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Anpe Rau

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Everything posted by Anpe Rau

  1. Sorry but as far as i can tell from your posts there is not much you can do. Second Life cant use more than 3.5 GB of RAM and 0.5 GB for graphics. Thats 4 GB total and the maximum a 32 bit application like Second Life is able to use under Windows. It is also the reason why Second Life has to load the same contents in your case over and over again: when set to max draw distance it has to remove objects and textures and all from RAM (graphics and system RAM) that are not needed now to be able to render your current angle of view. A new graphics card or faster processors cant help if the needed information isnt there. More RAM cant help if it cant be used by the application. Faster internet connection cant help if it is the server that limits bandwidth. MAYBE it helps if you set your viewer's cache to maximum size and place it on your SSD. SL will still have to tidy up RAM and reload everything when you change your viewing angle but it doesnt have to load that much over the internet over and over again. And from the SSD loading of cached objects will be faster than from HDD. Other things you could try: - Reduce drawing distance. - Use a 64 Bit SL Viewer. (Is there one yet?) - Dont change viewing angle on max draw distance
  2. I often use SL with Firestorm on a M11x, too. My advise: Dont activate shadows on that machine - or reduce the graphics settings somewhere else. It is too much. When I got the same message again and again with my desktop PC (where shadows are ON) on a sim with tons of particle emitters it helped to reduce the amount of rendered particles. To me SL seems to have some kind of graphics engine that allows asynchronous rendering of different effects ... and a problem with it. On my Alienware laptop i have shadows set to "none". Shadows are real frame rate killers. And not only in Second Life. If you visit sims with many complex sculpties or meshes you would not be happy with shadows enabled. Even if your viewer wouldnt crash. The BSOD is a problem that - in my opinion - cant be caused by the viewer. Do you use the graphics drivers from Dell or the ones from nVidia? Try the ones from Dell. They are old and a bit slower - but I think they are more reliable.
  3. I couldnt find it before i built it. But i was convinced there had to be one. So i built it. And forgot about it to be able to discover it. Do those spy bots at least hand you a towel after your shower? They should. Our jacina doesnt. She just sits there busy with being invisible. No towel. Sometimes she leaves and re-enters the region but other than that she doesnt seem to do anything to anyone all day long. Our personal PRISM agent ^^ Thanks for the link to the rotating bots.
  4. Thanks for this thread. I love it I had a *Movie Stars* a while ago near my parcel as well and now have a Harmless-Light-Legal sitting in front of my door. We had quite some fun with the *Movie Star* - included riddling about what they do of course. We caught one typing a confession but the evidence photo is unusable. 2011-08-21 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Berbera/130/242/30 2011-09-20 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Berbera/130/242/30 They were sitting all along the linden roads of Heterocera. We tried to find their headquaters ... and after we built it - we really found it! Unfortunatly it disappeared when the Harmless-Light-Legals started their invasion of Hetereocera. Our Harmless-Light-Legal named jacina Jefes started to sit around on abandoned land first. After my neighbour bought the land and banned her from it, jacina came back to sit on my land near to the spot she was sitting before. So i banned her too. Now she sits on protected land as close as possible to the first 2 spots. Too bad they are invisible. Takes out a lot of the fun you could have with them in return for their spying... or whatever they do. If you feel pity for them because they dont have anything but a shadow you could give them a body. And a home. And company. Of course you can do the same if you dont feel pity. 2013-06-02 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Berbera/223/127/35 When i looked around today it seems most of the Harmless-Light-Legals of Heterocera moved somewhere else. Except our jacina. Should i open her cage...? Anyone knows what this other type of bots scan for? They tp in, turn around themselves 360° then tp out again.
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