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Second Life Wish List


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Gosh, I'm new here.  I fell like i MIGHT  be saying something stupid,  But I still feel that the need to complain might be something beneficial.  I would wish that Second Life Forums would contain a whole 'Wish List" subforum.  It is manufactured by jinnis after all, right?  What else do I wish for  'Second Life'?  Plenty of wish for its evolution!

  • Better graphics over time-- can it compete with PS3 and Xbox360?  Can it compete with film?
  • Better interactivity-- how easy or possible is it to go jetboarding, skiing, snowboarding, parachuting, flying a kite, adventure gaming, imagining anything, interacting with the environment in any which way?
  • Vehicles please!  Or at least the ability to run, fer Christ's sake.  Am I missing something here?  There should be the ability to purchase your avatar a vehicle, be it a flying saucer,  truck, scuba gear, jet pack, cheetah, snail, or portal gun, all with different speeds.
  • Better sound synthesis-- when there's a song playing, I don't want to suddenly hear it.  I want to slowly hear it more as I get closer to it, just like it is in 'real life'.  Same with voices.
  • Better customization over time-- customize the flash of light that happens when you warp to new worlds.  Customize the way your voice sounds.  Customize the censorship.  Customize the desires.  Customize everything!
  • Earn your magic-- maybe you shouldn't even let these people fly to begin with.  Make it a game.  Do you realize how much you could be selling?  !00 Lindens per angel wing~!  Okay, maybe we should fly to begin with, just as in a dream.  But can you imagine how much more is possible, and what secrets to behold?  Only when you won sacred dragonfire can you see what lays behind the curtain!  Make it perfectly accessible for people to create a video game in each world!  How about the Sims version 900000000000000000!
  • Make a complete synthesis with the genius of the computer!  Can you Skype people you know at second life while driving down the street?  What's their cyber-cell #?  Can I watch true cinema at the cyber-through theatre?  Can I completely interact the virtues of my PC with the the Cyberian outback?  Certainly possible! 
  • Infinite programming possibilities
  • And I'm sure I could think of a bagillion more.  Can you?  In good conscience, what would you suggest?
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Nothing wrong with wishing and dreaming.  I would say quite a bit of your "wish list" is possible already (like vehicles....they are everywhere and you can even buy them for you avatar.  And running.........you can run (double tap your arrow and there you go on your morning run to get the blood pumping).  You'll learn what you can do over time.........and it's quite a lot (much of your wish list would be fullfilled.:matte-motes-big-grin:


One thing that probably never will happen.  SL's graphics will never be competitive with PS3 or Xbox360 (or even Wii).  Those are dedicated graphics consoles with graphics created by professional 3D graphics artists in the gaming industry..........the graphics in SL are created primarily by amateurs who are not focused solely on games.  The graphics in film are much different than the graphics in any game console...........and even more different than the graphics in SL.  You'll just have to keep dreaming.


You can Skype doing whatever you want to do in SL at the same time.  You can watch streamed video in SL so yeah you can go the theater (so to speak). 


Here's my wish.  People quit trying to make SL a game.  But that's a dream I'll just have to keep dreaming.  :matte-motes-crying:

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Spectran wrote:

