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Sorry guys. I know this stuff is edgy, and so if this reality is too intense for you, you can always turn away, but at the end of it all, some of us do intend to live on and we think that others do deserve at least a shot at that in spite of what many of you have believed, thought, said, and done in your resounding silence on the merits of this crisis for all these years.


Vaccinated people can transmit the delta variant
CNBC, Published Fri, Jul 9 2021 9:01 AM EDT
Cory Stieg

Delta’s speed and high transmissibility makes it able to “pick off the more vulnerable more efficiently than previous variants,” Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO’s health emergencies program, said during a news conference on June 21.

It could be that there are many more breakthrough cases than are being accounted for, because they tend to be asymptomatic and CDC guidance says vaccinated people don’t have to get tested after exposure.

″[T]here will likely continue to be an increase in cases among unvaccinated Americans and in communities with low vaccination rates, particularly given the spread of the more transmissible Delta variant,” White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeff Zients said at a press briefing on Thursday.

“Pediatricians worry that if [the delta variant] spreads further, it could lead to schools not reopening, sports and camps being closed, and all of that having an adverse effect on the mental health of children,” says Dr. Steven Abelowitz, a board-certified pediatrician and medical director and president of Coastal Kids pediatric medical group, told Parents.

(from https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/09/delta-covid-strain-dominant-in-ustips-for-vaccinated-people.html)


518 Illinois residents have been hospitalized with COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated. Most had underlying conditions, state data shows.

JUL 08, 2021 AT 6:46 PM

More than 500 Illinois residents, most of whom are older and have underlying health conditions, have been hospitalized because of COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated, according to data from the state health department.

Of the 518 people who had been hospitalized as of Wednesday, 33% had diabetes, 22% had chronic kidney disease, 22% had immunocompromised conditions, 4% had autoimmune diseases and 3% had chronic liver disease, according data that had not been released by the state health department before this week.

It’s possible that many more than 518 people have gotten breakthrough infections in Illinois, but the state doesn’t report breakthrough infections that don’t involve a hospital stay or lead to death. Some people with breakthrough infections also may not know they had them because they were asymptomatic or didn’t get tested, Redondo said.

“You’re not getting the full data,” Redondo said. 

Some people, such as those with compromised immune systems because of organ transplants, or autoimmune disorders such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, might not develop a strong enough immune response to a vaccine to keep them from catching COVID-19.

(from https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/vaccine/ct-prem-coronavirus-vaccine-illinois-breakthrough-covid-infections-20210708-wlimouy7vrczxmelhbdgygwlqi-story.html )


Huge New Wave Is the COVID Nightmare Scientists Feared Most
Barbie Latza Nadeau / Correspondent-At-Large / DailyBeast
Published Jul. 09, 2021 7:47AM ET 

Coroners in Tunisia—which is experiencing its fourth and worst wave of the COVID-19 pandemic— have run out of space, meaning the dead are often left in crowded hospital rooms alongside still suffering patients for 24 hours. The morgues are full, the health ministry says. Even the dead, it seems, are suffering.

“We are in a catastrophic situation … the boat is sinking,” Tunisia’s health ministry spokesperson Nisaf Ben Alaya told reporters this week. “The health system collapsed, we can only find a bed in hospitals with great difficulty. We are struggling to provide oxygen… Doctors are suffering from unprecedented fatigue.”

Tunisia, in north Africa, has 4 percent of its citizens fully vaccinated, more than twice the average across the continent, where the Delta variant has razed whole towns. Vaccines delivered through COVAX, donated from the world’s wealthiest nations, have arrived in small doses, leaving an already vulnerable part of the world with no defenses. Just over one percent of Africa’s 1.3 billion people are fully vaccinated according to the WHO...

“Alarm bells should be going off,” Tom Kenyon, chief health officer at Project HOPE and former director of the Center for Global Health at the U.S. CDC told CNBC. “Given the horrors we just saw in India, that should be cause for alarm and stimulate action.” Kenyon predicts Africa’s worst case scenario will soon be worse than Asia’s.

