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Deploy Plan for the Week of 2022-02-28

Mazidox Linden

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  • Lindens

Rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated! 🙂

Second Life Server

We'll be rolling version 2022-02-10.568388 to all Second Life Server (Main Channel) machines. This is the same version that's currently on all RCs

Scheduled for 2022-03-01 06:00 Pacific Standard Time

Please note: We're using a new version of our internal tools to handle this roll which we believe will avoid recent problems with content loss during rolls. However the trade off for this is that we will roll somewhat slower. Individual regions should still not be down for very long, the roll as a whole may just take a bit longer (at least until we get the new process worked out and figure out if we can speed things back up.)

Second Life RCs

We'll be restarting all RC regions without a change of version, using the same tooling change as described above.

Scheduled for 2022-03-02 07:00 Pacific Standard Time

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@Mazidox LindenSo, the restarts are rolling and so far all seems well, my region rolled a bit earlier today and we are running the new server version.   However nowhere that I know of can I find out exactly WHAT this new server version is or does.  Why are we still not able to access the notes?

There was no release thread post last week so there is no other reference that I see that gives access to the notes.


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https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/simulator/2022-02-02.568051.html seems to be the last public release notes.

As of right now, my group's main channel region has been up for 14 days and is still on 2022-01-06.567269.  It looks like main channel regions never got 2022-02-02.568051.

Were the RC regions on 2022-02-02.568051 before 2022-02-10.568388, or were they rolled back to 2022-01-06.567269 before they got 2022-02-10.568388?

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  • Lindens

I'm very glad to hear that the new roll process has been relatively smooth for everyone, even if it's ongoing. Behind the scenes we've had some issues crop up (not unexpected given this is the first time we're using the new process in production) so it's been a bit of a bumpy ride, but our metrics show that it's about 10x better qualitatively than previous rolls in terms of content loss and regions staying stuck offline. As far as the release notes, I'm on the case and will have something for you soon, but I don't know how soon.

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I'm in the proccess of moving my stuff between 2 different sims. The original sim shut down over 3h ago, still down. New sim I'm moving to, restarted after that and it's already up and running. I was holding the move to happen post weekly maintenance, and currently "stuck". I have submitted a ticket.

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Now don't get all existential on me @Mazidox Linden! I only saw how soon after your post I slapped my comment in after I hit the save comment button.  By the way Poconos still is running 467269 and it is 3pm PST  And yes Poconos is Main Server (at least it was last week).

I hope that reads better to you than it does to me 'cos it makes my eyes go squiggly trying to make english sense of it.

ETA: at 3:20pm SLT Poconos is rolled but it clearly ain't over till the fat lady sings and I can't hear her yet.

Edited by Aishagain
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22 minutes ago, Sayrah Parx said:

Does anyone know what the constant is for account level for llRequestAgentData (the analogue to the OBJECT_ACCOUNT_LEVEL constant for llGetObjectDetails)?

It may be in https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-225392 but I can't access it.


I'll be updating  https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetObjectDetails when the code is grid-wide (soon).

Also, if you type in OBJECT_ACCOUNT_LEVEL in viewer's script editor and hover over it, it should tell you the value.

Edited by Lucia Nightfire
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42 minutes ago, Sayrah Parx said:

There's one for llRequestAgentData but it was a feature request in https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-225392 which is restricted and the release notes don't say what it is.

That was for a feature request to get the data remotely.

LL settled on an llGetObjectDetails() method.

A remote method could still come some day, but I don't think it is on the long to-do list.

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