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Women's clothes, men's bodies


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I look good in a skirt. My avatar could too. But I've never seen any that aren't shaped for women's bodies. I love women's bodies but some male bodies rock certain women's clothes really well. Yet even after all these years, it doesn't seem anyone makes them.

I get that there might be a limited market hence limited supply but considering the preponderance of much weirder *****, I can't make that assumption.

All I want are various length short skirts that don't pooch out over hips I don't have. I considered learning to make my own but to be honest, I can't spend enough time in here to learn to build. Real life requires all I can muster of that energy (designing / building).

Thanks for any discussion. Just a thought.

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I feel like there’s a store that already does what you’re asking. They mainly cater to androgeny, but I’ve bought dresses from there that had the same dress for men’s bodies too. I’m not logged in right now to check, but maybe someone can help out. 

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10 hours ago, Pombokom said:

I look good in a skirt. My avatar could too. But I've never seen any that aren't shaped for women's bodies. I love women's bodies but some male bodies rock certain women's clothes really well. Yet even after all these years, it doesn't seem anyone makes them.

I get that there might be a limited market hence limited supply but considering the preponderance of much weirder *****, I can't make that assumption.

All I want are various length short skirts that don't pooch out over hips I don't have. I considered learning to make my own but to be honest, I can't spend enough time in here to learn to build. Real life requires all I can muster of that energy (designing / building).

Thanks for any discussion. Just a thought.

Boys to the Bone has some dresses for men.





Edited by Rowan Amore
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