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Alts in the forums

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11 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

I'm sorry but if someone I already know in SL creates an alt and then engages with me with that alt without my knowledge, that is deceitful.  I think most people would find it kind of cringe-worthy as well.  Why is it any different on the forums?  The forums aren't RP unless I missed the memo.

There is nothing about it either way. The fact that we use the names of our inworld character already lends itself to using the inworld persona to some degree.

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3 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Inworld that would depend for me. I have an alt whose backstory and RP is different than that of my main so when I ran into someone who I knew with my main, I didn't initially tell them. Later I did but regretted I did so because then it forced me out of the RP had with that alt and it had a negative effect on the relationship I had with that former friend because she felt I intentionally deceived her though the meeting was chance and it was she who initially contacted me in my alt form.


11 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

The forums aren't RP unless I missed the memo.

I don't RP inworld and certainly not in the forums.  I engage with everyone as myself.  On my previous avatar, I was the same as I am on this one.  RP characters, I'd assume, wouldn't fall into the same category and that isn't what I'm talking about.  


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1 minute ago, Arielle Popstar said:

There is nothing about it either way. The fact that we use the names of our inworld character already lends itself to using the inworld persona to some degree.

That's frightening and I think the minority of people here post as some persona.

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Just now, Rowan Amore said:
15 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

The forums aren't RP unless I missed the memo.

I don't RP inworld and certainly not in the forums.  I engage with everyone as myself.  On my previous avatar, I was the same as I am on this one.  RP characters, I'd assume, wouldn't fall into the same category and that isn't what I'm talking about.  

It might not always be roleplay though -- it could be that people are showing a different side of themselves.

I guess we'd need to define 'roleplay' and 'identify'  thoroughly to suss this out.

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2 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:
4 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

There is nothing about it either way. The fact that we use the names of our inworld character already lends itself to using the inworld persona to some degree.

That's frightening and I think the minority of people here post as some persona.

What if Rowan is a persona?

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Just now, Rowan Amore said:

That's frightening and I think the minority of people here post as some persona.

This isn't Facebook where I am required to use my real name. What I do share in the forums is my real world experiences where applicable but there is no requirement as per the Community guideline that I actually do so. Like inworld, I take what people say with a grain of salt as to how true a statement might be for them.

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I take what some people say with a grain of salt.  Especially those who post with multiple alts.

If mistakes hadn't been made that outed them on several occasions, I doubt the OP would have even bothered with this thread.  Just my grain of salt.

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21 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

I don't RP inworld and certainly not in the forums.  I engage with everyone as myself.  On my previous avatar, I was the same as I am on this one.  RP characters, I'd assume, wouldn't fall into the same category and that isn't what I'm talking about.  

Well that gets back to the idea that there are two kinds of people IN SL, those who use their avatar/persona as an extension of their real self and those who use their avatar as a character they like to play. Those who use theirs as an extension of themselves tend to have an expectation that everyone else does the same rather than recognize that in a virtual world it is an unrealistic expectation as some use theirs to play someone they'd like to be.

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10 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

If mistakes hadn't been made that outed them on several occasions, I doubt the OP would have even bothered with this thread. 

It's classic 2nd life comedy drama -- two men pretending to be lesbian women in a relationship in 2nd life, discover they are actually both men in 1st life.

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5 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Those who use theirs as an extension of themselves tend to have an expectation that everyone else does the same rather than recognize that in a virtual world it is an unrealistic expectation as some use theirs to play someone they'd like to be.

You are taking what you want and making it the default by labeling the other side as having an "unrealistic expectation".

But I don't think either 'camp' is 'right', rather there should be a sensitivity from both sides as to how this could affect the other negatively, and so minimized when possible.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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47 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Interesting! Well, if all the Alt does is post pictures and not join discussions / commentaries, nobody would know or care.

But if it is made known that the alt is an alt and not someone else, how is it deceptive, and if not deceptive why would it be an issue?

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11 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

You are taking what you want and making it the default by labeling the other side as having an "unrealistic expectation".

