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Clothes for New Ebody Curvy Mesh Avatar?

Vanity Fair

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I picked up the L$1 version of the Ebody Curvy mesh avatar body. I believe that it is a new product, so I'm not sure where I can get clothing to fit it properly.

I tried a few items in standard mesh sizes, which work fine for the Ebody Classic mesh body, but they don't work for the Ebody Curvy body. 

Can anybody tell me, are there designers who are selling clothing for the Ebody Curvy body yet? Or is it just too soon to expect anything for a brand-new mesh avatar body?


curvy free version.png

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Here's my avatar wearing the L$1 eBody Curvy mesh body with the L$1 Akeruka Lulu Bento mesh head. (The Lulu head was a limited-time freebie, you had to join the Akeruka group for L$150 to get it.) 

The bra and panties came with the eBody Curvy avatar. The Slink-feet pumps and ribbon choker were freebies from Ajuda SL Brasil's freebie store. And the hair was a dollarbie from this year's Hair Fair.

So basically, I have a full mesh avatar for only L$153. Now THAT'S a deal!


Ebody Curvy Mesh Avatar with Akeruka Lulu Bento Mesh Head.jpg

Edited by Vanity Fair
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I went over to try this out as I am a curious gal. That is actually a very nice body. AND if you make a shape particularly FOR that body turning a lot of sliders down to 0 you have a "more normal" curvy shape as apposed to what it looked like when I put it on an average sized body. So this would work for lots of folks. There ARE some alpha cuts and while they are BIG ones they are certainly helpful. I got an old been in the closet for years (oh the inventory - cringe) alt and got her looking fairly good with the Wednesday dress (covers most of you which is the key) from Coco (free) and the free black ankle boots (she had those). With a little bit of work (and a choker as there is  a neck seam with a classic head) someone could have a pretty nice looking free avatar.  Actually a nice scarf would solve a lot of issue. This was a half an hour experiment so sure there are other alternatives and clothes that you can buy that would work fine.  Just some extra shopping involved. 


More options in clothes WILL be an issue and most likely they will be an issue for some time; I found only NON ebody curvy items when I searched for that (mostly Tonic).   There is no Omega applier as it is "built in" (pretty cool and apparently curvy was added as of  yesterday. So it is possible but unlikely that Omega will work  on the free version. If someone knows that would be a great tip.  IF there is no Omega available (or installed in the free body) then getting a good skin match will be pretty impossible. But it is a VERY nice free body that doesn't need to be THAT curvy :D and the alpha slots are a big help if you don't want to spend all your time in your undies *wink*.

The only problem I had was that the hud after a few tries wouldn't let me change the skin tone any longer. I got out a new body and that worked. So a little bit of "beta" going on still. Not unusual.


So that was fun and I am smarter. Thanks. 

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Hello, I have just got the body also, I am the creator of Muggleborn and absolutely love it!! I have started to create for the body along side my other items.. Hoping to update all older releases :) I agree.. The clothing is harder to get hold of with new bodies, but I have been talking with a few creators and they are also adding the Ebody Curvy size in with their items! So you may see a market grow with items! ^.^ 


I made a post about the body today.. 

Muggleborn Blogpage ~ Ebody Curvy

It basically asnwers all the questions I have been asked as a creator on what I think of the body, and if I will be making clothing for it :)


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Well four hours later (I cleaned out her 2010 inventory too LOL which was pretty easy - highlight and delete) this is how my dusty alt looks. 

She has new skin from 7DeadlyS[k]ins lucky board, new jeans from PREY (group gift), new earrings from PREY (SLO&F group gift) and an older free sweater from Coco (group gift). She also has some very nice new heels which are way too fancy for this outfit so she is barefoot. Total cost $1 for the body. 

Now these close do not CONFORM to the body all that much which is fine as she isn't into THAT much curviness (or I am not for her - who knows) but by using the alpha cuts and wearing clothes that cover you up a lot, it works. I DID try looking for some sort of sweater in tan but to no avail. I tried applying a skin via Omega and that didn't work, but that was my only test for Omega.  Happily the turtleneck covers the head-body seam so that isn't an issue. I will keep watch for alternatives. 

