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What looks hot on a guy? (advice needed)

Davier Faith

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I have suggested shops in the past, and no mentors slapped my fingers. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

So here's my summer fashion advice:

Artilleri for cargo pants in khaki or sand

Artilleri hawaii shirt

HoC (House of Curio) sneakers, aviator sunglasses and watch. This shop is seriously good and cheap. The aviator sunglasses cost 40L if I remember right, and look like they cost 400L

If you hate cargo pants, try some jeans from Zaara or Aoharu. Zaara has male stuff, just walk to the left inside the main room.

If you hate shirts with prints, try some short sleeves with loose tie from SF Design.

You already got good advice for shape and AO. An AO really helps, I really dislike the default walks and stands. So I suggest Oracul. Their full AOs cost 300L, but if you are smart, you buy separate stands and a walk from different AOs, and combine them in your own, personal AO. That way you will get an AO for app.100L. Depends how many stands you buy, and if you buy running, flying sitting animations too. Avoid the most "paging" stands.

Buy clothes with prim parts, like sleeves and collars. Painted on never look as good. And learn how to edit and adjust stuff to fit you. You can wear the most expensive stuff, but if it fits bad, you will not look as good as you could. If you look like you know what you do, you will attract people.

If you wear hair that's brushed back from the forehead, use a hairbase. Exile has a full pack of free hairbases. Never wear boots that poke out of your pant cuffs. Either wear boots with tucked in jeans, or wear low shoes.

It sounds like you will do the horisontal pixel tango. A good looking male attachment that'match your skin is necessary. And don't make it so big that it pokes out of your partner. That sort of ruin the illusion.

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Just adding that many forget their eyes. The default eyes that come with your avatar is a flat, solid color. Look for eyes that look like they reflect the light, and who have "depth" in them. If you want to wear a tattoo, don't necessary use the biggest you find. Only sleeves is often good. Look at the vendor, it should include both fresh and faded. I recommend Aitui, GoK (Garden of Ku) and Para Designs.

The Marketplace is good to browse for offers and promo's. Be critical. Compare many products with each other. Look at the reviews. (You find the Marketplace under "Shopping" at the top of this page)

Hunts and freebies can be a good addition to your wardrobe. I have 5 avatars, and I buy a lot for them. But I always keep an eye on good freebies. http://fabfree.wordpress.com/ and http://slfreestyle.blogspot.com/ have at least one male blogger each.

Prune out and delete stuff of lesser quality. It's better to have a few good quality outfits than a lot of garbage.

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What's hot?

What't the point of looking hot if the man can't even hold a proper conversation? You know what I think is hot? A guy who doesn't go AFK in the middlle conversation.. a lot! Heck.. I've had more engaging conversation with newbies than some older avatars.

They thought that good skin and AO with a few good clothes on their avatar will make them the hottest guy in the block... but their response time to a simple chat conversation is worse than the lag itself. They think that all the female avatars ever want was to go to ballrooms with gravity defying gowns in exchange for a little something something  on their latest MLP rug. But the only thing they can mutter was "You look beautiful tonight.... " and then a long pause... You asked them if they've been to some places in Second Life and all they can say, "I've been busy in my sim, I don't go out much...." long pause again. :matte-motes-dont-cry:

So please guys, just because you look hot DOES NOT MEAN you are HOT. If you can't connect to that person beyond showing off that girl your latest Gabriel suit, YOU AIN'T There YET!


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For hair i can suggest the non-emo styles from MaD Designs (see Profile Pic), for now the nicest i found, Truth is sadly only good for female hair.

AOHARU has a big selection of mix & match - stuff, the Jeans a really nice, as well as the shirts. For a shirt you get as open and closed, i suggest the Canbrey (sp?) - shirts from SF-Design, work nice over a t-shirt. Same Shop has very coool complete Tuxedos for about 600, for evening style.

If you take the non-ripped Jeans-styles from Gothicatz, you might get happy too, though its a bit pricier. They also have very cool half-boots.

