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Everything posted by crazydudemartijn

  1. okay so this a old bug wich never been fixed https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-100891
  2. This entire bug is just weird But will enable firestorms owns ao Cuz my friends have this issue not me and want to look into it myself too
  3. yes that does work in order to fix it but after a relog rlv is completly disabled yet it still preforms the issue so it cant be rlv related anymore
  4. it dint work and also does not explain why the stand option is still availible and i just figured its not even rlv related anymore the issue is still there even when turning off rlv completly
  5. alright we just managed to cause this error even when rlv is disabled wich makes me more confused
  6. the stand button is still there but now it gets weirder as where testing stuff now altho he cant move and we can push him he Can move when in mouselook but his body stays at the exact same spot but his name tags moves
  7. the person who you see in the .gif is the owner of the sim we are currently in and experience is not in use in his sim
  8. yeah but if someone is doing this then this gets shown in the debug menu wich in this case it does not
  9. i have noticed a issue comming up with a few of my friends there being forced sit and cannot stand back up as soon they try there instantly being sat back down i am aware rlv exists disabling does fix it but where's the fun in that the issue starts when teleporting into a random sim no matter what your wearing even without a relay using the rlv debug menu / show debug messages does not show a script or command is saying to force sit the person the weirdest part is even tho the person cant stand and move others can still bump and push him around https://gyazo.com/2a49d9fef8a1a09bbb2139ea8f26f521 fixing it are. reloging and sitting on a actual object multiple times before it stops But it can trigger again by just a random teleport unknowing when it starts again my question is are there more who have this issue ? and did anyone find out whats causing this and or having a solution for it that does not require you to disable your RLV all friends who have this issue have firestorm viewer edit: rlv is not the cause of it since i have noticed it can still happen when even when RLVa is disabled
  10. since its halloween i was wondering you can actualy hide your nametag from others without hiding your avatar that i see quite common any idea's how this can be done ?
  11. im searching for a script that colors a object by usings the nearest persons uuid within 10 meters if it cant find any it uses owners uuid for all faces and linked parts
  12. got the script working with parts of yours xiija thx
  13. the link shows what it is for i just want no script error when it cant find a item https://gyazo.com/7115628c5ec96b78cecd83857e58ecae
  14. i have this script it is working but i notice it gives a error when no object is found, and im bad at scripting so i have no clue how to inpliment this line___ if name = "box" say, nothing is here default { touch_start(integer total_number) { string rezName=llGetLinkName(llDetectedLinkNumber(0)); llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), rezName); } }
  15. well if it not exist then can someone make one for me (il pay for it)
  16. is there some one who made or know on the sl market a vehicle script for sphere shaped objects. it will roll the object if u start moving around in it :3
  17. Hello i need some script help for creating a bumper the problem is that i have no idea how to make this idea when bumped makes a sound and rez a object above the owner. when object hits its owner, the owner will play a sound and a animation
  18. the difrence is that this is a starters island where old and new SL people meet. the amount of helpfull / funny / happy moments was made on that beach. now its gone, im not saying changing all social islands back they just want the beach back. one of the solutions is changing just 1 sim back to the old sim, like there are 8 social islands wich most of them are not realy used only island 1,2,3 are being used alot so why not changing the least used island back to its original state
  19. reason i post this is becouse the amount of people complaining about how much they miss the old beach on social island 3. my question is, Can the beach be added to the new island or change social island 3 back to the old one. if u dont beleave me go check social island 3 and ask around
  20. i know enough then :matte-motes-frown:
  21. was wondering if someone can make a claptrap avatar from borderlands or is there already one ?
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