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The End Of An Era and what was a wonderful, enlightened virtual world....

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4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I don't think this is overthinking it at all. Really good looking digital scenes are generally carefully constructed by professionals who work hard to ensure that, as you say, everything "flows." Textures and maps are designed for particular lighting configurations that are static and unchangeable, and the entire "look" is an integrated whole.

We're not going to be seeing a lot of that in SL, which will very seldom, if ever, look as "good" as a really well designed game scene.

But then, in fairness, this has always been a problem in SL. I know that, constructing backdrops for my pics, I'll sometimes try to use elements that might look fine or even good on their own, but that clash horribly with each other because the texturing and mesh have been produced according to very different aesthetics and approaches.

LL can give us all the triple-A design tools it wants. Until they are being used by triple-A calibre designers and creators, we're not going to achieve what can be done in a static game.

ETA: And of course, it's not just about the skill level of creators, some of whom are excellent. It's also got a lot to do with the very nature of SL, and the degree of control that individual users have, which far exceeds that available to a player in a game.

LL gives residents total freedom to create whatever they want, no matter how horrible, then other residents complain that residents create whatever they want, no matter how horrible 😂

The only way to have a "game quality" secondlife is to ban all resident created content and just run preloaded scenes.

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40 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

If it were up to you the Abuse Reporting UI would probably have an entire category just for "Positivity"! :P 

People who deliberately and willingly use the I-Word to describe their proposed changes are some off the WORST enemies "games" have.

The guy who was offended that a games chicken-egg sized chicken-eggs looked "too big" to come out of a ch9ken sized chicken, so did an I-word mod to replace them with 5 quail-egg sized chicken-eggs.

The guys who demand that it be impossible to see your hand in front off your face at night, in games with a day night cycle.

The guys who want character creation "fixed" because "you can't have female warriors, cos upper body strength".

And these are the light weight end of the I-word abusers, the ones we can laugh at.


In SL, I-Word abusers are the ones demanding that they have a right to delete their neighbours home because "their villa next to my castle breaks my I-word!"


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2 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

LL gives residents total freedom to create whatever they want, no matter how horrible, then other residents complain that residents create whatever they want, no matter how horrible 😂

What a bizarre way to spin this.

It's like any form of free expression. You have the right to say really awful things. And I have a parallel and a reciprocal right to criticize what you've said. That back-and-forth is actually, literally, the point of free speech. It's how we learn; it is how we arrive at something a little closer to the "truth."

The same is true of artistic expression. You have an absolute right in SL or RL to produce stuff that looks like it was extracted from the back end of a dog. And I have a right to critique it.

You have, I'm sure, heard this before, but perhaps the significance of the expression has escaped you: your freedom of self-expression is not a freedom from the consequences of what you say.

7 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

The only way to have a "game quality" secondlife is to ban all resident created content and just run preloaded scenes.

That is precisely the point I was making.

And as I believe freedom of self-expression is more important than homogenized but "attractive" content, I'm actually fine with that. There are lots of "games" I could play that look a hell of a lot nicer than SL. I don't play them because what we are free to do here is more important to me.

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5 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

The guys who want character creation "fixed" because "you can't have female warriors, cos upper body strength".

Oh, him.

He's not an "immersionist."

He's just a sexist idiot.

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27 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

What a bizarre way to spin this.

It's like any form of free expression. You have the right to say really awful things. And I have a parallel and a reciprocal right to criticize what you've said. That back-and-forth is actually, literally, the point of free speech. It's how we learn; it is how we arrive at something a little closer to the "truth."

The same is true of artistic expression. You have an absolute right in SL or RL to produce stuff that looks like it was extracted from the back end of a dog. And I have a right to critique it.

You have, I'm sure, heard this before, but perhaps the significance of the expression has escaped you: your freedom of self-expression is not a freedom from the consequences of what you say.

That is precisely the point I was making.

And as I believe freedom of self-expression is more important than homogenized but "attractive" content, I'm actually fine with that. There are lots of "games" I could play that look a hell of a lot nicer than SL. I don't play them because what we are free to do here is more important to me.

Not sure whats bizarre about it. The forums are full of people complaining about the monstrocities people vomit up on mainland, and more than one person has said lets get rid of prims altogether

LOL critique all you want, but at the end of the day I couldn't care less, and the only thing you can do about it is derender it.

Where does cancel culture come into all of this? oh wait, I remember, it doesn't exist 😂

Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
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4 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

The forums are full of people complaining about the monstrocities people vomit up on mainland, and more than one person has said lets get rid of prims altogether

Yes. And?

5 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

LOL critique all you want, but at the end of the day I couldn't care less, and the only thing you can do about it is derender it.

And that you don't in fact listen to what others might have to say, might be part of the problem?

But I'm sure you just know, right?

When I produce a new image, I frequently solicit suggestions and ideas, and even criticisms from others. I'm producing what is essentially a form of communication, so understanding what is being communicated, as others perceive it, is useful. I think creators should actually avail themselves of the same mechanism, as I'm sure some do. They might learn something from it. As I do.

8 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

Where does cancel culture come into all of this?

