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forced sit issue

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i have noticed a issue comming up with a few of my friends

there being forced sit and cannot stand back up

as soon they try there instantly being sat back down

i am aware rlv exists disabling does fix it but where's the fun in that


the issue starts when teleporting into a random sim no matter what your wearing even without a relay

using the rlv debug menu / show debug messages does not show a script or command is saying to force sit the person

the weirdest part is even tho the person cant stand and move others can still bump and push him around https://gyazo.com/2a49d9fef8a1a09bbb2139ea8f26f521


fixing it are.

reloging and sitting on a actual object multiple times before it stops But it can trigger again by just a random teleport unknowing when it starts again


my question is are there more who have this issue ?

and did anyone find out whats causing this and or having a solution for it that does not require you to disable your RLV


all friends who have this issue have firestorm viewer





rlv is not the cause of it since i have noticed it can still happen when even when RLVa is disabled


Edited by crazydudemartijn
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There is a trick that someone can play on you.  If you sit on an object they suggest, or if you accept an animation request from them, they then get the permission to animate you permanently.  Any time that person and his victim are in the same region, the trickster can impose any animation he wishes on the victim.

However, you seem to be saying that it is RLV related, in that disabling RLV stops the problem.  If that's the case, then this is normal RLV behavior.  If you don't want people animating you, or caging you, or undressing you or any of the stuff that RLV use allows...don't use RLV.  Very simple.

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4 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

There is a trick that someone can play on you.  If you sit on an object they suggest, or if you accept an animation request from them, they then get the permission to animate you permanently.  Any time that person and his victim are in the same region, the trickster can impose any animation he wishes on the victim.

However, you seem to be saying that it is RLV related, in that disabling RLV stops the problem.  If that's the case, then this is normal RLV behavior.  If you don't want people animating you, or caging you, or undressing you or any of the stuff that RLV use allows...don't use RLV.  Very simple.

yeah but if someone is doing this then this gets shown in the debug menu wich in this case it does not

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Do they share any Experiences? If so, they're simply encountering an extremely useful LSL function, llSitOnLink(), possibly combined with a prim parameter, PRIM_ALLOW_UNSIT set by a script to FALSE (although that part shouldn't really behave quite as described).

If so, it's trivial to disable the Experience.

(I used this function most recently to allow Experience participants to walk into a kind of "tractor beam" that slides them smoothly between levels of a sci-fi build.)

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Just now, Qie Niangao said:

Do they share any Experiences? If so, they're simply encountering an extremely useful LSL function, llSitOnLink(), possibly combined with a prim parameter, PRIM_ALLOW_UNSIT set by a script to FALSE (although that part shouldn't really behave quite as described).

If so, it's trivial to disable the Experience.

(I used this function most recently to allow Experience participants to walk into a kind of "tractor beam" that slides them smoothly between levels of a sci-fi build.)

the person who you see in the .gif is the owner of the sim we are currently in and experience is not in use in his sim

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Yeah, I was confused by that video: there's so much strange stuff going on with multiple avatars I'm not even sure which one is afflicted. Anyway, when they're in the "forced sit" condition, is the avatar actually sitting or merely in a sitting animation? I.e., does the "Stand Up" button appear (even though it may not work as expected) ?

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1 hour ago, crazydudemartijn said:

the weirdest part is even tho the person cant stand and move others can still bump and push him around

That's because he isn't technically sitting, That is, his avatar is not in the sit state, it's jsut rnning a sit pose.


1 hour ago, Lindal Kidd said:

There is a trick that someone can play on you.  If you sit on an object they suggest, or if you accept an animation request from them, they then get the permission to animate you permanently.  Any time that person and his victim are in the same region, the trickster can impose any animation he wishes on the victim.

I've never tried it myself but I thought the "Stop animations and revoke permissions" feature fixed that?

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6 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

That's because he isn't technically sitting, That is, his avatar is not in the sit state, it's jsut rnning a sit pose.


