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Curiouser and curiouser

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Unfortunatly Marigold I think that this mystery is about to get more Curious.

   ★ Within the last 4 months I've noticed that when ever I post in a forum, someones feed or post in group chat that these spam groups go wild with random rubbish spam. Otherwise these groups are silent most of the time.

   ★ Did you know that they also run under a third Group Tag within a separate group owned sim?

   ★ I have this funny feeling that they have the ability to track avatars on the mainland aswell.

Oh....... I was down at a this sim the other day to do some secret spy work........ Shhhhhh it's a secret but nothing Curious happened................


 Then I logged back in.



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Alazarin Mondrian wrote:

You sly old dog, you've cloned Brokli

     I noticed some of the objects names while inspecting brokli so I thought I would go out and do some shopping for research purposes.

     I've been tracking where brokli has been sitting latley and noticed she has moved positions 3 times. Once from her original site ;) the second move I can understand but the third move makes me more Curious. There must be something on that parcel that brokli is scanning for, it would explain why the operator keeps moving brokli closer to her original position. This is the first time that I have seen one of these bots change positions within a small amount of time.

    I find it strange that these bots all have the LL given surnames even the new HLL bots, my list of these bots keep growing but I have never seen one named ________ Resident.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for this thread. I love it :D

I had a *Movie Stars* a while ago near my parcel as well and now have a Harmless-Light-Legal sitting in front of my door. We had quite some fun with the *Movie Star* - included riddling about what they do of course. We caught one typing a confession but the evidence photo is unusable.


2011-08-21 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Berbera/130/242/30


2011-09-20 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Berbera/130/242/30

They were sitting all along the linden roads of Heterocera. We tried to find their headquaters ... and after we built it - we really found it!


Unfortunatly it disappeared when the Harmless-Light-Legals started their invasion of Hetereocera.


Our Harmless-Light-Legal named jacina Jefes started to sit around on abandoned land first. After my neighbour bought the land and banned her from it, jacina came back to sit on my land near to the spot she was sitting before. So i banned her too. Now she sits on protected land as close as possible to the first 2 spots.

Too bad they are invisible. Takes out a lot of the fun you could have with them in return for their spying... or whatever they do. If you feel pity for them because they dont have anything but a shadow you could give them a body. And a home. And company. Of course you can do the same if you dont feel pity. ;)


2013-06-02 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Berbera/223/127/35 

When i looked around today it seems most of the Harmless-Light-Legals of Heterocera moved somewhere else. Except our jacina. Should i open her cage...?


Anyone knows what this other type of bots scan for? They tp in, turn around themselves 360° then tp out again. 


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Anpe Rau wrote:

They were sitting all along the linden roads of Heterocera. We tried to find their headquaters ...

and after we built it
<<<<<<<< - we really found it!


Unfortunatly it disappeared when the Harmless-Light-Legals started their invasion of Hetereocera.


Our Harmless-Light-Legal named jacina Jefes started to sit around on abandoned land first. After my neighbour bought the land and banned her from it, jacina came back to sit on my land near to the spot she was sitting before. So i banned her too. Now she sits on protected land as close as possible to the first 2 spots.


Anyone knows what this other type of bots scan for? They tp in, turn around themselves 360° then tp out again. 


    Anpe I'm worried about your findings on the mainland of Heterocera, I am curious how you built the structure then discovered it. :matte-motes-agape:

    You will find that these bots tend to sit in the centre of the sim until someone purchases the parcel or bands the bot, I guess it would be easier to scan the area from the centre of the sim. Keep in mind that these bots multitask from scanning the area, possibly scanning AV's, spamming advertisement groups and spying on me when I'm in my virtual shower.


    As for your rotating bots......... you can read about them here

Anyone know what these bots do?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I couldnt find it before i built it. But i was convinced there had to be one. So i built it. And forgot about it to be able to discover it. :P

Do those spy bots at least hand you a towel after your shower? They should. Our jacina doesnt. She just sits there busy with being invisible. No towel. Sometimes she leaves and re-enters the region but other than that she doesnt seem to do anything to anyone all day long. Our personal PRISM agent ^^

Thanks for the link to the rotating bots.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Loving all your posts. Glad to know there's a few more with the same obsession  hobby of collecting bots.

Thanks to a post on another thread written by Perrie (/me waves at Perrie), there is an interesting portion in the Wiki about bots:



Bots per se, are allowed and have legitimate uses, but inappropriate uses are violations of this policy. 


  • Using bots to "game" traffic is not allowed. You may not attempt to gain an unfair advantage in search results through the use of bots to inflate the traffic for a parcel. This policy applies to both mainland and private estates since both are represented in search.

For example, the following activities are violations of this policy:

  • Bots causing unreasonable load on search or the regions in which they operate.
  • Bots causing a nuisance by regularly getting stuck at welcome areas or infohubs.  This includes the use of large numbers of land bots to get around the throttling of search requests.



So it looks like Mr Harmless-Light-Legal bot owner ought to keep a sharper eye on their bots, for when they can't autorelog back to their designated parcel of Gov Linden owned land, they're becoming a potential nuisance around welcome areas and infohubs! Who knew?! /me gathers up the troops, hands out camo gear, loads up the rifles. Let's go chaps and chapesses ! :matte-motes-evil-invert:



Edited to add a snapshot of one of the Harmless-Light-Legal ones at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Baramdoli/143/141/38  before they vanished completely from my screen. Pretty, huh?



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I just discovered this thread today, I've spent the last few days driving around the roads of the continent south of nautilus. 

There are a number of these bots dotted along the road side. If you need a base of operations to set up tracking teams to plot them. I offer my services just let me know in world.

I can also offer aerial reconnaisance if needed.

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Well the weaponry is rather substantial It depends on how you want to tackle the situation?

If we are looking at a large cluster of them then i suggest an aerial bombardment with the B1-B lancer Carpet bombing is generally effective.


If you wish for a more targetted approach we have a few options available. We could use laser guided weapons bombs, Or send in a seal team and fast rope in to the target area to neutralize the intended target.


How do you wish to proceed?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I stepped on a movie star tonight. In all this time I'd never seen a single one except the original St. Brokli, but I had to undertake a pilgrimage to her. I've never seen one in 'the wild'.

Tonight I wanted to visit Bay City to check out the Bay City Rumble. I could not find a landmark for the Rumble in Places, and in Events all I got was my screen staring back at me. Damn, that Search thing is so fine. Anyway I just gave up and searched Bay City; top of the list was the Bay City Municipal Aeroport: Hau Koda (64,63,25),


A movie star was literally ON the landing point. You could not go there without stepping on her/him. I've just switched to FS 4.4.2 and it appears some of my photo options are not where they used to be but I at least did get a picture of her avatar name.

I was stunned to see one in such a well maintained place. As it turns out I must have been too late for the Rumble, so I guess that will have to wait until next Thursday.

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  • 4 months later...

Happy necroposting (and Christmas) to everyone. Just got a message from Hrdtop75 saying all these bots are currently offline, including their Traffic Injection HQ.  Might be because of Christmas, but might also be because of changes in bot policy as per this thread started by Innula yesterday.


Is this mystery over now? (Been an enjoyable two and a half year adventure though).

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