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At my wits end! Mesh avatar and the SL Viewer


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I posted to this forum about the major issues I am having with my avatar.   Let me state the situation as it stands now.

 Lets assume I have done a clean install (which I have several times over the last few days.   All setting are as supposed to be as reccomended.

 Whilst all the objects locally show up normally (including mesh objects), neither my mesh clothing or my mesh body appear.  When I log in, I do appear briefly as a whisp of white cloud but then disappears after a few seconds to reveal my eyes and my jewellery but no head or body.   

I have been able to restore some semblance of my avatar.  This is by unchecking Avatar Hardware Skinning.  However, in this state my avatar has awful and ugly shadowing, and the detail of my atatar is dreadful. 

   I hope that someone can point me in the right direction.  Please!

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Well...it looks as if nobody can help me.  I cannot waste any more time, so I suppose the best thing for me to do is totally forget about Second Life.  If only there was some easy way to return Second Life to an orignal state.  It seems both SL, Firestorm and other viewers seem to work together, so no matter what I do on one viewer will also be duplicated on another.  I am running out of options and patience.


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It sounds like an issue with your video card or your setup in general. If no one can answer your question, chances are it is because no one has experienced this and it may be specific to your PC. Maybe it is time for a PC upgrade?


EDIT: What kind of operating system do you have? What are your computers specs? Is it a laptop or a PC? All of these questions may better help us, help you.

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If your viewers are rendering static mesh around you, then they can render mesh, so the cause of your 'WORN mesh not showing may be an inventry problem, you may have a corrupted copy of the local inv list for your viewers, , clear the viewer history, or if you cant find that clear cache (for firestorm, google for their inventry recovery procedure which is a little different).


Then relog and wait while the viewer reloads your inv list from the servers, , if the problem is that it lost the info on your mesh, that should fix it,.


Failing that, try a different viewer, like catznip, or coolviewer or singularity, The reason all viewers seem to act a lot like each other is simple, they all connect to secondlife, so they have to be alike in many respects.

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Is it just when you wear the mesh body that you don't appear?  Do you appear OK when wearing a classic avatar? (You should be able to choose one for testing by going to Me -> Choose Avatar on the screen menu). 

If it is only with the mesh avatar that you don't see yourself, perhaps you are missing wearing a needed part?  I don't have a mesh avatar, but I think that it overlays (covers up) the original classic body/skin.  Are you wearing a skin that has appliers for the mesh body that you are using? 

I'm not sure what you're trying to do and not being able to do with returning Second Life to an original state.  There is usually a button on the graphics tab in Preferences for returning to the recommended settings (which may vary from user to user because they are based on what the viewer knows about your graphics card).  The other part about returning to an original state I guess would be to return to using a classic avatar, and then re-trying applying the mesh body.  Viewer settings don't automatically carry over from one viewer to another, as far as I know, but any changes you've made to your avatar itself, do remain no matter which viewer you are using.  


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melaniehaughton wrote:

 Whilst all the objects locally show up normally (including mesh objects), neither my mesh clothing or my mesh body appear.  When I log in, I do appear briefly as a whisp of white cloud but then disappears after a few seconds to reveal my eyes and my jewellery but no head or body.  

Tech Support 101.

The clues are in the post...


She can see mesh in world. Mech enabled viewer. CHECK.

she has a mesh body/head/clothing based avatar with jewelery, so she used to be able to see herself, untill recently when she posted this thread. Her system CAN display SL. CHECK.

Her avatar doesnt stay as a cloud permanently - She's wearing a skin, a body shsape, a hairbase and eyes, the 4 essential ingredients for not being a cloud. CHECK.

When she unclouds after login, all she can see are her eyes and jewelery. She's wearing the alpha layer for her mesh body/head combo. CHECK.

She can't see the mesh body/head/clothing that she is wearing. ERROR!


Sounds like her viewer cannot pull details of the mesh she was wearing from the asset servers or from the cache, or both, so clear cache, perform standard inventry loss recovery options, see if this rectifies the problem.


There is no need for posts saying "wat r ur specs update ur drivas ur pc an interwebs r suk", the standard commercial tech support response around the globe for the last 20 years.

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Annika Velde wrote:

EDIT: Mixed this post with a seperate one. Even so, chill out with your sass. Researching every avenue of helping someone is never a crime.

Couple of years back, an MMO I used to play did a new season update...

Subsequent to which... some 10-15% of the playerbase, judging by the forum posts, suffered CTD's (crash to desktop) when the game progressed from the company logo load screen to the new season load screen.


Over a period of some 4 or 5 months, 95 % of the posts on all the many many threads about this were "check ur drivas ur pc r suk", same auto response people got from the games tech support.


This was in spite of the fact that the correct nature of the problem and a solution had been clearly posted within 2 days.


A careless Dev, assumed that everyone would play in fullscreen and everyone had a brand new state of the art pc like the one the company provided for him at work, with directx11. 


