A woman who doesn't want someone "nice" or emotional isn't really someone an emotional guy should be aiming for. Read the signs. Consider the rejection a blessing and move on along. There are plennnnnnty of women who love an emotionally sensitive guy. It's one of the first things I look for (right after sense of humor - I need stupid jokes in my life).

It's not much different in SL. Find your people.

I agree...on a person level we can always find our guy (or girl) out there that resonates with us.

However, when society has certain stereotypes used to evaluate people for positions of authority this can have a harmful effect on both men and women, and this applies to the inconvenient truth of this problem in 2nd life as wells as 1st.

For example, we do have positions of authority in 2nd life that residents seek, whether out of interest or monetary gain, and say a guy is judged to be too 'soft-spoken' or feminine and refused the job. Or say a woman is simply being assertive yet she's judged as being aggressive since in society overall we want woman to be more gentle and tend to demonize one who speaks her mind, and so she doesn't get the job.

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1 minute ago, Orwar said:

   Pfft, dancing in SL is the most boring 'activity' out there. If I'm to suffer through it, I'd rather do it with a face-full of bosom. 

You don't dance a lot in SL, do ya? Ya gotta get out of the clubs with the stale old stuff. Mocap couple and group dances are some of the most hilarious things IN Second Life, are you kitten me rite meow? 

My friends and I would waste whole hours in animation stores buying the dumbest group dances to use while out and about. 

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2 hours ago, Paul Hexem said:
3 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Maybe perceptions moved in that direction (valuing 'nerdy' or intelligent men, or emotionally expressive men, for example) but traditional valuations remain for most or many. 

The biggest complaint I see younger men making these days is that they can't be emotionally expressive or they get dumped.

We as a society keep saying we want change, but it seems like it's only as long as it doesn't actually affect us. That's an inconvenient truth right there.

Yeah that is annoying. Often we SAY we're the open-minded person going along with new ways of perceiving relationships between men and women, but when it comes down to actually relating in such a way we fail and revert to the way we were socialized.  Parts of the socialization process takes place at such an early age, and it's way too easy to revert back to what we thought was true then, especially in close relationships where our inner child is more present.

I do think it can be overcome however, in both 1st and 2nd life, but it takes some work.  First, one has to become aware of what patterns they're operating under -- the way they're viewing the world and how, basically, we're brainwashed into that.  And then, we can let go and be our own person.

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2 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

You don't dance a lot in SL, do ya?

   As little as possible!

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5 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   As little as possible!

Lol, I'm the total opposite. I replace stands and walks with dances in my AO from time to time, so I'm usually dancing all over the place. I'll agree the standard club/couple dances are absolutely boring, though. You gotta bring your own.

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5 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

You gotta bring your own.

   I like wonky animations as much as the next guy, but I don't want to buy animations unless I think they're good. And finding dances that are, particularly for male avies, is really rough. Haven't found any semi-decent ones that works well with my kind of music either!

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17 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Lol, I'm the total opposite. I replace stands and walks with dances in my AO from time to time, so I'm usually dancing all over the place. I'll agree the standard club/couple dances are absolutely boring, though. You gotta bring your own.


10 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   I like wonky animations as much as the next guy, but I don't want to buy animations unless I think they're good. And finding dances that are, particularly for male avies, is really rough. Haven't found any semi-decent ones that works well with my kind of music either!

Way too often I try male dances, as a male, and all I can think is "WTF is going on with the arms?"

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9 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   I like wonky animations as much as the next guy, but I don't want to buy animations unless I think they're good. And finding dances that are, particularly for male avies, is really rough. Haven't found any semi-decent ones that works well with my kind of music either!

Inconvenient truth: we can find absolutely anything in Second Life except the very thing we're actually looking for!

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Just now, Paul Hexem said:

Way too often I try male dances, as a male, and all I can think is "WTF is going on with the arms?"

Pro-tip - stop looking for male dances. If you're talking about singles, that is. Nothing good comes from that.

I shop by type or genre. As far as I know, they're not gendered until you get into couples territory, and that doesn't even make a difference much of the time. I've used couples anims with girls before and they look fine. Maybe some minor height adjustments here and there, but nothing major.

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1 minute ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Inconvenient truth: we can find absolutely anything in Second Life except the very thing we're actually looking for!

   Decent menswear unfortunately being one of those things!

3 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

Way too often I try male dances, as a male, and all I can think is "WTF is going on with the arms?"

   To be fair, I don't really know what to do with my arms. Most of the time I just air drum. 

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10 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Decent menswear unfortunately being one of those things!

   To be fair, I don't really know what to do with my arms. Most of the time I just air drum. 

I'm dragging you and Paul shopping one of these days. Y'all are struggling out there. 🤣


Orwar: I don't know what to do with my arms!



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7 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

Most female avis are actually men. 

humongous breasts.......check

acts unusually submissive and unsure........check

dresses absurdly feminine.............check

calls me "honey"............highly suspect

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9 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

humongous breasts.......check

acts unusually submissive and unsure........check

dresses absurdly feminine.............check

calls me "honey"............highly suspect

giggles. wears glasses with the intent of looking "sexy smart" 

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