Gosh, I'm new here.  I fell like i MIGHT  be saying something stupid,  But I still feel that the need to complain might be something beneficial.  I would wish that Second Life Forums would contain a whole 'Wish List" subforum.  It is manufactured by jinnis after all, right?  What else do I wish for  'Second Life'?  Plenty of wish for its evolution!
  • Better graphics over time-- can it compete with PS3 and Xbox360?  Can it compete with film?
  • Better interactivity-- how easy or possible is it to go jetboarding, skiing, snowboarding, parachuting, flying a kite, adventure gaming, imagining anything, interacting with the environment in any which way?
  • Vehicles please!  Or at least the ability to run, fer Christ's sake.  Am I missing something here?  There should be the ability to purchase your avatar a vehicle, be it a flying saucer,  truck, scuba gear, jet pack, cheetah, snail, or portal gun, all with different speeds.
  • Better sound synthesis-- when there's a song playing, I don't want to suddenly hear it.  I want to slowly hear it more as I get closer to it, just like it is in 'real life'.  Same with voices.
  • Better customization over time-- customize the flash of light that happens when you warp to new worlds.  Customize the way your voice sounds.  Customize the censorship.  Customize the desires.  Customize everything!
  • Earn your magic-- maybe you shouldn't even let these people fly to begin with.  Make it a game.  Do you realize how much you could be selling?  !00 Lindens per angel wing~!  Okay, maybe we should fly to begin with, just as in a dream.  But can you imagine how much more is possible, and what secrets to behold?  Only when you won sacred dragonfire can you see what lays behind the curtain!  Make it perfectly accessible for people to create a video game in each world!  How about the Sims version 900000000000000000!
  • Make a complete synthesis with the genius of the computer!  Can you Skype people you know at second life while driving down the street?  What's their cyber-cell #?  Can I watch true cinema at the cyber-through theatre?  Can I completely interact the virtues of my PC with the the Cyberian outback?  Certainly possible! 
  • Infinite programming possibilities
  • And I'm sure I could think of a bagillion more.  Can you?  In good conscience, what would you suggest?

  • Better graphics: check out the advanced lighting and shadows in the most recent client. Will it compete with film? Not likely. One has to be able to move in real time in these environments, not have their pre-rendered.
  • Each of the things you mentioned is currently possible. Could likely be easier, but definitely possible. I know there's vendors for each of the items you mentioned, and definitely some different adventures to be had.
  • Run: Command-R on Mac, Control-R on PC. Vehicles: there are plenty of people that sell 'em
  • You can do that now. One could build an environment that people could not fly in unassisted, or without a certain group rank.
  • You can use SL voice in much the same way as Skype, inworld, both in the world and via IMs or Group Chat. You can watch films inworld, and there are theaters to facilitate this. You can also use shared media and parcel media for same.
  • Not ure what you mean by infinite programming possibilities.

Now then, my wish list...

  • Better social tools. Give me an inworld feed. Similar to what's seen at my-demo.secondlife.com, but with that wall presented inworld. I want those tools to be in there, not require me to load a webpage to see 'em. Also, I want https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-2008 and https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-17022
  • Oblong textures.
  • An improved viewer UI, particularly with better audio and medial controls and a more accessible UI overall.
  • Additional inventory sort options. Recently used. Favorites. Other customizable options
  • Additional appearance pane sort options. Allow me to have a "favorite outfits," or make nested folders. That way I could have all my summer clothes in one place, for example, or business wear in one, fun stuff in nother, etc.
  • Additional friend's list groupings. Let me set up a list of business contacts, close friends, neighbors, etc.
  • Better building alignment tools.
  • An improved base avatar, perhaps a couple base system avatars (a quadruped would be nice, a "tiny" or "child size", maybe a dragon one with a tail joint and wing joints in addition to arms and legs, etc). Maintain "Ruth," but have additional base options in the system. Allow for the use of any of these.
  • Improved ground texturing. Allow us to "paint' our textures onto the mesh somehow, or otherwise provide set texturing without the perlin noise random seed that is causing ground textures to go a bit nuts now. Allow them to be higher resolution, or allow us more control over repeats, blends, etc.
  • Revisit existing Linden plants and trees. Maintain the legacy plants and trees (it would simply be too much to force people to replace in builds), but introduce new, improved versions. Perhaps make a "2/0" set of the old favorites that take advantage of more modern technological abilities.
  • Imrproved group functions. Allow for more flexibility in group abilities.
  • Have the ability to rez and use scripts set onto parcels with an optional whitelist and blacklist.  
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Spectran wrote:

  • Better graphics over time-- can it compete with PS3 and Xbox360?  Can it compete with film

Not on my computer and probably not on yours either, at least not anytime in the next decade or so in all liklihood.

  • Better interactivity-- how easy or possible is it to go jetboarding, skiing, snowboarding, parachuting, flying a kite, adventure gaming, imagining anything, interacting with the environment in any which way?

Fairly easy.  Usually a  matter of "left click".  Of course creating the content in the first place is a little more challenging.

