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I see myself Dressed, others see me naked, HELP!


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This has happened before, I see my self dressed and am able to change clothing, But others all see me naked with no clothing changes. I have tried advance and character re-rezzing, everything possible but nothing helps. I thought perhaps it was a the viewer as I was using phoenix, so I switched to SL viewers, Same thing, only with the second life viewer I get hammered with Server Error messages saying server 06cof8f-9d8f-df18-d1ef-9ebf6e663033 is temporary having issues. can anyone help or give me advice as to how I can fix this. its extremely irritating!

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Perfectly annoying! Try changing your group title. This problem has been occurring for a long time, sometimes suppressed and as now, in a severe outbreak. Changing group title forces the sim server to serve your avatar up all over again to everyone else in the sim and in nearby sims, which might work for you. I hope.

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This has happened to me several times, but only in a certain laggy sim.  So my guess is that it has more to do with the server than the viewer.  Govinda's suggestion about titles makes a lot of sense, if it is indeed a server side problem.

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I just finishing ARing a guy in a PG sim who was naked and hanging out by a child AV, of course he also had a 'stiff bit' attached...

But I do wonder if this could have been the reason.


When this happens to you change outfits -completely- AND rebake textures. If it persists, you might have to delete your cache:


Its hit me once before (that I know of) as well.


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If it happens on my sim just let me know, one is G rated, and one (M rating) I have a rule against public nudity. On the M land, I always try to IM someone about it and ask what's going on. I do get a lot of people streaking around on purpose too. So I have to ask. At least you know the problem and are trying to fix it.

If you are naked and also have a prim attachment at least remove that prim attachment. Chances are it is also not rezzing in and you will look naked with a...well, like Pussycat said.

If I see someone naked, I have to eject them first and ask questions second. Especially if they've been standing there a while. (Clothes usually do not take that long to rez in.) 

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Thanks everyone, Nothings Worked. One would think after 5 years on Sl, that perhaps SL would begin to fix some of the old existing problems. Its back to being like it was when I first started here 5 years ago.  TIme to stop spending big bucks with em and move on to something else. Thanks for everyones suggestions, very much appreciated

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Wow, embarrassing.  Could be an asset server thing or even your own wifi being of low strength.  Now, if you loose hair or something it is not so bad as you can reduce the draw distance to say 62 meters.  - but what you are saying is that you look ok on the client side but the others see you that way.  ( barring a joke played upon you )  I'd go to a really  low lag place in game to change the outfit.  Sometimes going into edit appearance will push information to the servers.  There are at least 3 caches that might be cleared (1) Web (2) Network (3) Region Objects_adv menu.    I find that using the computer system tools for cleaning up cached files from all users of the computer will occassionally help.   -Also keep in mind that jpg textured clothing will need less load time as alpha areas would not need to load.  Jpg files made for the internet are kept down to around 72 in resolution.  Black is a color that has some advantages as it tends to load over say red.   One other evil that you may be popped by is overscripting.  Scripts use resorces.  If you have huds and clothes on and such should happen to be over scripted, you could potentially have problems.

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Hello Wolfhawk. If the previous suggustions and tries didin't work for you, try to clear your cache manually:

(XP) - C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME) - Application Data \ SecondLife and
C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME)\ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Second Life

(Vista) and (Win 7) - C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and
C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife

Delete everything in those folders and restart first your computer and after the program. Usually the folder Appdata is a hidden folder. (Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders)

Have in your mind that if you clear your cache manually you will lost all your private conversations which are saved in your computer. To avoid it copy the folder with your username in the folder Secondlife in another position in your hard disk.

If you have more that 1 viewers installed in your computer, you must to do it for all following the same paths in your hard disk.

For example C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ PhoenixViewer

Relog in a protected land without land (Smith, Lime, Aqua), open your inventory, write something in search there and wait fetching ALL your items till the last one. After that try to change outfit choosing one with just the necessary stuff (skin, shape, hair, eyes, pants and shirt) without any attachments.

Good luck.

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Today a female customer turned up to my G rated sim/shop fully naked. She came over to me just to chat - saying how much she likes the shop. When I told her she was naked she was so embarrassed and tped out immediately. My partner said she was out there for quite a while shopping among other customers. This really is a very sensitive problem that should be fixed as a matter of urgency.

I'm thinking now, I have to go out to customer's homes to give support quite often. How would I know that I'm not showing up fully naked? They might not tell me, but I'd probably lose that customer for any future business..

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Rya Nitely wrote:

 How would I know that I'm not showing up fully naked?

You can't be absolutely sure if you are showing up sometimes naked or more often grey. Ok we have some occasions with users who look nakie while they are dressed but my feeling is that is something rare. The best you can do is to ask your partner if you look ok for him or a friend and to rebake your textures when you change outfit.


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LoveAngeL Lyre wrote:

The best you can do is to ask your partner if you look ok for him.



If I appeared naked my partner would say I look great:smileytongue:

Grey I don't mind. People understand grey, whereas naked you could be judged as just a weird sicko.

And seeing this thread on the very day I experienced the same issue makes me think it might not be so rare.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This happens to me now every day, either I show up nude to everyone or have half rezzed, half not. Sometimes just the jacket layer will rez while the rest won't. It happens regardless of what viewer I use (I usually use Phoenix viewer). To fix it here is my routine: Clear cache while logged into SL, log out, clear cache while logged off, restart the viewer, set my starting location to Pooley, log in, go to Advanced > Character > Character test female, become a noobie avatar, then detatch and remove all clothing and change into my skin/shape/outfit I want to wear, rebake like 100 times, Autoderuth like 100 times and tp somewhere else and eventually I get my appearance the way I want it. :matte-motes-sour:

It's weird my friend also use the same viewer as I do and her clothes show up right away. Go figure! 

This is a huge problem for a lot of people, everyone should be able to put on their clothes and have it show up right away. I wish they would do something about this.

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i haven't had this happen in a long time it seems..unless everyone had gotten smart and stopped telling me about it  lol

friends have pulled that on me before..then after a little while would send a screen shot saying..this is how you have looked for the passed hour..

or would say things like..i have a secret to tell you..promise you won't get mad?

OMG how could you wait so long you perve!!!!  *ports home*

LOL friends with benefits..can't live without them and you can't live without them :P


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