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I have a question for the men and possibly some of the women on the forum..

What are the best male shapes on the market? I'm asking because I'm trying to help a friend make over his avatar. I'm trying to make minor adjustments to his current shape, but it still doesn't quite look right. Any pointers in the right direction will be appreciated.



EDIT: This is what I have so far, I'm just trying to make sure that everything is proportioned correctly.



Edited by Kristen Beornssen
Added picture for reference.
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Real life people come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and what is great for one person is "ugly" to another. I think your guy looks fine, but it is all a matter of taste and perspective.  I bought a shape once  -- like 11 years ago. It was NOTHING like was pictured on the vendor (back then there were no demos) and I tossed it away. It was not cheap.  So learning how to work with the sliders is a good thing. With Bento heads you often need a starting point since for some reason many appear completely deformed with a legacy head shape. Beyond that you should -- with some time and experimentation -- be able to get what you want WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE MESH BODY  (that is always part of the criteria :D).



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30 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

Real life people come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and what is great for one person is "ugly" to another. I think your guy looks fine, but it is all a matter of taste and perspective.  I bought a shape once  -- like 11 years ago. It was NOTHING like was pictured on the vendor (back then there were no demos) and I tossed it away. It was not cheap.  So learning how to work with the sliders is a good thing. With Bento heads you often need a starting point since for some reason many appear completely deformed with a legacy head shape. Beyond that you should -- with some time and experimentation -- be able to get what you want WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE MESH BODY  (that is always part of the criteria :D).



The starting face/shape were pretty bad before I began his "makeover".

His precise words to me were - 'make him look how you want, I'm leaving it to you', so that's what I'm doing. I have a lot of experience with working the sliders and all, but when it comes to men's bodies, sometimes I wrestle a bit with getting the proportions just right. Usually, whenever I work with male shapes, I normally tweak them with and without clothing to see how everything comes together.

Female bodies [to me] have always been easier to adjust. I always try to keep everything to scale and within the limitations of the mesh body (and my racial/ethnic body type). No oversized hips, breasts, butts etc.

Once his makeover is complete, I might post a before and after picture for comparison.

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1 hour ago, Marianne Little said:

hope Skell read this. Maybe he can recommend some. I don't think he sell the shapes he make. Pity.

I'm afraid I don't sell them, no. They're my own personal shapes for each Bento head that I own, so they're very specific to me. Besides which, I'm hardly in proportion anyway, since Skell has giraffe-length legs and a very long torso ;)

@Kristen Beornssen the main thing I would recommend - from a quick look over the shape you've create thus far - is to make the feet bigger. They're far too small for his legs - especially his thighs - and they make him look overbalanced. Yes, they'll mostly be covered by shoes, but if he ever goes barefoot to the beach - as in that picture - he's going to look out of proportion. I'd also shorten his neck just a little. Long necks - because they tend to be common on female shapes in SL - are one thing I often see women giving to male avatars. (It could just be the skin itself and therefore not fixable by shape adjustments, but his chin is way above his Adam's apple there.)

I would also maybe bring the love handles in just a smidge, because he's very 'straight-up-and-down' in the torso area at the moment. Since he's not wearing a muscular skin, there's a disconnect (to my eyes) between the shape of worked obliques (that thicker look around the love handles) and the lack of visual reference to toned muscles on the torso... if that makes sense?

As has already been mentioned: shapes are a personal preference, and my advice above is no exception to that. What you've got so far is proportioned well, but if you have any doubts, take him to Proportion Park, which is run by two of my fellow Catwa CSRs, and is a fantastic resource for anyone checking out shape proportions.

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8 hours ago, Kristen Beornssen said:

sometimes I wrestle a bit with getting the proportions just right

Luckily, that well known 15th C Avatar designer Leonard of Vinci, prepared some handy avatar design reverence images, you can drop on a prim background to assist with editing shapes!


This might help too, with the various proportions...


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4 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

Honestly, you could sell that shape. I would say it is in the top 10% of good male shapes. Can't recommend a better shape, but hope Skell read this. Maybe he can recommend some. I don't think he sell the shapes he make. Pity.


Wow, thanks Marianne!

It's funny that you mention that - a while back, a friend and I did discuss making and selling shapes on MP. I just may revisited that idea again and actually do it this time. :D

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Thank you once again Skell, you are a wealth of information!


@Kristen Beornssen the main thing I would recommend - from a quick look over the shape you've create thus far - is to make the feet bigger. They're far too small for his legs - especially his thighs - and they make him look overbalanced. Yes, they'll mostly be covered by shoes, but if he ever goes barefoot to the beach - as in that picture - he's going to look out of proportion. I'd also shorten his neck just a little. Long necks - because they tend to be common on female shapes in SL - are one thing I often see women giving to male avatars. (It could just be the skin itself and therefore not fixable by shape adjustments, but his chin is wayabove his Adam's apple there.)