Vehicles please!  Or at least the ability to run, fer Christ's sake.  Am I missing something here?  There should be the ability to purchase your avatar a vehicle, be it a flying saucer,  truck, scuba gear, jet pack, cheetah, snail, or portal gun, all with different speeds.

It seems you are missing something.  Perhaps your preferences are not set up right if you cannot run (or perhaps you are in basic viewer and it does not offer this option...?)

There are many cars.  You can probably pick up dozens on them free on the market place.  Try searching on the maket place.

  • Better sound synthesis-- when there's a song playing, I don't want to suddenly hear it.  I want to slowly hear it more as I get closer to it, just like it is in 'real life'.  Same with voices.

Music is streamed; you can either hear it on a particular parcel or not.  Anyone who can hear it is equally close to the source as everyone else who can hear it.

  • Better customization over time-- customize the flash of light that happens when you warp to new worlds.  Customize the way your voice sounds.  Customize the censorship.  Customize the desires.  Customize everything!

Warp?  You mean TP? I'm not sure what flash of light you mean, but I'm sure you can customize it anyway.  You can customize your voice using the in-world tools or using external software.  I think censorship customization is best achieved by not looking at and TPing away from  anything that distrubs you.  Only you can customize your desires.

  • Earn your magic-- maybe you shouldn't even let these people fly to begin with.  Make it a game.  Do you realize how much you could be selling?  !00 Lindens per angel wing~!  Okay, maybe we should fly to begin with, just as in a dream.  But can you imagine how much more is possible, and what secrets to behold?  Only when you won sacred dragonfire can you see what lays behind the curtain!  Make it perfectly accessible for people to create a video game in each world!  How about the Sims version 900000000000000000!

If you want to set up your land so there is no flying, then you can.  Wings are something else, being simply decorative (although someone could script wings if they wanted to).  There are many ways to play games in SL from combat games, to sailing races, to breedables, etc....

  • Make a complete synthesis with the genius of the computer!  Can you Skype people you know at second life
  • while driving down the street?  What's their cyber-cell #?  Can I watch true cinema at the cyber-through theatre?  Can I completely interact the virtues of my PC with the the Cyberian outback?  Certainly possible!

You can skype people in Secondlife if they choose to skype with you.  I'm not interested in Skype myself, but many people use skype in SL.  You can watch movies etc in SL and there's no reason not to watch them in an SL theatre.

  • Infinite programming possibilities

Progmaming is limited by such things as accessing in-world memory and the functions offered by lsl, but there are some limited work arounds (by using external servers that communicate with objects within SL). 
  • And I'm sure I could think of a bagillion more.  Can you?  In good conscience, what would you suggest?

Honestly, I think you have vastly underestimated what is already, here and now, possible in SL.

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Spectran wrote:

Gosh, I'm new here.  I fell like i MIGHT  be saying something stupid,  But I still feel that the need to complain might be something beneficial.  I would wish that Second Life Forums would contain a whole 'Wish List" subforum.  It is manufactured by jinnis after all, right?  What else do I wish for  'Second Life'?  Plenty of wish for its evolution!
  • Better graphics over time-- can it compete with PS3 and Xbox360?  Can it compete with film?
  • Better interactivity-- how easy or possible is it to go jetboarding, skiing, snowboarding, parachuting, flying a kite, adventure gaming, imagining anything, interacting with the environment in any which way?
  • Vehicles please!  Or at least the ability to run, fer Christ's sake.  Am I missing something here?  There should be the ability to purchase your avatar a vehicle, be it a flying saucer,  truck, scuba gear, jet pack, cheetah, snail, or portal gun, all with different speeds.
  • Better sound synthesis-- when there's a song playing, I don't want to suddenly hear it.  I want to slowly hear it more as I get closer to it, just like it is in 'real life'.  Same with voices.
  • Better customization over time-- customize the flash of light that happens when you warp to new worlds.  Customize the way your voice sounds.  Customize the censorship.  Customize the desires.  Customize everything!
  • Earn your magic-- maybe you shouldn't even let these people fly to begin with.  Make it a game.  Do you realize how much you could be selling?  !00 Lindens per angel wing~!  Okay, maybe we should fly to begin with, just as in a dream.  But can you imagine how much more is possible, and what secrets to behold?  Only when you won sacred dragonfire can you see what lays behind the curtain!  Make it perfectly accessible for people to create a video game in each world!  How about the Sims version 900000000000000000!
  • Make a complete synthesis with the genius of the computer!  Can you Skype people you know at second life while driving down the street?  What's their cyber-cell #?  Can I watch true cinema at the cyber-through theatre?  Can I completely interact the virtues of my PC with the the Cyberian outback?  Certainly possible! 
  • Infinite programming possibilities
  • And I'm sure I could think of a bagillion more.  Can you?  In good conscience, what would you suggest?