For day-to-day shoes i suggest the very Cheap HOC - House of Curio Shoes, very cheap in price, very nice in style & texture & recolorable. The Sports Shoes of SF are also quite fine. thought not as monetarily cheap as HOC.











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How sweet.

Well if you like regular guy clothes, all kinds of different men in SL have said they like SF Designs, and women like their men IN it.

If you ilke punk maybe Little Britain.

Exile has nice hair.

Poetic Colors has nice eyes.

With your shape don't overdo the sliders.

Get an AO that doesn't make you look like you are on meth.

That is about it. Pretty simple for guys really!

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@ Willow..Surely, you jest?!    lol


@ Davier:  What I find attractive on a man is...intelligence and confidence.   If you have those crucial elements, then the rest is easy.  

But, if you're just wanting to know the superficial visual components that I find "hot" for men, it's not the boyish, hip, fashion-victim looks. 

I'm attractived to adult-looking, sophisticated, well-dressed male avatars. (adult as opposed to teenager-looking)  They could also have a slightly causal or worn-look, but within the realm of life-experience. A man that looks like he actually has to shave, and maybe with smile crinkles around the eyes. 

I'm not attracted to tattoos, biker clothing, ridiculous muscles, ghetto-chic, or anything that reeks of the avatar being a poser.   Also, an avatar that is too perfectly contrived is a turn-off.  I prefer a slight quirkiness, or individuality, to shine through. 

Bonus points if your avatar wears glasses and you do too in RL.   I find the confidence that comes from being comfortable with your RL self, and not being afraid to show that in SL, is very hot.

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Thanks for the great replies, folks. As far as personality, charisma, intelligence, confidence, all of that I have--this is just some eye candy to go along with it. :)


So, here's my makeover... I have before pictures, but they're too embarassing. I think Willow was right about Tristan's fashion sense, she seems to know her stuff. :)







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Davier, you're border line too attractive now. It may be necessary to include this disclaimer in your profile "don't hate me because I'm beautiful." 

OK, you've got the looks, but what about the essential equipment? Nothing would be worse than to finally get the lady of your dreams, only to find that your sculpted hardware doesn't measure up. Actually, the ladies are pretty kind, but the guys can be quite cruel. That's why I refuse to participate in group activities.

ps: I think Willow can give you a few pointers about choosing the right equipment as well. There was one post I recall in which she seemed quite knowledgeable about different brands and models.

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Very good!

I was debating with myself if I should say something negative or not. I think that a majority of females will find your avatar handsome and attractive. And he is! I do find the head a bit too small for the body, the neck very wide, that is just my personal preference and you should probably ignore it.

I should probably shut up now. One of the benefits by having alts is that I can create my "perfect man" and so my male alt is a bit different from you. Isn't diversity wonderful?

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Ok, marianne thanks so much, I knew there were a few things I could tweak to make it that much better. With a slimmer neck, and a bigger head, he's decent looking.


Ok, I've seen "equipment" mentioned more than once here.. at first I thought you guys were joking, but maybe you're not. I still have no idea what is... expected of a man on an SL date, and I'm getting the impression that it, like fashion, is up to personal taste. If you're referring to the poseballs, it does nothing for me--it's the intimacy, the closeness, the sharing that I'm after. I mean without those, you have nothing: no feelings, no desire, no truly intense anticipation. To... stain that by jumping on some pose balls seems a little crude, when words and ideas seem superior.


Just looking at the labels on some of the beds in the furnished multiscene had me laughing--do women like that stuff? If they don't, will they tell a man they do because they think he expects it?


So many questions, and I doubt I'll get consistent answers, so I guess it's better to just see what happens through trial and error.


Thanks again, you guys REALLY helped me get my pixelated act together. Maybe I'll see you in world sometime--always happy to make new friends, I don't really know too many folks in SL. Then again, I don't know where to meet quality folks. I guess I don't know much of anything, do I? :P


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Oh for goodness sake, Randall! Now, I'm a freenis consultant too?

Fine...!! But everytime someone asked for my advice on 'equipments' I demand for a kudo since I can't give the kudo myself and LL has blocked my kudo button from my view. :matte-motes-evil:

PS: I agree with you Marianne. Davier does look arrestingly handsome... His neck is thick for a reason though.. So all those ladies who went weak knees looking at his eyes can hang on tight to his neck whilst he carries them over to the Promise Land.. :smileywink:!  

