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Might be proper, but not very caring support...

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Kolby Nissondorf wrote:

One of my co-works, Lovejean Resident passed away this morning after her life was brutally taken. I contacted support regarding the incident asking them to disable her profile or account, and heres what the response was:

LLsupport gone wrong censored for forums.JPG


Note that the last two lines were within 3 seconds of eachother right before the operator ended the chat.

 Not saying the Lindens arent helpful, but is this the proper way to act?




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Oh I am so sorry to hear about your friend.  You and her family have my deepest condolences. 

I am not sure what is the proper procedure for dealing with this type of situation on LL's end of things, if they would need to see a copy of a death certificate or something. I really don't know. But wow, the lack of compassion and sympathy in those responses were astounding.  Those answers appeared to be some sort of canned response, like they were typing directly from a script or something.  The response saying "Thank you for being a valued resident of Second Life" really took the cake though. Doesn't seem they value or care much about their residents.  It wouldn't have been hard for that person to have been a little bit more sympathetic and compassionate.  In any event, I'll keep you all in my prayers.

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Kolby Nissondorf wrote:

woah harsh, but im not making stuff up.

they can match her address with the one in the article

It's not that I don't believe you, it's that LL has no idea who you are. Do you have and legal power to tend to your friends estate? If not then legally speaking this is none of your business.

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I don't think anyone said or implied that you were making stuff up.  I agree with Leleil.  The support person has no way of knowing if you are telling some story to get someone's accounted closed or the truth........pointing to some news article is proof of nothing at all.  It's pretty easy to find an article such as that and use it to get someone's account closed if one were so inclined to do such a thing.  The proper response for LL was pretty much as the support person displayed (though, I think a little more tact might have been in order.....assuming that copy/paste you posted was unaltered.  Sorry, but this is the Internet.......what you see is not always what's real).


Let the family take care of this.  It's nice that you are concerned but it's just not your place to do anything.  Perhaps you might contact the family a offer any help they might need in dealing with LL.

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Neither Leleil nor I said you were lying.  We both said it's too easy for someone (not you) to grief someone with such a tactic.  I, for one, can understand your feelings and desire to help.  Perhaps it's frustration on your part (something I also can understand) but, aside from the lack of tact on the support person's part, the response was proper........you are not the correct person to get this done for your friend.  Sometimes there is just nothing you can do..........and it's such a helpless feeling.


Take comfort in that you are trying.

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Kolby Nissondorf wrote:

One of my co-works, Lovejean Resident passed away this morning after her life was brutally taken. I contacted support regarding the incident asking them to disable her profile or account, and heres what the response was:

LLsupport gone wrong censored for forums.JPG


Note that the last two lines were within 3 seconds of eachother right before the operator ended the chat.

 Not saying the Lindens arent helpful, but is this the proper way to act?




I'm sorry to hear you've lost a valued friend, and you must be feeling quite raw emotionally over this, not least because it seems the Scout you spoke to on Live Chat seemed uncaring. It is up to the next of kin, though, to handle any outstanding affairs, and in their own good time, and the Linden employee was following procedure. As others have said in this thread, unless you are legally in charge of a person's personal affairs, there is nothing you can or should do.

I've known of several people who have sadly passed away in real life, and their avatars still remain in SL, and it's rather lovely to have a kind of memorial to them in this form. I take great comfort from being able to re-read the profile of a deceased friend who helped me so much during my early days in SL, and who is greatly missed by their real life family. 

If you know of other friends in Second Life who will also be grieving for your lost friend, you should hold a special ceremony inworld at the Linden Memorial sim in a few week's time. 

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Hello Kolby. R.I.P. your friend. I am really sorry. About now the attitude of LL's employee, i don't see something wrong or reprehensible. He/she gave you the reply which might to give. The other participants explained why and they covered me. Maybe a good idea is to try to contact someone of her family and ask them if it is possible to find her password and delete her profile.

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Kolby Nissondorf wrote:

Just out of respect. If you passed away, would you want people IMing your account or looking at it and knowing theres no one behind that avatar any longer?


Well, I can only speak for myself but  when a close friend of mine passed away, I used to get comfort from looking up his profile, reading his words and also seeing the last chat he and I exchanged. I was very sad for me when LL finally did disable his profile.

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Kolby, I am very sorry for your loss and horror over the murder of your friend. Everyone here supports you, but you must surely realize that if someone other than yourself were to read that screen shot, it could easily be seen as someone just trying to off their enemy. No one doubts the validity of your story, but what if accounts were to be deleted just because someone was reported dead by anyone? If it helps, if I were to pass away, I hope no one would murder Charolotte also.

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I don't know...I didn't read any victims names in that article and it only gave an apartment complex name and general vicinity.  In all fairness, LL couldn't do anything with this information.  I agree though, that they could have been more sympathetic while dealing with you.  I'm sorry about your friend :(

ETA:  I'm curious, how do you know she was involved?

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What if she didn't want her RL and SL mixed? What if she never wanted anyone to know she had a SL? What if what she did online she considered an escape from reality? Your heartfelt sorrow is apparent and I feel for you, but I'm trying to think, what if it was me? Your tribute to her real life death would be reasonable and appropriate, but unless you have some legal powers allowing you to dictate what should be done with her virtual self, it is unfair for you to assume that role, regardless of your intentions. You do realize I'm trying to help, right? I'm not criticizing, I'm just trying to help you see it from an outsiders perspective. I understand loss and sorrow and the devastation and mental turmoil it causes. I hope talking about it helps you.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

Kolby Nissondorf wrote:

One of my co-works, Lovejean Resident passed away this morning after her life was brutally taken. I contacted support regarding the incident asking them to disable her profile or account, and heres what the response was:

LLsupport gone wrong censored for forums.JPG


Note that the last two lines were within 3 seconds of eachother right before the operator ended the chat.

 Not saying the Lindens arent helpful, but is this the proper way to act?




I'm sorry to hear you've lost a valued friend, and you must be feeling quite raw emotionally over this, not least because it seems the Scout you spoke to on Live Chat seemed uncaring. It is up to the next of kin, though, to handle any outstanding affairs, and in their own good time, and the Linden employee was following procedure. As others have said in this thread, unless you are legally in charge of a person's personal affairs, there is nothing you can or should do.

I've known of several people who have sadly passed away in real life, and their avatars still remain in SL, and it's rather lovely to have a kind of memorial to them in this form. I take great comfort from being able to re-read the profile of a deceased friend who helped me so much during my early days in SL, and who is greatly missed by their real life family. 

If you know of other friends in Second Life who will also be grieving for your lost friend, you should hold a special ceremony inworld at the Linden Memorial sim in a few week's time. 

Whether or not LL should do something involving the deceased's account is one issue.  I can see how it would be very easy for someone to grief someone by reporting them dead and then having their account placed in limbo.  But, it would be a relatively simple matter for them to verify the story...  I'm really not sure about that one.

What I am sure about is that the way that this was handled by the customer service rep for LL was completely unforgivable.... "That resident would have to contact support."  ... what the heck?  Talk about a slap in the face....

They wonder why the never really took off like they thought that they would....

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