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Second Life Virtual World and Social Media

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11 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:



RL other half DJs in SL and has DJed on the airways (AM/FM radio) in RL. We've owned/operated a few clubs in SL. Those two things are complete bullcrap and are precisely what killed that club (and any club fool enough to do ignorant things like that).


Absolutely right, Selene.

By attempting to 'force' residents into creating an FB account just to access some lame item they're flogging, demonstrates just how far behind the times they are.

As far as I'm concerned, no amount of cleverly arranged mesh pixels can ever tempt me to join something as asinine and intrusive as FaceBrat.

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I had a FB account for a short time but they blocked it when I refused to add some personal info. So that was it, they got two fingers.

I had to make a Twitter account in RL for a business launch, but now I don't go there as much as I should. 

I use flickr in my SL persona, which I didn't plan to do but just sort of happened.

I guess the reason I don't use social media is that I'm not especially sociable in RL. 🤔

Edited by BelindaN
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On 7/25/2019 at 11:15 PM, Penny Patton said:

To be fair, Second Life's "social profiles" attempt fizzled out before it even started. All they did was move our already existing profiles to a web format, gave us a post feed (which they almost immediately nerfed by removing one of its more interesting features) and introduced "interest tags" which they then proceeded to do absolutely nothing with. Then they just abandoned it all. And all of this took place over a couple of months. LL is like a cat with ADD in a room filled with laser pointers.

 The profile feed did let you link it up with Twitter, which was neat, but it was one-way, which kind of defeated the purpose. And that's the real problem with LL's attempts at "social media". They know the buzzword, but have no idea what it means or how to apply it to SL.

 For instance: Interest Tags were a great idea, that LL did absolutely nothing with. Interest tags could have improved search, events and the marketplace. Imagine if you could apply a limited number of interest tags to marketplace listings, event listings, groups and land. Like, 3-5 tags and no more. These tags would be used in search. If one of your search terms was one of that listing's tags it would get boosted in your search. And since you'd be limited to the number of tags you could apply, it completely bypasses the "word salad" problem that makes finding anything in SL so frustrating.

Remember the "Recommendations" tab in web profiles? Probably not, it was worthless. LL used it to generate a lost of strangers who happened to share one or more of your interest tags, the idea being that people would reach out to each other and become best friends forever based on nothing more than sharing one or two interest tags in their profile. When that (of course) did not work, LL thought they could force it to work by emailing that list to everyone a couple of times a month. All that accomplished was a spike in "hi" messages from strangers which most people in SL tend to ignore.

Imagine if instead of recommending you stranger's profiles, the recommendations tab would suggest places, groups, events, and marketplace listings to you, all based on your own interests. Suddenly that recommendations tab sounds a lot more useful, doesn't it? Something most SL residents would actually use!

Remember how I said LL nerfed the profile feed by removing a feature? You know how you can tag your current location to your feed posts? Originally they had it set up so if you were at a location in SL you could open up a feed window that would display all of the public feed posts made from that location. Effectively giving every location in SL a "shout wall". This feature was a great idea, so of course LL removed it almost immediately. Now imagine if, instead of being LL and removing the feature, they did the smart thing and EXPANDED that feature, so that you could also tag groups and events. Search for an event and if the event is currently active you would see the most recent feed posts made by people at that event. Group profiles could have their own feed page where you could read group member's posts tagged to that group, and all of this could be blended together. One post could be tagged to the land you were at, the event that was currently taking place, and your currently active group.

Now imagine if LL created a user calendar that could be synched up to all of this. You'd be able to have events, sales, group activities, new product releases, all relevant to you and all available in a calendar where you could set up reminders, schedule group notifications, etc. You could even see the upcoming birthdays and rez days of any of your friends who make that info public. Groups and Land could also have their own calendars, visible to group members and people visiting a location which made it's calendar public. So if you wanted to see what a given group had going on over the next couple of months, open up the group calendar and take a look. Find an interesting location in SL and want to see when it's more lively? Open the land calendar and take a look at what events and activities are scheduled to take place there.

 THAT is how you use social media features to make SL more social.

You forgot one thing, this has to be totally by opt in only. There is a reason why many people avoid social media like the plague. Happy for you to have it if you want to but if you opt me in and I have to jump through hoops to avoid all of this then no thanks

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1 hour ago, KanryDrago said:

You forgot one thing, this has to be totally by opt in only. There is a reason why many people avoid social media like the plague. Happy for you to have it if you want to but if you opt me in and I have to jump through hoops to avoid all of this then no thanks

I agree it should be something that is a choice.

