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I've found I can't help myself being judgmental, Peewee. I've also come to realise that I now also routinely leave immediately if I TP to a favourite location only to see my radar fill up with a large number of unattractive names. I think it a shame that the only effect the new naming conventions have had on me is to cause me ignore or avoid people.

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Display names are the best things a resident could have to redeem their mistakes in making bad names at registration. I didn't see it as a mistake then, I still don't today. I don't simply ignore a person just because they have names I couldn't pronounce in simple english.

The other day I found a single name like this: TsholofeloMgabapeko. I was about to make a funny remark when he told me that he's from South Africa and that is a valid South African first and last names. Now, someone who has never met anyone with authentic indigenous names like that may take it as gibbirish and dismissed the person as being an idiot without realizing their own ignorance. I was about to become that person....

I think LL would do a good service if  they could be more helpful and provide links to name generator sites.. All new names would come up with ingenious names that would make us, the oldbies, envious.

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Agreed... also within matters of days I could also developed friendships, inventory loads and not to mention a premium account. If there is a way for me to know within the first 2 hours I was rezzed inworld that my username would have a big impact on my SL existence, I would have no worries of deleting my old account and create a new one.

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/me wonders if there are limits on the numbers of characters used?

minylprolylmethionyllysylalanylalanylthreonylarginylserine RESIDENT


(PS. the longest official word ever (1,913 letters) is the term for the formula C1289H2051N343O375S8)

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I thought I'd done something wrong the first time I saw my name as Koltari Resident. Did a quick search and read all about this change. I don't mind I didn't get a last name, though it would've been neat. It's worse to see the "Resident" after my username everywhere. Now I'm just contemplatin wheter or not to give myself a display name with a last name but it's not really the same cause then I'd see Koltari *potental last name* Resident everytime I interact with something that replies to me? Ah well it's all details in the long run though.. I hope. I have managed to make friends but then I always avoid silly usernames. It would be good if there was some very visible notice while you register saying this user name may be used in-game. Och well just a little feedback from someone new:)

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The name a Resident chooses for their Avatar speaks volumes about who that Resident is. When I meet with other Residents Inworld for the first time, I like to ask them how and why did they choose their name. Sometimes the Resident's answer is a lesson in historical fiqures or mythological Gods or creatures. I enjoy those answers. When a Residents tells me that their name has no meaning and that they didn't think about it that much; I often wonder, what else does this Resident do without thinking.

It takes a few weeks to get to know somebody, their choosen name is not everything. If the name includes their favorite sexual position; I have to pass. No offense but I'm trying to get some Customers and this Region is pg. It's Mainland, I'm just a guest here, I didn't set the maturity rating.


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Venus Petrov wrote:

I have never understood those odd names, much less known how to pronounce them.  As a DJ, I like to greet patrons on mic when they enter the club.  If someone selects a display name that is easier to prounounce, I will use that.  Sometimes people create display names full of special characters (e.g. circles around the alpha) and that makes it even tougher to see and pronounce so I sometimes resort to their original name.  If there are numbers, I will shorten it. 

I'm glad I'm not the only one who hasn't a clue what to do with special characters. There was a new girl at a club I go too all the time Saturday night who stayed until 'closing',  joined in the conversation a little, and when it was time to go I was still trying to figure out who to say 'goodnight' to when she poofed. I'm sure she thought we were being rude not to talk much to her but really it was mostly because we didn't know what to call her. I doubt the people that use names like that realize that's holding them back socially.

I do try to use people's display names in general because I figure it wouldn't be there unless that's what they wanted to be called. But really the idea of having an unpronouncable name is very counterproductive. IM's are all very well but it's nice when people comment in open Chat about something someone else has said. It's one of the things that drives the social discourse that can make gatherings in SL so enjoyable.

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Ian Underfoot wrote:

The passage of time since the new naming scheme was introduced has not changed my view that the change has been the single worst decision made by EL in my 3 1/2 years as a resident.


If people change their display names regularly I still call them by the name I've always known. Don't people realise that their name is the only constant by which people will remember them?


When I see someone with a gibberish username I tend to ignore them on the assumption they're an idiot.