Duly noted!

The shape tools came in handy, but it's the minute details like this, that I was struggling with trying to get just right on him - which is why I posted. I'm glad that you answered and gave me a comprehensive break down of what needs to be adjusted. I'm going to make the changes that you've suggested and post an updated picture after I'm done.


I would also maybe bring the love handles in just a smidge, because he's very 'straight-up-and-down' in the torso area at the moment. Since he's not wearing a muscular skin, there's a disconnect (to my eyes) between the shape of worked obliques (that thicker look around the love handles) and the lack of visual reference to toned muscles on the torso... if that makes sense?

Makes perfect sense.

After snapping that pic, I did notice that he was looking a bit "boxy", and took in the love handles just a bit. I'm going to check him over again today, to see if he still needs a bit of adjusting in that area. 


As has already been mentioned: shapes are a personal preference, and my advice above is no exception to that. What you've got so far is proportioned well, but if you have any doubts, take him to Proportion Park, which is run by two of my fellow Catwa CSRs, and is a fantastic resource for anyone checking out shape proportions.

Thanks, I'll drop by there to see how he "measures" up! :D


EDIT: Here are the before and after pics for comparison. I had already taken in the love handles a bit in the before pic, and then just a touch more in the after picture.


Nils body before and after.png

Nils face before and after.png

Edited by Kristen Beornssen
Added before and after pics.
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I got a free shape with the free avi I started with once upon a time, picked it up in Caledon I think. Never equipped another shape, just modified it as things went and saved it as a copy simply named 'Orwar'.

That was almost 4 years ago, and I'm now at Orwar 7.4 - which made my arms slightly longer and my shoulders slightly narrower than Orwar 7.2 had, Orwar 7.3 was made specifically for a certain pose and apparel where I needed a longer neck so it never was used as my day-to-day shape.

Only if I make very significant changes will I skip ahead to the next number, Orwar 5.8 went to Orwar 6.0 when I got my mesh head, and Orwar 6.4 went to Orwar 7.0 when I got the mesh body as well.

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7 hours ago, Orwar said:

I got a free shape with the free avi I started with once upon a time, picked it up in Caledon I think. Never equipped another shape, just modified it as things went and saved it as a copy simply named 'Orwar'.

That was almost 4 years ago, and I'm now at Orwar 7.4 - which made my arms slightly longer and my shoulders slightly narrower than Orwar 7.2 had, Orwar 7.3 was made specifically for a certain pose and apparel where I needed a longer neck so it never was used as my day-to-day shape.

Only if I make very significant changes will I skip ahead to the next number, Orwar 5.8 went to Orwar 6.0 when I got my mesh head, and Orwar 6.4 went to Orwar 7.0 when I got the mesh body as well.

*nods in agreement*

That's how I am with my own shape - I don't buy new ones, I just adjust my old one as I go along. I have varying sizes of the same shape in my inventory - many of which I will never wear again and should be tossed into the bin.

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I always work my shapes ‘on the fly’.... doubt I’ll ever reach a point of permanent molding. Have set viewer prefs for ‘do not pose’ for adjustments...  so I can sit, relax and adjust. Even with AO on and in various lightings. 

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12 hours ago, AviNews said:

Have set viewer prefs for ‘do not pose’ for adjustments...  so I can sit, relax and adjust. Even with AO on and in various lightings.

Yeah the "pretend you are a tree" thing has it's uses, but ultimately, people move and it's easier to shape them if you can see how they move and what needs fixing, arms too short/long etc.

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I have to add... there's need for 'pretend you are a tree' when adjusting attachments... so there's no body movement when 'placing' jewelry/hair/accessorizing. Other times when doing VERY fine adjustments.. I'll plant my roots (usually at home).

But out in public.... working on minor things ( always primping!)... I prefer to move with AO so I can passively see all at different angles easily... and, of course, manipulating camera around endlessly, also. (camera does 'stray away'.... just occasionally... depending on what pretty lil outfits may stroll by!! :D )

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14 hours ago, AviNews said:

I always work my shapes ‘on the fly’.... doubt I’ll ever reach a point of permanent molding. Have set viewer prefs for ‘do not pose’ for adjustments...  so I can sit, relax and adjust. Even with AO on and in various lightings. 

I mainly use the built-in viewer poses for snapping pictures along the way to gauge my progress and to make fine-tuned adjustments.

Due to my decline in visual acuity (from corneal disease) and my inability to track moving objects well with my eyes - I have a tendency to turn the AO off while I'm working on a shape, then turn it back on to see how everything moves once I'm finished making any necessary adjustments.

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