Slink shoes fit so that isn't an issue.  And I "might" know where some tennies are still available ^^. 

So I feel like a much better "mom" now and she is all updated.


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On 11/9/2017 at 10:05 AM, Cilene Inglewood said:

There should be a "best looking avatar under 100L with what is in your closet" contest...that would be...interesting!

LOL. Well I hadn't seen your comment until now but I resurrected an old blogger challenge  and did just that for myself.  The VERY long and detailed post is here:


And here is my final result. Total cost MINUS the patterned sweater ($125) which holds the outfit together in my mind was $1 for the eBody mesh :D. I think she looks pretty smashing!



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4 hours ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

Does having a mesh body under mesh clothing make much of a difference to the outward appearance when the body is completely covered?

The main difference between to alpha or not your meshbody under a mesh cloth is about how long others are seeing you in your full naked glory before your mesh clothings are rezzing for them.

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11 hours ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

Does having a mesh body under mesh clothing make much of a difference to the outward appearance when the body is completely covered?

(Completely covered by clothing)

Actually as I said in my blog post, in THIS case there is no real reason to wear the body LOL. However she does have some spiffy Slink shoes (not shown here) that fit and lovely hands. She can also wear dresses (also mentioned and what works in the blog post). 

The hands and feet are separate pieces in this mesh body so  you could also  just wear those. It depends a lot on the outfits. When more outfits for eBody become available then the rules will change because you will likely be able to wear more (again, very big alpha cuts.

I wanted to try one new free thing I found, so if that works I'll come back with another photo with more "flesh" :D.   

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19 minutes ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

This is what confused me and what my question was about. I still don't understand why one would intentionally bring in all of the extra render data just to cover it up.

So that you can have hands that look fantastic and can wear shoes.  Almost all dresses except for ho-wear cover a good amount of a mesh body.

Here is me, right now. Just a screenshot and I didn't cheat. 


This is the Maitreya body which has lots of clothes made for it. The folks with classic bodies are having more and more trouble getting clothes as most upscale designers are only making for the top three bodies -- mostly because it is a TON of work to make all the different versions and most of the folks that buy a lot have had a mesh body for years.  

The whole point was that you COULD have mesh hands and feet and legs  and wear Slink shoes  and look a step above (or two) the classic avatar for free. If that isn't your preference then that is certainly fine. This will not work for folks that want to change clothes a lot. This was an alt which I talked about earlier in this thread.   

Most of my friends are pretty clothed over their mesh bodies. I don't have too many that like to show "that much" skin. That's OK too of course as it is great to show off you lovely and smooth body. Just not really my style.

I guess I am confused why you think that is a "bad" thing or perhaps I misread your comment. 


PS. I don't know the technical bit but I would guess that what the viewer can't see (is covered up) doesn't need to be downloaded. I am sure some techie folks have the answer to that. Either way I am no way going back to classic -- even if there were still a bunch of new clothes being made for it.

We all make our choices.


EDIT and a PS: As I said a time or two with the pants version you could easily just wear the feet (takes Slink shoes) and the hands and that would be fine. The dress of course you would want your smoother legs to show (well some folks would). 



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6 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

PS. I don't know the technical bit but I would guess that what the viewer can't see (is covered up) doesn't need to be downloaded. I am sure some techie folks have the answer to that.

I know I've come across discussion of it in the forums a few times. Maybe I misunderstood but I'm pretty sure the geometry data does have to be downloaded and rendered, along with any textures. Think of the times (like Morgan referenced above) when the body shows up before the clothing. That's only possible because the 'underneath' data is being transmitted and rendered.

I wasn't being judgmental, so please don't impose your sense of 'bad' into my words. I asked a question because I thought there must be something I didn't understand. It seems that the answer to my initial question is No, a mesh body completely covered by mesh clothing does not make much of a difference to the outward appearance.

If the hands can be worn separately (and the feet too, assuming the boots you want to wear require mesh feet you can't see underneath for rigging reasons), then it's more efficient datawise to just wear the hands and feet. Since it won't change the outward appearance, and knowing my avatar is wearing a mesh body underneath won't bring me any personal satisfaction, I don't have much of a reason to experiment with this one.