Hi Spectran!  Nice wish list.  All good!  I can help you with a vehicle.  It is a large spacecraft.  You can get one for free too.  Just visit here to get it!  http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/I-am-giving-this-one-away-for-a-limited-time-Just-ask-and-it-is/td-p/827031  Woot!



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Spectran wrote:

Gosh, I'm new here.  I fell like i MIGHT  be saying something stupid,  But I still feel that the need to complain might be something beneficial.  I would wish that Second Life Forums would contain a whole 'Wish List" subforum.  It is manufactured by jinnis after all, right?  What else do I wish for  'Second Life'?  Plenty of wish for its evolution!
  • Better graphics over time-- can it compete with PS3 and Xbox360?  Can it compete with film?
  • Better interactivity-- how easy or possible is it to go jetboarding, skiing, snowboarding, parachuting, flying a kite, adventure gaming, imagining anything, interacting with the environment in any which way?
  • Vehicles please!  Or at least the ability to run, fer Christ's sake.  Am I missing something here?  There should be the ability to purchase your avatar a vehicle, be it a flying saucer,  truck, scuba gear, jet pack, cheetah, snail, or portal gun, all with different speeds.
  • Better sound synthesis-- when there's a song playing, I don't want to suddenly hear it.  I want to slowly hear it more as I get closer to it, just like it is in 'real life'.  Same with voices.
  • Better customization over time-- customize the flash of light that happens when you warp to new worlds.  Customize the way your voice sounds.  Customize the censorship.  Customize the desires.  Customize everything!
  • Earn your magic-- maybe you shouldn't even let these people fly to begin with.  Make it a game.  Do you realize how much you could be selling?  !00 Lindens per angel wing~!  Okay, maybe we should fly to begin with, just as in a dream.  But can you imagine how much more is possible, and what secrets to behold?  Only when you won sacred dragonfire can you see what lays behind the curtain!  Make it perfectly accessible for people to create a video game in each world!  How about the Sims version 900000000000000000!
  • Make a complete synthesis with the genius of the computer!  Can you Skype people you know at second life while driving down the street?  What's their cyber-cell #?  Can I watch true cinema at the cyber-through theatre?  Can I completely interact the virtues of my PC with the the Cyberian outback?  Certainly possible! 
  • Infinite programming possibilities
  • And I'm sure I could think of a bagillion more.  Can you?  In good conscience, what would you suggest?

Better graphics over time: it's happening. The look of SL has changed drastically in the time I've been here. Sure, it's slow progress, but it moves on a bit at a time. Can it compete with PS3? Not right now, for the reasons stated by others. It'll always look worse than the best consoles & PC games of the day. But SL tomorrow will look like the best games of today (or maybe a few days ago!). 

Interactivity: You can already do most of the stuff on your list. SL simulates wind in the environment and objects and vehicles can be scripted to interact with it; there are boats that have to be constantly adjusted to stay with the wind, and balloons that drift in whatever direction it's blowing. Any number of RPGs exist for adventuring in all manner of genres. We interact with the environment 'in any which way' yet, but there are a lot of options. 

Vehicles: So many! Unless things have changed recently, there's a go-cart in the starter inventory. If you want to run, hit CTRL-R, or if you set it up in options, double-tap forwards and hold. Out in the marketplace are 'dashers' that can give you a speed boost, attachments that boost your jumping range, wallcrawling AOs to move like Spider-Man, swim controls that let you move realistically underwater... and yes, Portal guns and rideable snails (snail-racing was something of an SL craze at one time).