Yes /\ This.    Your name is your Brand.  It's an identifier which transcends temporary physical changes.  

Btw, Ian, I like your avatar name.  It evokes an aura of mystery, history and UK secret-agents



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Wildcat Furse wrote:

/me wonders if there are limits on the numbers of characters used?




















minylprolylmethionyllysylalanylalanylthreonylarginylserine RESIDENT


(PS. the longest official word ever (1,913 letters) is the term for the formula C1289H2051N343O375S8)

I'll call you, "Mostly Carbon", for short.  : )

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/me wonders if there are limits on the numbers of characters used?

minylprolylmethionyllysylalanylalanylthreonylargin​ylserine RESIDENT


(PS. the longest official word ever (1,913 letters) is the term for the formula C1289H2051N343O375S8)


This post started me thinking of all kinds of long chemical or scientific Latin names one could use for a new Resident.

I wonder if anyone has used  TetaHydroCannabinol or LysergicAcidDiethylamide yet?  What about StaphylococcusAureus or CandidaAbicans? If someone in world would recognize those names, they probably wouldn't be an idiot.


I think the names we pick when we choose to represent ourselves in a new arena SHOULD mean something to us & thus tell something about us.  Choosing an SL name should be like the first online or subcultural name one chooses, something that defines & represents some significant part of oneself.  Even if it's only a pet's name, it's your pet that is or was important to you.

The first pseudonym I ever used, long before I used the internet, was Persephone. People who see me with this name in SL can rightly assume I have some knowlege of Greek mythology & that the Persephone archetype has personal significance for me.  My last name of Emerald has less significance & was basically a "safe" name that would be easy to remember & spell.

The last names of my alts tell a bit about me too. "Blaylock" should be recognizable to anyone over 30 who's into popular vampire fiction, while "Ezarael" may be recognizible to some as a variant for the name of a fallen angel.  These are both fairly obscure references, so if anyone recognizes them, they can safely assume we both share some relatively esoteric interests. 

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Ian Undercroft wrote:

Poor naming decisions seems a poor reason for inflicting this awful new system on us all. I would expect anyone to have realised within a matter of days that their naming decision was a mistake. The simple solution was to create a new account.

I did that. 3 years in though - but I was still new. Made an account in 2006, didn't stick around for an assortment of reasons. Came back in 2009 and was around for a month before I changed names/accounts.

I just told all my friends the new name, went back to all the freebie places I'd gotten things from, and spent about $10 USA buying replacement items. Then I cancelled premium on the old one and got it on the new one.


I deal with newbies all the time. I've got my blog for new residents, I've got a lot with a lot of help info for them, and I've got a few freebies and items in the under 10L range on marketplace.

So I see new residents popping up in my logs constantly.

SL has run out of first names.


The names I see popping up are getting weirder by the day as people try all sorts of tricks to get something decent. Recently they've been resorting to using special characters and case-flipping (though I don't think case matters to the database - I see it mixes with things like vowels with the dots over them), or putting the digits of their birthday on the end.

Its just going to keep getting worse.


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Ansariel Hiller wrote:

...that and people with stupid display names containing only unreadable Unicode garbage!

I overheard two bytes talking in a club the other day and one asked the other how he was feeling.  "A bit off today" was the response. :matte-motes-bored:

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The unfortunate thing is that the only information on the page where you pick your username is "You will use your username to login, so don't forget it.". It doesn't say this username will be used in-game. I'm sure it's tempting for some to just enter the username they use for many other things thinking they'll get an option to name their avatar at a later stage. Which they kind of get to do using screen names..

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Koltari wrote:

The unfortunate thing is that the only information on the page where you pick your username is "You will use your username to login, so don't forget it.". It doesn't say this username will be used in-game.

I recently updated my guide for new user's blog to reflect that - and to caution people to be careful in what name they pick there. But I'm like a voice yelling into the wind on that score and google still prefers a blog that hasn't been updated since 2006 over mine when it comes to new user advice... ;)

Most MMOs have you pick an account name, and then after that you go to a screen to create your first character. That this MMO makes your account your character throws a lot of people off I suspect. And lets face it, this is an MMO, or at least as MMOs are to MUDs, this is to MUSH.


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