The World Health Organization on Thursday said the second-largest continent in the world has suffered its “worst pandemic week ever,” logging some 251,000 new infections, up 20 percent from the week before and up 12 percent from the worst of the last wave in January. Now more than 16 African countries, including some of the poorest like Malawi, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Senegal, are reporting deadly surges. In some rural areas, there are still no tests available, let alone vaccines.

(from https://www.thedailybeast.com/huge-new-wave-is-the-covid-nightmare-scientists-feared-most )






Edited by Chroma Starlight
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7 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Oh no, this does not look good.

What makes you think it's some sort of bioweapon instead of the typical mutation of a virus?


...681H: near the S1/S2 furin cleavage site, a site with high variability in coronaviruses. This mutation has also emerged spontaneously multiple times...

(From https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/scientific-brief-emerging-variants.html )

Intuitively, it's far more probable that these "mutations" are engineered centrally, or even in a decentralized fashion, and then distributed to different places for dispersement into target populations than it would seem likely that nature would or could spontaneously develop the same mutation in multiple places at once in a very short time period such as a few months since outbreak.

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6 minutes ago, Roderic Ravenhurst said:

Stop with the conspiracy theories. If you don't have actual evidence, then don't try to make it up.

The evidence is the meaning of words and the established facts from credible sources. I assure you, I did not pay off a single one of those journalists to lie to us all. Add each of these things together from this and the other threads until a multidimensional thoughtform of the issue at hand emerges, and then you'll see it: the higher form of this evidence.


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1 hour ago, Chroma Starlight said:

 if this reality is too intense for you, you can always turn away,

it's not to intense, and yes i turn away, it's absurd how the covid is a milkcow here for a lot of rubbish and non sl relevant posts. It gets tiring.

GD is a big box full of sh*tty subjects started nearly all by the few same old posters.

STOP IT (please)

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8 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

it's not to intense, and yes i turn away, it's absurd how the covid is a milkcow here ... It gets tiring.
STOP IT (please)

How many lives will it cost to silence this alarm, should I appease your preference here that everyone be maximally degraded by needless ignorance?

How many lives will it cost? 

How many lives has it cost already?

Are you personally prepared to face the consequences for your responsibility in lives lost that could otherwise have been saved with but a few words which you would chill to silence?

Why does anyone chose silence over life? Will I ever understand? Do I even want to?

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The purpose of ANY virus is to survive and replicate. Killing its host quickly is a stupid tactic, even Ebola does not do that straight away - it kills after having had a successful number of replications and transmissions. 

A lot of what we know about viral mutations is down to studying the Influenza virus. There are two types of viral mutation, antigenic drift and antigenic shift.

Antigenic drift is the better known mutation, i.e. the virus replicates and there are errors during the replication processes. These errors can sometimes lead to a new altered version of the virus surface. If the alteration of the virus surface is significant our immune system (or vaccine assisted immune system) fails to recognise the virus and the vaccine no longer works. That's why every year we need to update the Flu vaccines.

Antigenic shift is also a trait of Influenza virus. Luckily it does not happen as often as antigenic drift. Influenza viruses have segmented genomes and so the shift happens when two different Flu strains infect the host cell at the same time. These two strains can mate and generate a new strain, a combination of the two mated viruses. This process is called reassortment and the result is that a lot of the population will not have immunity against this new strain.

Coronaviruses though do not have segmented genomes - they have a long piece of RNA so they cannot reassort. What they can do instead is recombine, in a process similar to the antigenic shift. Two coronaviruses can infect the host cell at the same time. However the process that generate a new coronavirus is different from the Influenza: the to mated Coronaviruses give each a pieace of their RNA. This RNA is stiched together and the new Coronavirus will have a combination of the two parent viruses RNA. That is why they are called novel Coronaviruses.

The consequence is the same and the antigenic shift... no immunity to the new virus in the population and hence pandemic.

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1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:


As they never claimed the vaccine was 100% effective, this isn't news.


If they knew, then why are there no sufficient safeguards in this place (along with a few other dark places of the world) to test, quarantine, and contain this pandemic? 

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