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Pamela Galli

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Pamela sometimes finds herself off in a neighboring sim while I am building. I really dont know what she is up to half the time.

You mean you don't notice the LI of your work suddenly drops to 0 because it's in a different sim than your avatar? :o

There's no way I'll ever fall off the edge of my platform of course. I'm always completely surrounded by the builds I'm going to finish tomorrow so my avatar is bound to bump into something and stop long before she makes it to the edge.

Anyway, this is a digression so I won't mention when I put a mouse rezzer on my unnamed friend's platform and it took a week before she noticed the mice running all around her avatar's feet.

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ChinRey wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Pamela sometimes finds herself off in a neighboring sim while I am building. I really dont know what she is up to half the time.

You mean you don't notice the LI of your work suddenly drops to 0 because it's in a different sim than your avatar?


I thought I was just getting really good at optimizing

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I don't understand this gingerly approach, Bitsy.

As you know, Penny has a long-time obsession with the dimensions of the SL avatar which she thinks are not proportional and which she thinks should be changed to what she wants them to be, namely to fit her small avatar.

This camera angle stuff is just more of the same -- a political campaign to change all of SL by her lights -- by publicity and stickifying requests if not so ambitious as to be in the viewer -- and its about trying to make smaller avatars not feel the world is outsized or that they are too small. Thus, indeed then it becomes claustrophobic for others.

The camera is just fine. If you use ctr-alt-click to move around with it, it does everything you need, from zooming in to going up close.

It would be one thing if these proposals were simply one idea that was indicated for those who found it useful or fun. But it's never like that. It's always hegomonic and always about changing the nature of SL for EVERYONE to accommodate this one fixation. And I'm never for doing that in SL, which is a huge diverse place. 

I never hear anyone else complaining about avatar proportions or camera angles once they learn ctr-left-click. Nothing in SL feels out of proportion to me, either on my tall avatar or my short avatar. If a doorway is too low, hopefully the house is on mod and can be adjusted. You can make the build on your sim fit your avatar, whether you are a tiny elf or a giant, so there's no need to impose a system on everyone. Same with the camera angles. Years ago, the default camera view was difficult and you had to work out of it to be able to see your builds, but that's gone now. I don't need to have SL look like tilt shift as if I'm stuck in a toy railroad. If you need it to be that way, stay on your own sim with it.

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This is purely a viewer-side thing, right?

So have any TPVs adopted a better default camera position?

(Personally, I'd prefer Linden developers spend the time improving the scripted cam, so it can for example smoothly follow target objects or smoothly trace the path of a tracking shot. But that's all much harder, spanning the sim/viewer divide.)

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Qie Niangao wrote:

This is purely a viewer-side thing, right?

So have any TPVs adopted a better default camera position?

(Personally, I'd prefer Linden developers spend the time improving the
cam, so it can for example smoothly follow target objects or smoothly trace the path of a tracking shot. But that's all much harder, spanning the sim/viewer divide.)

UKanDo did. I tried it for a while. I found the position to be sort of meh.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

UKanDo did. I tried it for a while. I found the position to be sort of meh.

I can not say I disagree with you, Theresa. I am in favor of a better camera position in general and I do think Penny's settings are an improvement. But they also have some serious flaws, some because of the way camera movements work in SL (try to zoom out with the mouse wheel with Penny's position), some because, well over-the-shoulder view may have been common in computer games back in 2011 but it certainly isn't today.

The settings I use myself and occasionally recommend to others in-world, are actually almost identical to Jo Yardley's modified version of Penny's settings and I have to admit it didn't occur to me until you mentioned UKanDo just how different they are.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

(Personally, I'd prefer Linden developers spend the time improving the
cam, so it can for example smoothly follow target objects or smoothly trace the path of a tracking shot. But that's all much harder, spanning the sim/viewer divide.)

Hmmmm... have I ever used the phrase "quick-and-dirty patch" on this forum before? If not, now's the time. As far as I know, llSetCameraParams(); is the only lsl function that defines angles in degrees rather than radians. Standards? We don't want any standards here! :P

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Prokofy Neva wrote:

I don't understand this gingerly approach, Bitsy.

Because in every thread I've ever posted in relating to Penny's blog posts, at least one person has managed to use something I wrote as a way to go after Penny. This time it was you.

So yes I'm wary.

I would very much like the camera default to set differently. I would very much like a widespread shift to smaller avatars. My av is only as tall as she is because of friends who want to not look silly small next to other people they spend time with. Bitsy still only comes up to their armpits. It's a reluctant compromise on my part.

Penny's recommended settings feel claustrophobic to me because of the way I use SL, not my avatar's size. I'm not a gamer and the computer games I have played have been wide, map based not quite overhead (3/4 maybe) type views. To some extent, that's how I navigate SL, though not as extreme as the default settings. Most importantly, I'm not particularly immersive about my SL. I don't disagree with Penny's point of view, just wanted to throw it out that things like a preference for immersion or not will influence how broadly useful they are.

Bottom line, I want new default settings and frequently shared info about changing them which will 1) be widely useful and therefore widely accepted and 2) encourage trends towards building smaller and smaller av sizes. And I am most certainly a dedicated ctrl-click cammer, so now (presuming of course that you read this) you have heard from at least one of us who would like things changed.

If you're going to riff off my post, would you please be kind enough to actually respond to it rather than misinterpreting it to suit your own agenda? I was hesitant entering into the thread because I'm tired of being used as a proxy by those who come in with an anti-Penny chip on their shoulders.



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Now that we have our prim bonuses, it's not as relevant, but keep in mind that smaller mesh content means less LI. Esp. With mesh houses. With regular prims, building large scale means you need a lot of land, which could be an added  expense, but the object itself costs the same regardless of size. With mesh, large scale means you are going to pay for both more land and higher LI objects -- house and furnishings. 

And I am not talking about teeny things -- my mesh content has gotten incrementally smaller (eg doorknobs do not come shoulder high)but is still somewhat above RL scale.  Enough to save a lot of LI tho.

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