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Linden Lab becomes landcutters

Melodie Darwin

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The new policy for automating the resale of abandoned land is resulting not in an improvement of Mainland. Instead, its returning Mainland to the days of spinning ad signs, and fractured land cuts that are ugly and unusable for anything. Worst of all, LL is violating its own policy against landcutting by putting these areas for sale without cleaning it up first creating a rinse and repeat of what makes Mainland ugly. This exceedingly large area is at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Skutter/149/117/75/



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this is bad there are other similar plots l around that area.  If this practice becomes  common place. Then all the work Lindens have  done on the mainland  will be   for  nothing.

They need a much  more robust algorithm   for deciding what goes on auto sale, It should have a minimum size. and area to   perimeter ratio.

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WTF?  LL should have enough sense to clean up the land & reconnect all those odd little lots into usable ones before trying to resell them.  They don't even have to be a big as 512 m.  A bunch 4x4m ad lots lining a roadway are unsightly & prevent people from using larger lots behind them effectively.  They're even worse sitting in the middle of otherwise good, flat usable land.

On the other hand, it is possbile to have a tiny shop or home on a 12x12m lot, especially if one uses a 10x10m hollow box for the walls of a simple building. I think that when LL goes to resell abandoned lots, they should try to reconnect tiny & odd-shaped parcels into at least 12x12 m squares. They could also add those abandoned 4x4 m  or 8x4m roadside lots to the public road, in order to discourage ad farming.

P.S. Edit

The land-cutting seen in the picture is probably a tactic used by people who don't want to pay for land, but still want to use it. Another trick is to landscape the land so it looks nice to you & allow anyone to walk onto it or even move objects onto it, then abandon it.  When abandoned land stayed idle for many months, this was a useful trick, but now that land is being quickly put back on the market and those people are probably going to be surprised when an unsightly building takes over their free garden spot.

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Oh dear. That looks seriously bad. Next to this is an area that is still Gov. L. Maintenance that has trees atanding in 16m microplots. Did they do that cutting? Not for sale, so presumably not abandoned. We really need to have a mainland user group where thins like this can be addressed/explained. Who vut these? The land that's for sale was apparently abandoned originally in July 2010, as it says n the land name. Surely it can't be the Govenor that's cutting it? Did it get auctioned, cut and then abandoned again? What would the point of that be?

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LOL Yeah thats obviously not done by a human. This is the kind of grand screw up only machines can do.

Some Linden somewhere must be looking at this all and thinking oh **** :matte-motes-shocked: what did I just do?

Good thing about an automated process though is once they get the kinks worked out of the system it will run forever in autonomous perfection. To fix this all they need to is correct the algorithm as suggested, run a survey for these irregular/odd plots to recut them, and BAM its resolved in a day gridwide.

They should resolve this quickly before some dastardly baron gets grabby and turns it into a real convoluted mess!

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Yes they are going against all the so called hard work of cleaning up mainland I was looking at part water lastnight abandoned cut to peices for sale was pondering on buying it all and rejoining but guess what someone had already bought one of the 16sm so that thought went out of the window.

LL carnt take the easy way out they need a Human to rejoin and set for sale if they actually spent time inworld doing exactly what hundreds of us are doing everyday via land selling they may actually start to understand their own platform.

On a lighter note they do allow Ars against Governer Linden So until Gov Linden gets a AR the GOV will continue selling micro parcels on mass which is against the TOS.

The worst micro parcel sim ive ever seen was a FULL sim on mainland cut fully and totally  into 16sm plots for sale before they days of micro parcel RULES  hope they dont start selling one of them with their dumb software Bot.

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I saw an abandoned plot up for sale last week that was a strange shape and was in the middle of a whole load of other abandoned plots that weren`t up for sale. Obviously if a human had gone to look at it they could have joined all the abandoned plots together and recut them back as proper 512`s or 1024s or whatever.

Having them all owned by LL now would have seemed the perfect opportunity to get rid of the bizarre shapes before reselling.

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LL has once again lied about what they are doing, taken shortcuts without thinking about the impact, and run and hid when things have gone bad as they have with this whole abandoned land mess.

First, Blondin told us that LL would NOT be including Abandoned land in search - LIE LIE LIE

Since the start of the Abandoned land automation, the land HAS shown up in search and as a direct result, the bottom of the land market has fallen almost 50%. Of course the Landbots are cleaning up, and also continuing to help drive the price of Mainland close to absolutely worthless, while profiting heavily off of Adult land and special properties. There are now well over 400 Abandoned land properties listed in Search, and about as many now priced less than the L$1/meter that the abandoned land is going for (and well over 50% of this land is being sold by landbot owners).

Because of this automation, Abandoned land is automatically being put up for sale that is cut, donut holed (against Mainland land sales rules!! and ad policies), that is mis-sized, that is broken into separated/joined plots, that is prime targets for ad cutters and extortionists, and yet LL does nothing.

