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Is anyone using an IM client from RL to SL?

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I'm a SLnewb who wants to stay in touch with SL friends from RL when I'm offline running around RL with phones and tablets, whether it's an iOS/Android app or even a Win web client. After searching for a discussion about this and following those breadcrumbs  -- the applications are no longer available. Seems like the topic went off around 2014, and perhaps there isn't anything out there in use. I searched the web but the results pointed me back to strategies used in those older (2011-14) SL posts.  I hope there is something in use now, anyone?🧜‍♀️

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4 hours ago, Resi Pfeffer said:

If you need to see what you do, the lumyia viewer is still a thing.

Btw, anyone knows how many years LindenLabs still will need to build their own mobile viewer? I mean, its 2019. Cellphones are not "Neuland" anymore.

Lumiya is currently unavailable for download and appears to be no longer supported. If you already have it, it still works (sort of, it seems to be falling apart though). 

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Thanks again for the tips!  It's too bad that Lumiya isn't available at this time, my android phone won't be useful now unless Lumiya is offered again. I can try MetaChat for iOS to supplement Firestorm, and it's being supported as recently as JUL2019. I read that it may be a RAM hog but my iPad Pro may be up to task. If it's helpful, here's the App Store link for anyone else needing more SL access & I will post a few comments after trying it out🦉 https://apps.apple.com/us/app/metachat/id1257878466

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On 8/13/2019 at 11:14 AM, AlessandraPhilolaus said:

Thanks again for the tips!  It's too bad that Lumiya isn't available at this time, my android phone won't be useful now unless Lumiya is offered again. I can try MetaChat for iOS to supplement Firestorm, and it's being supported as recently as JUL2019. I read that it may be a RAM hog but my iPad Pro may be up to task. If it's helpful, here's the App Store link for anyone else needing more SL access & I will post a few comments after trying it out🦉 https://apps.apple.com/us/app/metachat/id1257878466

Lumiya is still available through the developers site on SlideMe: https://lumiyaviewer.com/index.php/get-lumiya/slideme It is the previous version but once you have it, join the Lumiya support group and it would likely be possible to have it updated to the newer 3.4.2 version. Other than animations no longer working in the 3D view and changing outfits is flaky, it still works fine for everything else at this time. The cost at SlideMe is $3 but imo at least, it is well worth it for the convenience.

An ios version is being worked on by LL and sounds like it is coming along nicely for chat functions and is hoped to be available in the near future for beta testing as per the User Group meeting last Wednesday (excerpted and edited for brevity):



[07:30] Oz Linden: Local chat is not... unlike other current apps, the plan is that your avatar will be in a separate space inaccessible to others, so it won't just be standing somewhere not moving, so you wont' have a regular 'location' at all to chat in.
[07:33] Oz Linden: Keira is going to join us!

[07:33] Barbie Doll (arielle.popstar): she is the ios product manager?
[07:33] Oz Linden: Yes - What she says about it is more authoritative than what I say 🙂
[07:35] Oz Linden: I just sent her what we've just been saying so she can catch up
[07:35] Barbie Doll (arielle.popstar): i was trying to get some idea of what the ios mobile viewer wil look like as in capabilities
[07:36] Keira Linden: That's a great question!
[07:36] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): I want mobile viewer.. even only text chat..
[07:36] Keira Linden: A mobile app has a lot of awesome potential for SL.  It's a pretty big task and I know the community (and lots of Lindens) are really excited about it.
[07:37] Barbie Doll (arielle.popstar): oh good to know Lindens are too!
[07:37] Keira Linden: our current plan is to roll the mobile app out in stages.  We really want to get it right. 😃
[07:37] Keira Linden: So, phase 1 will be mostly chat capabilities
[07:38] Barbie Doll (arielle.popstar): as in to just friends Keira?
[07:38] Barbie Doll (arielle.popstar): or groups?
[07:38] Keira Linden: We have plans to add as much functionality as possible in subsequent phases and we've gone through a list of those internally to try to determine what should go in which phases.
[07:39] Keira Linden: Not just friends or groups, no.  You will have the ability to search for someone not in your friends list or group.

[07:39] Elizabeth Jarvinen (polysail): What are you going to do about groupchat ad-hoc griefers before you release an app making them that much stronger?
[07:39] Keira Linden: As we get a little closer, I'll be reaching out to the community to get input from you all on what features are most important, adn set up some priorities on what features get rolled out when.
[07:40] Oz Linden: We're considering various server-side ways to limit abuse of ad-hoc chat, polysail
[07:40] Keira Linden: That's a topic we are in the process of discussing internally right now
[07:41] Oz Linden: It's not directly linked to the mobile app

[07:41] Elizabeth Jarvinen (polysail): awesome
[07:41] Barbie Doll (arielle.popstar): so sort of curious  considering where it is planned to go, why a multi platform option wasn't  considered so as to kill 3 birds with one stone?
[07:42] Oz Linden: We did consider some multi-platform app frameworks, but concluded that in the long run doing separate native apps would be better.
[07:42] Barbie Doll (arielle.popstar): meaning that since graphical is not a priority, a browser based solution would work just as well?
[07:43] Oz Linden: At the time, Lumiya was well supported on Android, so it didn't seem as bad to just target IOS first... that didn't last, unfortunately
[07:44] Keira Linden: We've focused on iOS right now for a number of reasons.  Chief among those are that focusing on 1 platform at a time allows us to the ability to roll an app out faster.  Once we are happy with what we put out, then we can consider porting it to other platforms.
[07:44] Keira Linden: Well, Lumiya isn't owned by Linden Lab so I can't really answer to that question