She's just laying out a preliminary, I'm sure.

However, SL should create some type of ADULT Social Media for scrolling.  It's a vertical scrolling world now.  You can go through a lot of pictures and info in a short time.  I thought a feed of your groups running along on your Marketplace might be a cool idea, that you can turn on and off (needs an ap, I guess?)  But, I don't know anything about tech stuff.  

However, my use of Social Media is only for family and a few close friends who are like family.  I have a little over 20 friends - most family.   

Social Media is General Content only.  I don't like that aspect about it for SL.   

Also, on FB, there is no live support nor phone support.  I don't think that's a way to run a business.    

Edit:  Wanted to add:  Perhaps FB and other Social Media is liked by SLifer's because there is no limitation on groups?  Perhaps a MP feed could allow SL user to expand their groups beyond the inworld limit?


Edited by FairreLilette
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3 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

It's a vertical scrolling world now. 

Not in my part of the world. 30 miles out from Portland in a college town and you see very few running around with a cellphone growing from their ear. 

People might believe that technology will drag people kicking and screaming into the future. That's not what is going to happen. People are way too dependent on tech now as it is. I just hope I'm not alive to see it all come crashing down. It will destroy humanity's faith in itself.

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4 hours ago, KanryDrago said:

You forgot one thing, this has to be totally by opt in only. There is a reason why many people avoid social media like the plague. Happy for you to have it if you want to but if you opt me in and I have to jump through hoops to avoid all of this then no thanks

I don't like intrusive social media features, either. The way i imagine these features being implemented if you weren't interested in them then, much like the web profile feed, you could just ignore it and your SL experience would be more or less the same. Although you would likely see more people at events, and more activity in groups, so you'd still benefit from the features in that regard even if you never use them yourself.

I think a part of the problem is that when people see the words "social media" they think "Facebook" and they just immediately assume the worst. You can see that mindset in action through some of the other responses in this thread.

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3 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

Edit:  Wanted to add:  Perhaps FB and other Social Media is liked by SLifer's because there is no limitation on groups?  Perhaps a MP feed could allow SL user to expand their groups beyond the inworld limit?

People forget that our profiles, groups, etc are all social features. One of SL's shortcomings is that LL took the social elements of groups and tied them intrinsically to land admin features. For someone like me, who is often hired to build for various sims and so forced to join the land groups for those sims, it severely limits the number of social groups I can join.

As to why there's a limit on groups to begin with, I don't know the full story on that but my understanding is that it is due to how groups keep track of group members for online/offline notification and group chat. If I'm remembering right, when someone begins group chat it's not simply accessing a chat room everyone in the group is passively joined to. It actually has to connect to each and every simulator any online group member is currently in. I believe this is also why there were so many issues with group chat lagging or dropping entirely for so long.

I recall at one point LL was planning to try and replace group chat as we know it with something more similar to IRC, but that was one of the many SL features that wound up abandoned.

If LL can't fix groups to get rid of group limits, maybe they should look into an alternative to groups, something more focused on the social side. They could call them "Communities" or something.

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28 minutes ago, Penny Patton said:

I don't like intrusive social media features, either. The way i imagine these features being implemented if you weren't interested in them then, much like the web profile feed, you could just ignore it and your SL experience would be more or less the same. Although you would likely see more people at events, and more activity in groups, so you'd still benefit from the features in that regard even if you never use them yourself.

I think a part of the problem is that when people see the words "social media" they think "Facebook" and they just immediately assume the worst. You can see that mindset in action through some of the other responses in this thread.

No its not just ignore them, I dont want anything about my movements on there full stop. I do my best not to be tracked in rl. I don't have a phone thats turned on most of the time, I use cash for most payments, I don't have social media, I wear a hat to keep my face off camera's, I use tor and vpn's to browse. I no longer drive but take public transport. No I am not going to accept being tracking in SL and just ignore it. That is not good enough, dont track me in the first place end of story because if you do then I will be stopping coming to sl


Why the hell is the default stance of those that think social media is a good idea and everyone should be tracked always "Well if you don't like it just ignore it" Tough you don't get to make choices for me

Edited by KanryDrago
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33 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Not in my part of the world. 30 miles out from Portland in a college town and you see very few running around with a cellphone growing from their ear. 

People might believe that technology will drag people kicking and screaming into the future. That's not what is going to happen. People are way too dependent on tech now as it is. I just hope I'm not alive to see it all come crashing down. It will destroy humanity's faith in itself.