As a matter of fact, since this policy was  implemented there has been no response to the resident questions posted in the forums (even to the official Linden posts), nor has their been any mention that they LIED about the land being placed into search, and were misleading regarding how the program was to be implemented.

I love Second Life for the platform and the people, and for the potential that Second Life holds, but for the life of me I cannot figure out WTF LL is doing or why they continue to drive people away and make things worse instead of better.

Years of Jack's lies and ineptitudes were bad enough, but it almost makes me wish he was back, because even when he was talking out of his lower orifices, he at least talked to people

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On the one hand I like the automated reselling of abandoned land, because it's given me the chance to buy a nice roadside Mainland lot for $L 1 /m. On the other hand, I know it's going to devistate the Mainland land market even worse than Linden Homes hurt the low-prim rental home market. I got out of the rental home business after people started buying Linden Homes. Now, many landlords are stuggling to fill nice apartments that are as cheap as $L 1/ prim / week.  It seems like LL sees where some residents are making money, then figures out how to undercut them, so they get that money directly instead.  Right now the land bots & barons may be busy buying up cheap land to resell, but what do you think is going to happen to them when all but the very best land is going for $L 1/ m or less?

(Edit to add word.)

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This mess is so deplorable. The Arbor project had an arrangement with  LL in that they could take arbor parcels that were surrounded by abandoned land in order to rejoin those pieces.  We also had an arrangement that we ourselves could abandon those Arbor parcels that were surrounded by abandoned parcels with the FULL UNDERSTANDING that these plots would be rejoined to the others to make a larger sensible parcel.  Someone has dropped the ball big time here.  Land should not go to auto sale if its less than 256 or 512, and all abandoned parcels need to be contiguous - how hard is that to do?? Many people have put many hours and many lindens in to improve the mainland and this glitch, be it intentional or not, is undoing a lot of good work by good people.  LL needs to fix this NOW.  

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So now we see the latest land scam - aided and abetted by LL.  You or your alt cut up a big chunk of land, abandon, come back and buy it,  create extortion style micro parcels, sit back and bask in the destructive income you generate.  Love it.  This keeps up and I might actually miss the days of adfarms.

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If the donut holes were pre existing to purchase, and not cut from a larger parcel before going for sale its legal I'm afraid.  Its the cutting of land into small parcels, then putting them for sale that is illegal.  But good luck.  If LL has any damn sense, they will fix those holes and the whole area, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Well the latest for this famous piece of land.  Someone bought all of the cut pieces, rejoined them, and set the land at 4.5 L/m.  Thats all well and good except for the half dozen or so donut holes that were bought right after the fractured area went for sale.  Now that potentially nice piece of land has holes in it and is fairly useless.  It will take some doing, but maybe the holes can be restored with the cooperation of the hole owners or with LL intervention.  The saga continues.


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There were quite a few people who went to look at this area. Unfortunately, microparcel collectors and a would be ad farmer had found it first. When the would be ad farmer came and placed his fourth spinning ad tower, I linked him to the policy on ads and talked about why ads on 16m parcels for 62.5L/m really are a bad thing. Those were not photos I posted in this thread as that would be calling someone out when he did remove the ads.

I believe Persephone was right in an earlier post in that it appear the previous landholder had cut this up while abandoning it. The area is a weird mix of waffled land abandoned that we wiill likely see more of this occur in. It looks like the system sends all land abandoned by the same name in an area to sale at once. Unfortunately it does not have the ability to discern sizes or whether or not its cut and rejoined randomly.

Seeing something like this happen after the years people spent fighting ad farms and landcutting left me with a sickening feeling. There were years spent by countless residents talking nicely and otherwise to LL about this. There were countless Linden hours spent making trades with micro parcel holders to get them to abandon their holdings. The result of all of that time had made leaps and bounds in improving Mainland. The policy of auto sellling land no matter the size or shape is quickly undoing that.

There is now a jira written from this, as well as numerous ARs. The automated reselling of land is a good idea whose implementation is crashing and burning. There needs to be a minimum size allowed, and it still needs actual people to look and see if anything can be rejoined.

How long should we wait before publicly documenting policy failures? The policies against ad farming and landcutting are in place. Should we wait til an automated LL process creates new ad farmers and microparcel holders so that we can again spend years begging LL to clean it up and enforce their own policies? Or should there be some work done on their side to fix this now? They already know what happens when its easy for scammers and ad farmers to move in.

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hmmm... the previous owner must have been really pissed or something. Or, his/her action was a clever plan to discourage ugly malls or commerical plots being sprouted everywhere with screaming chairs every 3 seconds. If someone could built a house out of those jigsaw puzzles ... I want him/her to build mine!!

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