[07:44] Loaded (whirly.fizzle): Well Lumiya still works fine for chat anyway.
[07:46] Loaded (whirly.fizzle): Pity Lumiya is closed source
[07:46] Barbie Doll (arielle.popstar): do you have an eta  on the beta Keira?
[07:46] Keira Linden: I have a date in mind, but I'm keeping that locked up tight for now. ;)  I would hate to put a date out there and then disappoint you all.
[07:46] Oz Linden: we try not to predict releases until they are really imminent, arielle

[07:46] Loaded (whirly.fizzle): Can you get ios emulators for windows?  I know you can do that for Android.
[07:46] Barbie Doll (arielle.popstar): this year? :)
[07:47] Keira Linden: But, rest assured that this is an extremely high priority for me as the Product Manager, so I'm going to do all I can to get something very stable out to you all as soon as possible.
[07:47] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): I have iPhones and iPads.. and apple watch. How about Apple Watch?
[07:48] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Good News!
[07:49] Barbie Doll (arielle.popstar): well that be great  but sure there will be lots of  beta testing  needed  to fine tune
[07:49] Keira Linden: I know everyone is excited for this to roll out, and I'd love to be able to put something in your hands right now.  But, awesomeness takes time. 😃
[07:49] Barbie Doll (arielle.popstar): as well as pages and pages of posts  of what everyone thinks it should have
[07:50] Oz Linden: Feedback is Fun!
[07:50] Keira Linden: Indeed there will be.  I haven't quite worked out all the mechanics for beta testing yet, but as soon as we're ready it'll be posted on the forums.
[07:50] Elizabeth Jarvinen (polysail): Running poorly optimized 3D content on phones is ~ in general a really bad idea.
[07:50] Elizabeth Jarvinen (polysail): but that's what everyone wants SL to do.
[07:51] Barbie Doll (arielle.popstar): Lumiya handles it remarkably well even on my older phones Elizabeth
[07:51] Elizabeth Jarvinen (polysail): though playing a pre-rendered footage would solve that problem ~at the cost of server side compute power~  is that something being considered for a mobile experience?
[07:52] Oz Linden: We've done several experiments with streamed viewers, polysail, and are watching the evolution of the required server side costs and capabilities...
[07:52] Keira Linden: We haven't focused too much on the graphics side, as we've been working on chat and security, but I'll be sure to include that consideration when we get there.
[07:53] Oz Linden: ... so far, we don't think there's a viable business model (that is, we'd have to charge too much), but we expect competition and technology to eventually change that



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On 8/13/2019 at 11:32 AM, Alyona Su said:

I actually use this - it works great, just as advertised: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Email2IM-IM-via-Email-when-Offline/1928237

Thank you so much Aloyna, that is interesting! I have seen some similar features built-in to some parcel security systems but this one is especially geared towards comms :) which can be so useful.

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17 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Lumiya is still available through the developers site on SlideMe: https://lumiyaviewer.com/index.php/get-lumiya/slideme It is the previous version but once you have it, join the Lumiya support group and it would likely be possible to have it updated to the newer 3.4.2 version. Other than animations no longer working in the 3D view and changing outfits is flaky, it still works fine for everything else at this time. The cost at SlideMe is $3 but imo at least, it is well worth it for the convenience.

An ios version is being worked on by LL and sounds like it is coming along nicely for chat functions and is hoped to be available in the near future for beta testing as per the User Group meeting last Wednesday (excerpted and edited for brevity):



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Thanks Arielle, that's s a great amount of positive news and detail -- & far more than I expected to hear about when I posted my question last week. I did visit the Lumiya website but missed the SlideMe info completely. Though it has certain limitations, as you mentioned, it will serve my needs that I foresee having when using my Android phone -- especially in the areas of communication and inventory management.

The iOS App that was discussed will provide cover for times when I am using my iPad Pro. It's a decently powerful tablet and and I look forward to using both applications in different ways. Though in my case I'm not wanting a SL Viewer alternative, and more of a way to perform certain tasks when I'm not logged in to SL using Firestorm, it seems other Residents have always had similar needs. As I searched for ways to connect before writing this post, I noticed a variety of software has been used over time, and of course, things likely falls out of popularity and support. Coupled with the fact that devices change quickly in so many ways on the both the hardware & software sides, it's not surprising that there is active interest within the community to access Second Life when not using a web client. Judging from the dialogue you shared, it seems to be more in demand than i expected. It's so encouraging to hear that the Linden's iOS development is not only imminent(?) but reading between the lines, I sense it's going to be a robust App and its development will likely lead to offerings on other OS platforms in the future. I am very motivated by the momentum of this discussion and that through the use of these other applications we all can have better access to our Second Lives.

If the User Group you are involved with has open enrollment, can you provide its contact information? I'm interested in being involved and would like to contribute to the community.

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16 hours ago, AlessandraPhilolaus said:

If the User Group you are involved with has open enrollment, can you provide its contact information? I'm interested in being involved and would like to contribute to the community.

If you copy/paste this link into a viewer chat window then click the result, it will open the group profile: secondlife:///app/group/054a9b10-0df0-1ca7-2403-c50146b433ad/about

 Otherwise simply click the Search icon under the Group tab of a viewer and type in "Lumiya Support" to bring it up as a result.The enrollment is open.


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