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Davier Faith wrote:

If you're referring to the poseballs, it does nothing for me--it's the intimacy, the closeness, the sharing that I'm after. I mean without those, you have nothing: no feelings, no desire, no truly intense anticipation. To... stain that by jumping on some pose balls seems a little crude, when words and ideas seem superior.

Just looking at the labels on some of the beds in the furnished multiscene had me laughing--do women like that stuff? If they don't, will they tell a man they do because they think he expects it?


Regarding paragraph #1 above, it goes a bit beyond poseballs. The poseballs merely provide animations and without an essential avatar accessory, the animations will look stupid as will your avatar. In addition, please remember that you are a man. Women prefer a strong, confident man that knows what he wants and goes after it. You're writing like you're a woman. 

Regarding paragraph #2, yes they like that stuff, some of them anyway. I suggest you take a field trip to Orgy Island, observe, and report back. Notwithstanding, what is it that you like? It isn't all about what the ladies want.

@Willow, a freenis? OMG No! The first lady that sees that will laugh and he'll be traumatized for life.

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Randall Ahren wrote:

Regarding paragraph #1 above, it goes a bit beyond poseballs. The poseballs merely provide animations and without an essential avatar accessory, the animations will look stupid as will your avatar. In addition, please remember that you are a man. Women prefer a strong, confident man that knows what he wants and goes after it. You're writing like you're a woman.

Yes, don't write like a woman... write like a man ffs...

*grabs his crotch and spits* See how easy that is... lol.

Randall Ahren also wrote:

Regarding paragraph #2, yes they like that stuff, some of them anyway. I suggest you take a field trip to Orgy Island, observe, and report back. Notwithstanding, what is it that you like? It isn't all about what the ladies want.

Pfft... of course it is.

Then, Randall Ahren wrote:

@Willow, a freenis? OMG No! The first lady that sees that will laugh and he'll be traumatized for life.

Now this could very well be.


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Looking good, Davier. Though I'm glad Marianne didn't keep her mouth shut. There two things that, more than anything, mar most avatar shapes in SL... small heads and short arms... especially on men. I'll be forever grateful to a very good friend of mine for pointing this out to me early on. Thanks, Noel.


Btw, your arms are fine... didn't want you to get the wrong idea from what I said.

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Yes, I agree, first make sure you are getting a good shape.  A lot of male avi's have these huge muscles and way too small a head that it looks ridiculous, and I doubt any female avi's would find that attractive in SL or RL.  So good shape first.

If a man has a good shape, since we're entering Summer here in the USA, go shirtless.  I think that looks hot on a guy, when he's shirtless.

Let's see what else I like:  Good eyes, changes clothes on a fairly regular basis, and is not afraid to wear an open shirt or be sexy for the women. 

Also, someone who is friendly and asks a lot of women avi's to dance I'd rate high on my list.  We're just dancing, come on guys we're not getting married just because we are enjoying a dance together. 

I enjoy being with the men who have a good shape and are self confident enough to ask me to dance.   No self confidence is a turn off.  Don't be shy, it's only SL. 

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After seeing your photos, yes your head is still too small and your neck is too big.  So yes, you do need to work on your shape first.  That neck is a little scarry. 

ETA:  You also need to work on your shoulders; they're slumping too much; add {some} muslces to your arms, but don't over do it; start slowly with readjusting your shape.

Heck, I need advice on my shape, too!  It takes time and depends on how much time you have for SL, 'cuz IMO RL comes first.

Other turn ons:  A sense of humor and a talkative avi (not one who's asleep or afk too much). 


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You think his shoulders are slumping? I think they're fine, though it's hard to critique someone's shape from just a picture. 

@Davier: If you plan on playing around with your shape a lot, I suggest keeping copies of it as you go. It's much easier slapping on your previous shape than trying to fix one you messed up.