Is this just a fun term you bring up all the time, regardless of context? Because I'm sure not seeing its relevance to this discussion.

No one's "cancelling" you, or what you create. But we're not obliged to like either.

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4 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

And people say, noooo PBR won't slow your computer down or cause it to run hot, when all those examples you provided must have an effect, anything that consumes more of your computers capacity MUST have an effect on performance.

"My computer melted down, but SL sure was purty before it happened" 😂

Well, when PBR is generally used, things are (usually, hopefully, ideally) optimized for that content. So no, a game full of PBR or ray tracing or all the fancy current tech will not overwork a PC IF (huge if) the PC meets and/or exceeds system requirements AND the developers do a good job with optimizing and making the game run well to those standards.

SL is, of course, rather different. We don't even have current system specs. And like I told Scylla, we'll have all kinds of content optimized all kinds of ways. So in SL - yeah, there might be more issues once everything lands. It's a wait and see situation.

Do I personally think we needed PBR? No. Do I particularly care whether mesh and prims clash in a battle to the death? No. Do I think it's going to cause more issues than not? Yep. Will it look good and be worth it all in the end? Remains to be seen. 

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21 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Just like in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization!


/me takes Love's latest failed bad dad joke out to the dumpster behind the forum and puts it out of it's misery with a baseball bat, then disposes of it.


I say, I say, I say...

What do you call an ancient Egyptian Bad Dad Joke Spammer?


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7 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

/me takes Love's latest failed bad dad joke out to the dumpster behind the forum and puts it out of it's misery with a baseball bat, then disposes of it.

   It was a rather backward variant. The 'real' one is more something like:

   'Will glass coffins ever be popular? Remains to be seen.'

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5 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:
5 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

Where does cancel culture come into all of this?

Is this just a fun term you bring up all the time, regardless of context? Because I'm sure not seeing its relevance to this discussion.

Nah, it's just a dog whistle for a sociopolitically "conservative" stance.

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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30 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   It was a rather backward variant. The 'real' one is more something like:

   'Will glass coffins ever be popular? Remains to be seen.'

I almost mentioned Lenin, but went for "mummies" instead. Zal, bless her little heart, just loves poking me. Must be bored.

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5 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

When I produce a new image, I frequently solicit suggestions and ideas, and even criticisms from others. I'm producing what is essentially a form of communication, so understanding what is being communicated, as others perceive it, is useful. I think creators should actually avail themselves of the same mechanism, as I'm sure some do. They might learn something from it. As I do.

I would like to see more photos of you outdoors. You're always crammed up in some room.

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3 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Do I particularly care whether mesh and prims clash in a battle to the death?

It's important to pick a side so you can order your bikini armor in the proper colors.

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7 minutes ago, WeFlossDaily said:

It's important to pick a side so you can order your bikini armor in the proper colors.

Nah, I seriously do not care, lol. I almost never venture over to mainland and I usually remain on an island on ground level or up in the air when I'm not shopping or taking photos somewhere or something (though I've recently abandoned my plot as I'm technically on a break), so I don't really have any glaring inconsistencies in my view on a regular basis. Mesh away. Prim away. 

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2 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Nah, I seriously do not care, lol. I almost never venture over to mainland and I usually remain on an island on ground level or up in the air when I'm not shopping or taking photos somewhere or something (though I've recently abandoned my plot as I'm technically on a break), so I don't really have any glaring inconsistencies in my view on a regular basis. Mesh away. Prim away. 

I understand. I mostly just kind of lurk around my skybox like the lorax nowadays.

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2 minutes ago, WeFlossDaily said:

I understand. I mostly just kind of lurk around my skybox like the lorax nowadays.

Lol. I used to get a lot of joy out of completely tearing down my home and redesigning everything from scratch in an entirely different theme, but then I borrowed a ton of stuff from a friend and felt at least a little compelled to keep the look I came up with for a long time (she had rezzed dozens of landscaping items for me to play with!).

With that hobby gone, all I had left to do was play around with avatar styling and photography, which I did a ton of until I finally hit burnout (and my wallet started yelling at me). So now, a break! 😂

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3 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Lol. I used to get a lot of joy out of completely tearing down my home and redesigning everything from scratch in an entirely different theme, but then I borrowed a ton of stuff from a friend and felt at least a little compelled to keep the look I came up with for a long time (she had rezzed dozens of landscaping items for me to play with!).

With that hobby gone, all I had left to do was play around with avatar styling and photography, which I did a ton of until I finally hit burnout (and my wallet started yelling at me). So now, a break! 😂

Yeps, I feel what you mean. I think I'm done buying stuff and will probably just let my skybox lapse. I feel increasingly bored.

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2 minutes ago, WeFlossDaily said:

Yeps, I feel what you mean. I think I'm done buying stuff and will probably just let my skybox lapse. I feel increasingly bored.

Yeah, and with things in flux with updates and PBR, I figured now might be a great time to slow spending, take a break, and let things play out. I don't want to buy much PBR content if it's not going to take off, and I don't want to buy much non-PBR if it does, soooo...

I decided to just stop buying and see how things progress.

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