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Script Lag or Script Conflict or Door Limit Object?


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I've run into what I think is a unique problem with trying to add doors to my build. 

In my build, I have two doors along the same wall (but the door openings are in separate prims), facing in the same direction, and opening with the same rotation.

I have tried a couple of different scripts for them, but settled on a hinged door script that works very well, ...  Except! ... One door at the western end of the build performs smoothly, while the one located at the eastern end of the wall will not function at all.

I have tried replacing the door, the door scripting, the type of door scripting, swapping the doors, rotating the hinge and / or the door,  .... and nothing works.

So, I am now considering there must be a conflict or a lag caused by other nearby scripts. 
Within 5 meters of the door I have a pool with an animated water texture (I have removed the animation scripts in hopes of cutting down on lag, and the water animation still functions perfectly).

Also, at the far end of that pool, I have an infinity pool with a small water fall with an animated water texture and particle scripts at the bottom of the waterfall.
(Scripting from those items have also been removed, and everything still functions fine.)

My problem is in getting that second door script to function.  When I go to click on the door, the hand touch cursor appears to prompt the event, but there is no movement.

There are no notifications via popups or local chat messages that give me clues as to why this script is not functioning.

I have looked at my lag meter and everything is within norms. 
I have also taken a look at the Statistics Bar and the Scene Load Statistics to see if anything seemed out of the the norms there as well,
but I can't see anything that would raise my suspicions.

Perhaps the oddest thing is that a third door I have on this build, around the corner from the initial non functioning door , will not function either.  Yet, the first door works perfectly
This door and door opening are constructed in the same manner as the first and second doors, being situated within a separate prim.

I'm at a loss as to what is causing this.  I have looked it over quite thoroughly, but still nothing comes to my mind that would stop these doors / scripts from working.
It's probably something simple I am not aware of, yet has me totally stymied and has stopped up the scripting.

Any help or suggestions you could give me where to look to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.


Edited by Aeriabella
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Sorry, but I don't think it's possible to diagnose the problem on the basis of the available information, other than to say I think it's very unlikely to be lag, and that I'd be very surprised if it were a script conflict either.    I've got a couple of suspicions about what the problem might be, but without knowing more about the scripts it would just be a guessing game trying to say what's stopping your doors from working.

Can you post the script here?   That would make it a lot simpler to help you.

Otherwise, you might want to consider reading the pinned thread about door scripts and have a go at writing your own -- people here will be glad to help you with it.

Edited by Innula Zenovka
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Like Innula, I can't do anything more than guess without seeing the doors myself.  My guess, though, is that your access to the troublesome door is being blocked by some transparent object.  Try using CTRL-Alt-T to highlight transparent object, or use the tools in your Develop menu to examine the physics shapes of nearby objects.  Even though you see the hand icon as your cursor is over the door, you can't click through whatever is between you and it.  Like Innula, I can't imagine that a script conflict or a lag issue would cause this behavior.

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Yet another diagnostic method is to used the advanced menu option to turn on bounding boxes, which will then show you if any other object is occluding the door.


A gotcha  could be with the script inside the door itself. I have found that dragging a script into an object and then for some reason not completing an edit or getting it setup correctly will leave the script in a stopped state. You can try right-clicking the script in the door and choosing to stop and then start it, or reset it. As a safeguard against this, a lot of my work includes an llOwnerSay line in the state_entry section of the script to announce if it is running; lost far too much time to this issue in the past :)

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- Add a test script to the door. The default script that is generated for "new script" will do. After that it's 100% sure if you can click the door or not.

- Completely forget about "script lag" even a few 1000 scripts will not prevent your door from working. Same applies to sound, particles, texture animations - waste of time.

- If touching works it's the script that fails - need to see that then.

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