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I don't know if we are allowed to write P*nis here, heh. But the male avatar is shaped as a Ken doll, and kudos to all the guys out there who will just dance and flirt. No need to get the p*nis if you always stay clothed. I had some hot conversation in IMs too, when I and the other avatar was in different sims. It's what you type that matter most.

Even if you just visit a nude beach, you would need to attach a flaccid one. There are some well made free ones on the Marketplace and vendors around some big, popular nude beaches. If you just want to look real, no need for expensive ones with HUDs and different states of e*ection. 

The avatar mesh is really ugly, and the male mesh is worse than the female mesh. OMG, it is really hard to make a decent male shape. The shoulders and the part where the neck meet the torso, it's angled and ugly. And the arms, it's no way to adjust muscles in the arms, you have to adjust the whole torso. Ack. I gave my male avatar an overhaul when I got him a new skin, the previous shape to the left. You will see that I made the shape just a bit shorter, but kept the head size. I look at it now and wonder if I should make the neck just a bit longer... hmm. All my avatars is a work in progress. This shape started as "Musican male" :)


Randall Ahren wrote:

Davier Faith wrote:

If you're referring to the poseballs, it does nothing for me--it's the intimacy, the closeness, the sharing that I'm after. I mean without those, you have nothing: no feelings, no desire, no truly intense anticipation. To... stain that by jumping on some pose balls seems a little crude, when words and ideas seem superior.

Just looking at the labels on some of the beds in the furnished multiscene had me laughing--do women like that stuff? If they don't, will they tell a man they do because they think he expects it?


Regarding paragraph #1 above, it goes a bit beyond poseballs. The poseballs merely provide animations and without an essential avatar accessory, the animations will look stupid as will your avatar. In addition, please remember that you are a man. Women prefer a strong, confident man that knows what he wants and goes after it. You're writing like you're a woman. 

Regarding paragraph #2, yes they like that stuff, some of them anyway. I suggest you take a field trip to Orgy Island, observe, and report back. Notwithstanding, what is it that you like? It isn't all about what the ladies want.

@Willow, a freenis? OMG No! The first lady that sees that will laugh and he'll be traumatized for life.


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Yeah, they look a little slumpy to me.  So do mine on my female avi, they look kind of slumpy.  I fixed my nose and downloaded a new picture.  I still need to fix my neck.  I think my neck is scary and too thin not too thick.

My hobby is oil painting in rl, tho not so much anymore, but the hardest things to paint are:  Hands and feet.  No wonder we have so much trouble getting good hands and feet because those are the hardest, imo.  I've noticed in my oil paintings that necks are difficult to do for me also. 

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Thanks again for the help, I fixed his neck and head, and I think it looks good.

Ya, meeting quality people in a thread doesn't really do much for me--we can't exactly sit here and hang out, have a conversation, etc. My IM box is always open, so feel free to contact me in the game.



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ahhhhh... the suave kind.... No offense to Ian but I think his looks is pretty common inworld. A modernised version of the ol' gentleman's look. Still hot looking though. 

Davier however has the All American feeling with his brown leather jacket , worn out jeans, and nonchalant posture which exude rugged sensuality. Get him a pair of boots and cowboy hat and you can almost smell Malboro on him. Give him a paper, a pen and a guitar and you'll see him at Nashville crooning the women away...

Now that he has fixed his neck and head.... I don't think I'm going to be immuned myself. I think I may need to learn to drawl like a southern belle..from asia...( that would be frighteningly hilarious ). .


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There was a film about a shy teenager that paid one of the more popular girls in his school to act like she was his girl friend for awhile. He went from geek to chic overnight. Something like that might work in SL. Davier could pay a couple of the ladies to put him in their picks. Think of it as advertising. LeeHere Absent posted in her blog about something similar:

You know how people put their friends in their Second Life picks tab? He's in dozens of them... He's smooth and he's virtually agile. He does romance as a charming and gracious gentleman dancing on the ballroom floor with as much ease and skill as he does nasty kink in leather and chains. And he can be a very, very naughty boy.

Anybody know who is? He would be a great fashion consultant, because he knows what the ladies want as opposed to what they say they want.

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