Sound Localisation: streamed sound is not localised - anyone (who chooses to) can hear it anywhere on the parcel it originates from. Other sounds are localised, and they pan and fade as you move around or draw nearer to them.

Customization: SL is the most customizable virtual environment I've ever been in. With the avatar mesh alone, there are more shape permutations possible than there are atoms in the known universe. Throw in skins, alphas, attachments and AOs and you can be anything from a 1" tall clockwork spider to a 300 foot long glowing pink dragon. People have built teleport customisatiions that simulating Star Trek transports and demons appearing from magic cirles in a flash of hellfire. LL have built in voice-changers (at a cost), or you can run your own on your PC.

Earn your magic: SL itself is set up so everything is available to everyone. Within that, various options can but shut off at the choice of the user and the owner of the sim. It isn't meant to be a quest game, but it IS a place where you can create the quest game YOU want. And people have (/me points up to what she said about interactivity.

What do *I* want? People have already covered a lot of it, but here are a few:

Better ways of dealing with tier. I currently buy small amounts of tier from a brokerage, because the gap between tiers is too large for it to be cost effective to go up a tier. That's even at the small amount I need - it gets worse at higher tiers.

'Official' megaprims. They don't have to be huge; 50m max would be an improvement, 100m would be better. Even with user-created solutions like the SALT Hud there are times when I need a size that isn't available.

Support for smaller prim sizes.

A solution to prim drift and the rounding errors on some rotations.

Improved avatar mesh and default animations.

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-Lower tiers

-Cheaper regions

-More prims

-Better environment editor (I want to deside what time of day it is in my sim and have it change automatically all the time)

-Build in video record option

-Discounts (again) for educational sims

-LL recueing fantastic sims from dissapearing when their owners leave or can no longer afford it.

-More realistically scaled sims

-More realistically scaled avatars for new people

-Better avatar appearance editorwith realistic measurements

-A few zillion linden in my pocket so I can build all the sims I'm dreaming about ;)

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1)  A build/bundle made by LL labs that is affordable (say $500 or less and includes the appropriate spyware in the bundle).

2)  A wish list button added to the Marketplace Website Shopping page (kind of what eBay has where one can store more items,  then move them to checkout as desired.)

3) A set up where people could earn some free lindens for being an inworld SL helper or adviser; paid by LL, not the new people that need help.

4) More classy sexy clothes that delicately ooze sex appeal rather than scream sexy hanging out all over the place.  So, a classy sexy category.

5) A forum area just for fun threads and off topic things.

6) A forum area just for Viewer 2 users.

7) Lots of cute sexy strapy sandal type heel shoes without huds. 

I prolly have more, but it's early for me, so that's all I can think of for now.



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Mayalily wrote:


2)  A wish list button added to the Marketplace Website Shopping page (kind of what eBay has where one can store more items,  then move them to checkout as desired.)

X-Street had that I believe, then LL bought X-Street and made the marketplace....and now we have the delivery-problem causing cart instead.....

I have no idea why LL left such a social and income-generating feature out of their marketplace, especially since they had the existing X-Street to work from as a model.  A lot of people miss that feature.


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awww, they had one at one time.  Well then the new designers of the Marketplace do not understand how women shop (that's what I keep thinking in my head; did a man design this?... 'cuz there's no wish list... lol).  Women need to store a lot of things, sometimes to even compare side-by-side which eBay allows you to do now with their set-up, which is cool.

Also by off-topic forum area:  I mean to discuss things like movies, music, traveling, cooking, etc ?...? ...  That would be fun, especially to talk about movies and music, that would be a lot of fun. 

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There is much the designers of the market place do not understand......oh so very much!  But you are quite right, they should certainly have included a "wish list" function.

I think LL want you to do your socializing and chit-chatting on Facebook, which is apparently the best place to keep up with Secondlife goings-on also (weird huh?).  Just do not try to make a profile for your avatar on Facebook, because while LL are keen on the idea, it violates Facebook's TOS and Facebook will delete it if they find it...



According to Rodvik, you can get LL to do just about anything, provided you raise Chulthu, so top of my wish list is a "Raise Chulthu" function being added to lsl. 


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