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If you inworld deliveries are failing

Pamela Galli

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Just voted (yeah, I know) and watched the JIRA .. thank you for pointing it out Pamela. Considering the upcoming massive changes in Inventory Transfers that will be needed by the Direct Delivery system .. I added this comment to the JIRA:



I am preparing to do the same type Mass Update distribution as Zanara mentions ... using Zanara's devices. The one reason I chose her products is specifically because they wait until the recipient is online. This problem truly is a showstopper of epic proportions because of the vast number of scripted vendors and other inventory transfer functions that exist in SL.

This may be off-base, but it does tug at my thoughts ... is it possible this failure is either exacerbated by or related in some fashion to the upcoming release of Direct Delivery (previously called AIS) for the Marketplace? To my knowledge, that is the only activity within the Asset Transfer management code base.

At any rate, failure to do a simple llGiveInventory to an avatar standing right there does raise some serious concerns about the ability of the upcoming Direct Delivery system to handle inventory transfers to Avatars that are not online.



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I've read the whole of the jira page and it seems to me that all is well. What's happening is that LL are making inworld transactions (deliveries) the same as the marketplace deliveries so that they can respond to the myriad of marketplace non-delivery posts with something along the lines of "everything is working normally".

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OK, this is becoming a serious issue. I am now getting IMs from customers saying that our items with llGiveInventory scripts are not working either. We have rowboats that give oars and fishing scripts that give a fishing rod. I am getting IMs from customers saying it's no longer working. We were worried about this and now it's happening.

We are also worried about Magic Boxes because these most likely also use llGiveInventory. If items are not being delivered because of this we wouldn't know and we would just think it's the usual failed delivery.

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Thanks for pointing that up, Pam - have only a few scripted vendors (most use the straightforward "buy" function) and had a couple of non deliveries recently - never happen before thought. Initially thought that the customer was either to get another copy for free, or that he didn't wait enough for the delivery... until I had the case about 3 or 4 times. 


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Zanara Zenovka wrote:

Don't panic - they'll fix it.

The ppl who look after the server code are very good at investigating and responding to stuff like this; they're not the commerce migration team ;p

That is true. They are usually fast at issues like this. I'm hoping to bring this up at the beta user group later this week since the Linden that commented on the jira last year goes to it too, if he's back from holidays yet :P


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I hope so -- I have already had two failed house deliveries today -- yesterday lost about 8000L in house sales on the MP because they did not rebuy.


ETA -- no that's now four failed deliveries, three of them houses, one a bedroom suite. I have the boxes on two sims.

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Can I just suggest to anyone posting on the jira about this, give them details.

It's not the commerce forum where you just complain and no one listens. They'll investigate and try to fix but they need info to diagnose the problem.

What proportion of the time is it failing, etc

If vendors, is the server in same sim as the vendors or another?

What version server software on the sim?

etc etc


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Dude. I hate how fragile our businesses are in the hands of anything LL does or doesn't do. It's so SCARY. :|

So far okay over here; I use ReachWorks' SecureVend and don't seem to be experiencing any issues thankfully. I checked my magic boxes and despite a slight delay they seem to be delivering alright for now.. Those of you experiencing issues, that's just frightening, I don't even know. This is a huge blunder, I can't even. lol

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Andrew Linden just posted the following comment on the JIRA Issue:

We're looking for a detail report of particular llGiveInventory() event not working so we can dig deeper and try to find some clues about this failure mode.  What we'd like to have is:

(1) event timestamp (to the nearest hour at least, approx minute would help, exact minute for bonus points)
(2) region name
(3) object name
(4) object location in region
(5) recipient's name

You can either post these details here, send them to me via email (andrew at lindenlab), or via in-world notecard.

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Maestro Linden added a comment - 11/Apr/11 2:37 PM

Thanks for the timestamps, Pamela. After looking at the server logs for the failed IMs/inventory offers, we can reproduce the problem now. Here are the steps to trigger the bug:

1) UserA: login to RegionC, and rez a box. Create this script in the box:

touch_start(integer total_number)
llSay(0, "touched");
llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), llDetectedName(0)+" touched me!");

2) UserB: Login to RegionC, next to the box
3) UserA: Log out
4) UserA: Login to RegionD, which is adjacent to RegionC
5) UserB: touch the box

Expected results:
The box should offer its script to UserB, and then IM UserA. Both the IM and inventory offer should be seen by the avatars.

Actual results:
Neither the IM nor the inventory offer succeed.

I do not see this bug when:

  • UserA is offline
  • UserA is online but in a distant region
  • UserA is in the same region as UserB (RegionC)

We have enough details to work with, so I'm importing this issue.


I think my geek-crush on Maestro just got a little worse...


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Yes, it was quite surprising to receive that notification so quickly! It is as you say, Zanara -- these ppl are smart and on the ball. They were notified of a problem, asked for info, reproduced the problem, and I suppose now are in the process of fixing it. Wow. No months of pleading. No being ignored. No "It's too hard for us!"

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Such a relief to have people who listen. And also to find others with the same problem. We were scratching our heads about why this was happening, and the failures seemed to be random, and not consistent. It worked for me because I owned the box but not for Jarnz when I was in the adjacent sim where we work, and then when I tped in to see the problem it started working again for both of us. We were so confused and had to shut that part of the shop.

I am impressed that Maestro found the problem so quickly. I'd have a crush too, but I have Jarnz who is enough geek for me :smileytongue:

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Just to see what would happen since no one has really mentioned it, Rya TPed to a sim joining the sim where our Magic Boxes are, just like how Maestro reproduced the bug in the Jira. I was in another sim and bought an item of his from the Marketplace. Currently no item has been delivered, account has been charged and logged in the SL transactions, and my Marketplace account shows:

  • Order #11009332
  • Order Status: Delivered

So now for our items to be delivered by the Marketplace we have to stay in the same sim as the Magic Boxes and not roam around the other sims at our shop, or be offline. I don't think having Magic Boxes in every sim will help if the Marketplace targets the Magic Box in a sim we're not in.

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Has this been sorted?  I had this problem quite severely (both the marketplace saying it had delivered it but the customer never receiving it and the partial delivery of goods from one prim vendors) on 2-3 April but no complaints since then.  For the sin of being on mainland I'm on a RC so it looks like you inherited the issue from Le Tigre. (always le tigre - crappy is a byword for it)

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Maestro Linden added a comment - 14/Apr/11 12:01 PM

We have a potential fix for this bug on Aditi (the 'beta grid'), with server version 'maint-server' so far, both this bug and SVC-6900 appear to be fixed. I'm currently looking at other combinations of IM/inventory offer/L$ transactions to verify that nothing else broke.

In case any of you want to try out the fix for yourselves, you can find this server version on Aditi, in the "Oatmeal 13", "Oatmeal 14", "Rosedale", and "Brindle" regions. If you do choose test, keep in mind that IM-to-email forwarding is disabled on Aditi unless the destination email address is @lindenlab.com.

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Update:  I notice all three of my sims are on different servers now, so that may have fixed the inworld vendor problem and the Magic Box deliveries that were failing one out of another. However I don't know because I moved my workshop and my magic boxes so that I am not so often in a sim adjacent to the magic boxes and vendors, but actually in the same sim as them both. Not taking any chances and knocking on wood.

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