One of my relatives who has a phone permanently attached to her head keeps telling me I don't need my CDs and stuff and can get it on the phone. Funny thing a few weeks ago the network went down and she was visiting and said "I can't listen to music now." I fired up a CD and thought she was going to whack me with a frying pan!

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49 minutes ago, Penny Patton said:


I think a part of the problem is that when people see the words "social media" they think "Facebook" and they just immediately assume the worst. You can see that mindset in action through some of the other responses in this thread.

I do have a FB to keep in sporadic touch with my daughter. That is the only reason I have it. I do know the difference between social medias. 

None of which changes my opinion about social media cesspools. The use of FB to manipulate the US 2016 Presidential election is a prime example of the cesspool. That's on top of all the people stalking, harassing and generally trolling others just because they can while Suckface Zuckface just sits back and laughs while rolling in the money piles.

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35 minutes ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

One of my relatives who has a phone permanently attached to her head keeps telling me I don't need my CDs and stuff and can get it on the phone. Funny thing a few weeks ago the network went down and she was visiting and said "I can't listen to music now." I fired up a CD and thought she was going to whack me with a frying pan!

I keep a cast iron skillet handy. ;)

I would have fired up the old surround sound stereo turntable and put an album on... or tuned into FM radio. Then whacked her with the skillet to get the point through her thick skull. :D

Or I could play one of my guitars or my keyboard... the non electric ones. Or take her to a powwow and let her dance to the beat of a different drum. 

Oh yes I so went there. LOL


Edited by Selene Gregoire
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41 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

I keep a cast iron skillet handy. ;)

I would have fired up the old surround sound stereo turntable and put an album on... or tuned into FM radio. Then whacked her with the skillet to get the point through her thick skull. :D

Or I could play one of my guitars or my keyboard... the non electric ones. Or take her to a powwow and let her dance to the beat of a different drum. 

Oh yes I so went there. LOL


Don't know how many cast iron pans I wrecked on my man's noggin'!

At our RL bar we have a powerful sound system and it's funny when someone try to "outblast" it with their dinky phone cause our music "sucks." Classic Rock, blues and some other stuff is usually played there, not much of the new stuff.

As for social media, one used by our amateur radio group is called "MeWe" which is supposed to respect privacy and stuff.

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17 minutes ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

Don't know how many cast iron pans I wrecked on my man's noggin'!

At our RL bar we have a powerful sound system and it's funny when someone try to "outblast" it with their dinky phone cause our music "sucks." Classic Rock, blues and some other stuff is usually played there, not much of the new stuff.

As for social media, one used by our amateur radio group is called "MeWe" which is supposed to respect privacy and stuff.


fryingpan.gif.41a56ad94474f1fbf725d87d3b3ecc8e.gif  heehee.gif.840bac83812c6a6b5e8edfd8b0b0435d.gif

Your place would actually get me going to a bar again. Good thing you aren't in Oregon.... are you? 

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On 7/24/2019 at 11:42 AM, FairreLilette said:

Second Life is a virtual world.

With Social Media, how much time do you spend inworld?  

Do you spend more time on social media sites "looking" at Second Life related things rather than Inworld?

Is there any way to incorporate the two?  

Me, personally, I do not visit any Second Life business on any Social Media.  

However, I can see why one would:  Mobility for photos/updates and the photos are frankly better, as well as IM'S BEING CAPPED can prevent notices from going through.  

Is there any way to merge the two into a better inworld and photo/notices experience?

Or is just too darn costly to even think about it?

What are your thoughts about this thing called a Virtual World and offline Social Media sites?

The only place where I follow SL creator are on my SL Flickr account.  Else, I have no cross-population between personal social media and SL. That said, if there was a way to be able to somehow read notecards that are attached to group notices via the offline email, I would kiss a duck.  

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On 7/27/2019 at 10:29 AM, KanryDrago said:

No its not just ignore them, I dont want anything about my movements on there full stop. I do my best not to be tracked in rl. I don't have a phone thats turned on most of the time, I use cash for most payments, I don't have social media, I wear a hat to keep my face off camera's, I use tor and vpn's to browse. I no longer drive but take public transport. No I am not going to accept being tracking in SL and just ignore it. That is not good enough, dont track me in the first place end of story because if you do then I will be stopping coming to sl


Why the hell is the default stance of those that think social media is a good idea and everyone should be tracked always "Well if you don't like it just ignore it" Tough you don't get to make choices for me

Okay, my original idea was this would be good for the groups we are in. 

So why would it track you if you are not in the group?  

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29 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

Okay, my original idea was this would be good for the groups we are in. 

So why would it track you if you are not in the group?  

So if I dont want to be tracked dont join any group ever is what you are saying?

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