But I don't think either 'camp' is 'right', rather there should be a sensitivity from both sides as to how this could affect the other negatively, and so minimized when possible.

It is faster and more expedient for one to give up the tyranny of expectations then to wait for others to become more sensitive.

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7 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:
16 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

You are taking what you want and making it the default by labeling the other side as having an "unrealistic expectation".

But I don't think either 'camp' is 'right', rather there should be a sensitivity from both sides as to how this could affect the other negatively, and so minimized when possible.

It is faster and more expedient for one to give up the tyranny of expectations then to wait for others to become more sensitive.

yes, but you should give up your expectations as well...and realize that many are not playing any kind of role or game.

Then, you can negotiate with this person.

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Unless it's in the RP section of the forums, I think most people feel people are posting as themselves.  Is that really an unreasonable expectation?

Inworld?  I really don't care what you say or do unless, as previously stated, you're intentionally deceiving someone.

Can't we at least expect honestly somewhere in the SL community?


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37 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

If mistakes hadn't been made that outed them on several occasions, I doubt the OP would have even bothered with this thread.

Asking questions after mistakes were made, That is how we grow. I know i am not perfect and I never will be but at least I try to get better.

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13 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Unless it's in the RP section of the forums, I think most people feel people are posting as themselves.  Is that really an unreasonable expectation?

Inworld?  I really don't care what you say or do unless, as previously stated, you're intentionally deceiving someone.

Can't we at least expect honestly somewhere in the SL community?


I don't think you have to worry too much, as far as I know.

It seems to me most people post on the forum with one identity/name.

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3 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Unless it's in the RP section of the forums, I think most people feel people are posting as themselves.  Is that really an unreasonable expectation?

Inworld?  I really don't care what you say or do unless, as previously stated, you're intentionally deceiving someone.

Can't we at least expect honestly somewhere in the SL community?


I've had the exact opposite experience on second life. I've met quite a lot of people, who I had the chance to have had access to their real life and the life they live is drastically different from sl. They have a totally different persona on sl. SL allows people to be whoever and whatever they want without real life implications. Sex work on sl vs sex work in real life. This means people will do things in SL they wouldn't do in real life. In my experience people play in to that. Even I would say that I keep most of the things I hold most dearly off of SL. I don't like to discuss those things  or those aspects of my  life because I know those are sensitive subjects for me, and SL is a free for all. So I keep those things in my rl life only, as a way to safeguard my own mental sanity. It could be argued that without those core aspects of me the version of me  people get on SL isn't 100% me.

I've found the same to true in all medias, whether it  be books, magazines, tv shows, documentaries, social media, 'reality' tv.. how  much of it is ever real ?  Let's say tomorrow I make an account where I want to be a table 24/7  I don't think me presenting as a table on SL and on forums is necessarily a negative thing..  Maybe I just really want to be a table. Maybe I just want to have a third account where I am a chair. Maybe I don't want those two accounts to have any associations. I don't think there needs to be any deeper justification for me to do that other than I felt like it. I don't think it's unethical or immoral or even dishonest. The general expectation of SL is that  you can do those things. 

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2 minutes ago, Tayt3rChip said:

Maybe I just really want to be a table. Maybe I just want to have a third account where I am a chair. Maybe I don't want those two accounts to have any associations.

If you're posting content in the forums as a table, that's going to be pretty limited.  Tables just...sit there.

While I understand your premise, yes you can be whatever you want in SL, a place like the forums where we discuss real issues as they pertain to SL is a bit different.   How can a female really give a true perspective of a male issue or vice versa?  Tables don't really have a perspective on issues as far as I know.   Elves, fairies, dragons, tables and chairs are all personas people take on in SL.  The person behind all of those is still the same person.  THOSE are the perspectives I've always assumed are being given in the forums.  

I don't talk about some aspects of my RL.  I'm sure a lot of people don't.  That's perfectly reasonable.  But when you do discuss an issue or perspective, it should come from you and not some persona you've created.  

I guess I just don't understand the WHY of posting from different avatars simultaneously on the forums specifically in discussion threads.

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