I asked the question because I thought perhaps I was missing something and just wanted to increase my knowledge on the subject so I can make informed decisions. As far as I can tell, the main reason to wear a mesh body under full coverage clothing seems to be that just the fact of wearing the mesh body makes the person behind the avatar happy in some way. That I don't really 'get' this doesn't mean I think it's 'bad', but I do like understanding where people are coming from when they make their recommendations and give their advice.

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When unpacking some new items just out at Cosmopolitan I see that the Seniha.Sweatershirt  has an Ebody CURVY version. Haven't checked it out, but something for those of you that have the body might want too. Lots of versions of sexy and casual style.  That's all I know :D.   

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On 11/6/2017 at 12:00 PM, Vanity Fair said:

I picked up the L$1 version of the Ebody Curvy mesh avatar body. I believe that it is a new product, so I'm not sure where I can get clothing to fit it properly.

I tried a few items in standard mesh sizes, which work fine for the Ebody Classic mesh body, but they don't work for the Ebody Curvy body. 

Can anybody tell me, are there designers who are selling clothing for the Ebody Curvy body yet? Or is it just too soon to expect anything for a brand-new mesh avatar body?



It's worth noting that eBody is also offering a L$1 version of their original body, which already has some clothing items specifically made for it and was originally designed for compatibility with older clothing.

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15 hours ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

It's worth noting that eBody is also offering a L$1 version of their original body, which already has some clothing items specifically made for it and was originally designed for compatibility with older clothing.

That is really good to know and I went and got that other (newer) version. It seems to have some issues at the neck though so a collar would be a must -- for my alt anyway. Even tried a shape that came with the regular body but still not as good as the curvy which is very close -- especially if you can get a good skin combo match.    

Both are very nice and usable bodies though for folks on a budget and very nice gifts!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updates to Ebody curvy

I also know that the creator also fixing the hips on the body so the clothes will fit better and she is working on clothes  but  it will take time.

I have the full version of ebody curvy its smooth can apply any omega as long full omega love how it looks no pixel lines good complex low lag mesh avatar.  There is more out there for ebody curvy some are making clothes now  also this is the start.  But the free version is good to try it and for someone new or coming back but only can do so much but you may have to wear fit mesh or get the full version later your freewill.


Clothes for ebody curvy mesh.  Just is some clothes they had made some but this is the start more will be coming out. 

Checking market place under ebody curvy or going in world looking at new events look for ebody logo. There are some fit mesh for ebody curvy on the marketplace for 1l if you dig around or some that are affordable to start. I have found some good deals. Good luck to you.  P.S try demo as well.

Janae Cooper




M&M Female Fashion

Curvy Babe

Pineapple Creations


Fashion Point

EF - Empire Furnishings

Autumn Splendor

Curvy Babe

Kendrasy Creations

Tam's Trousseau





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On 11/21/2017 at 2:38 AM, Theresa Tennyson said:

It's worth noting that eBody is also offering a L$1 version of their original body, which already has some clothing items specifically made for it and was originally designed for compatibility with older clothing.

While I did have problems with the classic version I DID get it to work out and it will work with many other body types (like Maitreya) as long as it isn't something in the "nothing but straps and buckles" style. So that is a very good tip (TY) for those that don't want to be TOO curvy. Like most bodies you can be "plump" :D.    



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Peace on earth hunt has some ebody clothes. 

And Queenz  store has free group gift sweater dress for ebody curvy. 


Classic ebody has more clothes and there a lot of affordable or small free some free. Free dove some areas have a lot of classic ebody clothes if you shape it also fit right.  Teleport hub offers a lot of things I have seen ebody classic clothes.  ebody is pretty good body the classic one and curvy but classic has more options help people coming back and new people you wear a thin small collar for the neck line if you have to find a skin to match it up you wear slink heels you make it look very nice. if you low on linden best way being a host I seen people even do crystal hunting in Linden realms  but they saved enough to get a mesh body its work but for new people or people coming back gotta get some where. 

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I just wanted to let people know that there are now more clothes specifically for eBody Curvy in the SL Marketplace, including this store, Curvy Babe:


And a store called Tam's Trousseau also carries eBody Curvy fashions:


Things are looking quite promising :-)

Edited by Vanity Fair
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