So, instead of doing the directx version check BEFORE sending dx api calls, he sent a dx11 api call first, of course all those people using dx9 and dx10, their systems responded with a 2 part error code.


First part was a multi error code, second part told you which of the many errors it meant.


First on the list was "your graphics card has fallen out of the pc", that wasnt the subcode sent but thats the one the return cocde handler processed, since there's no error handling routine for that, boom CTD...


The solution was to start in windowed mode, and then in setup options switch from 'auto detect directx version' to your particular flavour, then switch to full screen and enjoy trouble free gaming.


60 second fix posted 2 days after the first complaint thread, but 4 months later 95% of posters were still demanding specs and insulting peoples computers.


Tech support is a puzzle based on clues... Ignoring those clues isa mistake.



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Klytyna wrote:

melaniehaughton wrote:

 Whilst all the objects locally show up normally (including mesh objects), neither my mesh clothing or my mesh body appear.  When I log in, I do appear briefly as a whisp of white cloud but then disappears after a few seconds to reveal my eyes and my jewellery but no head or body.  

Tech Support 101.

The clues are in the post...


She can see mesh in world. Mech enabled viewer.

she has a mesh body/head/clothing based avatar with jewelery, so she used to be able to see herself, untill recently when she posted this thread. Her system CAN display SL. 

Her avatar doesnt stay as a cloud permanently - She's wearing a skin, a body shsape, a hairbase and eyes, the 4 essential ingredients for not being a cloud.

When she unclouds after login, all she can see are her eyes and jewelery. She's wearing the alpha layer for her mesh body/head combo. 

She can't see the mesh body/head/clothing that she is wearing.


Sounds like her viewer cannot pull details of the mesh she was wearing from the asset servers or from the cache, or both, so clear cache, perform standard inventry loss recovery options, see if this rectifies the problem.


There is no need for posts saying "wat r ur specs update ur drivas ur pc an interwebs r suk", the standard commercial tech support response around the globe for the last 20 years.


She said she could see her mesh body with hardware skinning off, it just looked bad. This would suggest there's some incompatibility with something in her setup, and nobody can determine what that might be until we know wat r ir specs.

It's not an insult to ask this. It doesn't mean it's her fault, or that her computer is bad. It's just information that outsiders need to look for and suggest solutions.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:


She said she
see her mesh body with hardware skinning
, it just looked bad. This would suggest there's some incompatibility with something in her setup, and nobody can determine what that might be until we know wat r ir specs.

It's not an insult to ask this. It doesn't mean it's her fault, or that her computer is bad. It's just information that outsiders need to look for and suggest solutions.

Ok... she's been in SL 4 years, profile pic looks like a mesh head, I suspect it's safe to assume she's worn her collection of mesh body parts and clothing BEFRE the dats of the  first post in this thread...


Clue "restore to some semblance of normal" etc... so this is a rec ent problem, mesh loading incorrectly with skinning on sounds like data corruption to me as a most likely cause, rather than assuming that somebody's pc suddenly downgraded it's self in the middle of the night while she was sleeping.


If she can see static mesh, mesh is working,  if she can see other mesh avis, skinning is working, if she cant see her own mesh with skinning on her mesh data is corrupted.

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  Hi Theresa,

  Thanks you for your response to my issue.  It is getting a bit irritating to me.

     You ask about my specs.  My computer is as follows.

     Computer: Acer Inspire 5740

    Processor: Intel Core i5 M430 2.27   GHz

   4GB RAM

  Video Card   ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470   I updated the driver earlier today.


At the moment I have SL Viewer running.  The graphics settings are as follows:

Main tab

Quality & Speed        Mid

Draw Distance             512

Avatar Maximum Complexity  No Limit

Atmospheric Shaders & Advanced Lighting Model both unchecked


Shaders - TRansparent water, Bump Mapping and Local Lights checked

Basic Shaders - unchecked

Avatar Hardware Skinning & Avatar Cloth checked


The present status that my avatar is presently visible.  However, the quality of my avatar's appearance is not particularly good.  The skin is blotchy and poor detail.  There are ugly shadow.  If I undress my avatar, the skin seems weird as if the skin seems grafted on in places, most notably from my hip and below.

   Will this help in some way? 




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Wait ....

You should have an alpha layer that hides the system body.  It sounds like that is not being worn and you are seeing the system body poking through the mesh body -- that would explain the blotchy problems.

Somewhere in the folder along with your mesh body, see if there is something called "full alpha" and wear that.  The icon in inventory should look like a shirt with lines on it.

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melaniehaughton wrote:

  Hi Theresa,

  Thanks you for your response to my issue.  It is getting a bit irritating to me.

     You ask about my specs.  My computer is as follows.

     Computer: Acer Inspire 5740

    Processor: Intel Core i5 M430 2.27   GHz

   4GB RAM

  Video Card   ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470   I updated the driver earlier today.