I've never tried it myself but I thought the "Stop animations and revoke permissions" feature fixed that?


1 minute ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

RLVa > Restrictions

When a script sets a restriction (force sit, disable movement), it will stay in effect even if the script that created the restriction goes away, because the viewer itself will enforce it.

 it dint work and also does not explain why the stand option is still availible   


i just figured its not even rlv related anymore the issue is still there even when turning off rlv completly

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5 minutes ago, crazydudemartijn said:


 it dint work and also does not explain why the stand option is still availible   


i just figured its not even rlv related anymore the issue is still there even when turning off rlv completly

In that case it sounds like a normal bug. If you teleport while you are "ground sitting" (Ctrl Alt S), you'll get stuck in that state. Relogging is the easiest way to fix it after it happens. If you sit on another object and stand up, the stand option goes away and you're able to move, but your animation will still be the ground-sit. Resetting animations won't fix it, your avatar will become visually stuck while you're standing, and animate normally when you move.

The issue you guys are experiencing is probably a combination of RLV-forced ground sit, and trying to teleport afterwards. Now you're stuck even if you disable RLV (unless you relog with RLV disabled).

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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1 minute ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

In that case it sounds like a normal bug. If you teleport while you are "ground sitting" (Ctrl Alt S), you'll get stuck in that state. Relogging is the easiest way to fix it after it happens. If you sit on another object and stand up, the stand option goes away and you're able to move, but your animation will still be the ground-sit. Resetting animations won't fix it, your avatar will become visually stuck while you're standing, and animate normally when you move.

The issue you guys are experiencing is probably a combination of RLV-forced ground sit, and trying to teleport afterwards. Now you're stuck even if you disable RLV.

yes that does work in order to fix it 

but after a relog rlv is completly disabled yet it still preforms the issue so it cant be rlv related anymore

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2 hours ago, ChinRey said:

I've never tried it myself but I thought the "Stop animations and revoke permissions" feature fixed that?

It does!  However, if the trickster is smart, he can overcome it.  That revocation applies to the version of the HUD he's wearing.  If he simply wears a fresh copy of it, the permissions are restored.  Then you can repeat that cycle, until one of you gets tired of it.

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I don't understand what they're sitting on.

AFAIK, when avatars are in normal ground-sit they don't get pushed around when somebody bumps into them. Maybe an attachment could move them in response to a collision or something but I've never tried that and anyway this is supposed to happen without any attachments at all. (Or maybe everybody else but me knows how to push around ground-sitting avatars.)

@Wulfie Reanimator suggests it's not a real ground-sit but rather a condition obtained after teleporting while ground-sitting. I don't know how to replicate that. When I try, I land normally, animated normally (whether or not an AO is driving), not ground-sitting, and no "Stand" button. I tried a few times, but that doesn't prove it doesn't happen somehow (RLV again?) or sometimes.

If instead they're sitting on an object, then that object might be physical and naturally respond to bumps, etc., but we can't figure out what's getting and keeping them seated if there's no Experience nor RLV involved.

If RLV is involved, then all bets are off. If this replicates in the Linden viewer, where we know it's not just another RLV viewer bug, that would make it interesting again. 

[ETA, when a sat-upon object's PRIM_ALLOW_UNSIT is false, the "Stand" button is present but when pressed the viewer fusses with a dialog "<object name> will not allow you to unsit at this time."]

Edited by Qie Niangao
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5 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

@Wulfie Reanimator suggests it's not a real ground-sit but rather a condition obtained after teleporting while ground-sitting. I don't know how to replicate that. When I try, I land normally, animated normally (whether or not an AO is driving), not ground-sitting, and no "Stand" button. I tried a few times, but that doesn't prove it doesn't happen somehow (RLV again?) or sometimes.

As I was recording an example (even if it's unrelated to the thread now), I also realized it only happens if you have the Firestorm built-in AO enabled. Woo Firestorm.


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