At the moment I have SL Viewer running.  The graphics settings are as follows:

Main tab

Quality & Speed        Mid

Draw Distance             512

Avatar Maximum Complexity  No Limit

Atmospheric Shaders & Advanced Lighting Model both unchecked


Shaders - TRansparent water, Bump Mapping and Local Lights checked

Basic Shaders - unchecked

Avatar Hardware Skinning & Avatar Cloth checked


The present status that my avatar is presently visible.  However, the quality of my avatar's appearance is not particularly good.  The skin is blotchy and poor detail.  There are ugly shadow.  If I undress my avatar, the skin seems weird as if the skin seems grafted on in places, most notably from my hip and below.

   Will this help in some way? 




That certainly gives us more to go on. The major trouble is your not being able to use basic shaders - you're really going to have problems with things looking good without their being on.

One thing I'd try is turning off Avatar Cloth - it was used to make the old system clothing look like it was blowing in the breeze and it's not really good for anything anymore.

Also, your 512 meter draw distance sounds like it's a lot more than your laptop can handle comfortably - try dropping it way down until you can sort the rest of the problems out.

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melaniehaughton wrote:

  Hi Theresa,

  Thanks you for your response to my issue.  It is getting a bit irritating to me.

     You ask about my specs.  My computer is as follows.

     Computer: Acer Inspire 5740

    Processor: Intel Core i5 M430 2.27   GHz

   4GB RAM

  Video Card   ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470   I updated the driver earlier today.


At the moment I have SL Viewer running.  The graphics settings are as follows:

Main tab

Quality & Speed        Mid

Draw Distance             512

Avatar Maximum Complexity  No Limit

Atmospheric Shaders & Advanced Lighting Model both unchecked


Shaders - TRansparent water, Bump Mapping and Local Lights checked

Basic Shaders - unchecked

Avatar Hardware Skinning & Avatar Cloth checked


The present status that my avatar is presently visible.  However, the quality of my avatar's appearance is not particularly good.  The skin is blotchy and poor detail.  There are ugly shadow.  If I undress my avatar, the skin seems weird as if the skin seems grafted on in places, most notably from my hip and below.

   Will this help in some way? 




Ok, as I suspected, the problem isn't your hardware specs, but your SL preference settings are... strange...


For starters try... 

Draw Distance 96

Avatar Harware Skinning On

Avatar Cloth OFF

Basic Shaders ON

Atmospheric Shaders ON

Advanced Lighting ON

Shadows OFF


If some of these options are not immediately visible, look for the advanced settings button on the graphics tab of the preferences panel. Try to avoid using the big single 'graphics quality slider, as it tends to lump everything together, cant have this feature your nachine can cope with un less it turns on another 5 your machine cant etc, advanced panel is how you make SL look ok and run ok.

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    Thank you for your patience.  Mine is most certainly being tested by the issues I am having. 


  I have followed the settings posted by Klytyna, but sadly I do not seem to be making any progress at all.  I have even tried a clean re-install, but this does not seem to work either.  I have gone through my computer with a fine tooth comb to ascertain that all evidence of Second Life or Firestorm has been removed, but when I try to install again, I get a dialog telling me that the program seems to be already installed.  

  I appreciate all the help being offered, but I do not know how much more of this issue I can handle.  :(

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Nice laptop, but your main issue is most likely your ATI graphics. Currently Nvidia graphics work best with SL & have no current issues. I have read where many having/using ATI-AMD graphics have had good luck using the latest 3rd party Singularity viewers (bento compatible) Here is their link:

Build 6915 -


Also, you'd be better off increasing your laptop RAM to 8GB (2 x 4GB) max RAM your laptop will hold. If you have upgraded to Windows 10 Home x64 here are a few things you can disable in W/10 to increase pc/SL performance:

In the Cortana search box type: services....& click on "services desktop app" a new window will open & assuming you are NOT using a Xbox, nor need Fax disable the following by by double clicking on each service listed below one at a time...a new smaller window will appear, to the right of "startup type" click the down arrow...select "disable"...click "Apply"...you'll need to re-boot your pc after disabling all services listed below one at a time:

(3) Xbox services

ALL Hyper-V services

Microsoft SMS router service

Fax service

dmwappushsvc    (important to disable)

(3) Sensor services

Connected User Experiences & Telemetry

By disabling the above listed services it increases your pc/SL performance, frees up some system Ram, frees up some hardrive space & severly limits Micro$oft'$ "data mining" of your personal info

"I Love Simplicity"


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melaniehaughton wrote:


  Video Card   ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470   I updated the driver earlier today.


There have been other cases now on systems with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5xxx graphics being unable to see worn rigged mesh when hardware skinning is enabled on Bento enabled viewers.

If you install a pre-Bento viewer, for example Firestorm 4.7.9 from http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_older_downloads are you able to see rigged mesh when hardware skinning is enabled as expected?

Ansariel Hiller, one of the Firestorm devs said: "This is caused by a hardware limitation due to the increased amount of vertex uniforms used for the additional Bento bones. You might want to report this issue at Linden Lab (https://jira.secondlife.com), but I doubt there will be a fix because this happens on a GPU that is 7 years old."

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