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Tier increase


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LoireMile wrote:

just wondered. Is there a general tier increase with the increase in prims? My homestead tier will go up supposedly but I don't know by how much.

I know that some landlords plan to,pass on the free prim bonus to tenants without increasing rent. i suspect they are the ones who will stay in business. 

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Yep, the Zen seems to be keeping things the same also. I don't see how the landlords that increase the rents will keep customers when other land owners aren't upping fees :D.  ESPECIALLY since everyone gets extra prims now. 

The folks on double prim private lands might see an increase as there would be a small new cost for the landowner. Still, since they get the most prims per plot that seems fairly fair IMHO.  

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My landlord, who manages the land my store is located on, just send me a nice note that I will have more prims. She's wonderful, and always has been. Ppl like that are rare, I have been renting from her for yrs and am thankful she kept on going trough all those yrs, giving me the feeling I am safe with her as a landlord.

IM me for her name, in case your landlord does increase your rent :cattongue:

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HiHi,  land fee's are staying the same, if your landlord is saying pricing is going up, nope, nope.




would be the page to goto, if they want to agrue with you and try to keep telling you that LL is increasing their prices, I would just move.  the prim bonus is FREE. nobody is getting charged for an increase in prims.


Unless private estates want to up them to 30k, but that would not affect homesteads, if the landlord is trying to pass that cost of them wanting their main sim with more prims,  off onto you.  I would move too.

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Torrie Mint wrote:

If you already have the land its not going up but they are changing their prices and there not going down. Get ready SL for higher tier.

And just where do you get this information?  The rumor mill?  The only thing going up in regard to the tier paid by the landowner is if the landowner decides to buy into the deal to bring there sims prim limit up even more to 30K prims per sim.  That will cost $30.00US extra per month to the estate owner and is entirely optional. 

It is unclear how estate owners that do this will handle it.  They could just up distribute the prims to each parcel and keep the rent the same to be more competitive or maybe they'll distribute them and raise the rent a bit to cover the extra $30.00US tier they'll pay.  They could also use these extra prims for their own projects or improve the sim with better infrastructure.

Rent if extra prims are given and the owner decides to charge more should only increase about 10% to 15% of what is being charged now, maybe a bit more if only few estate owners take the deal and demand is high.  That's a bargain for twice the prims people had before any prim increase took effect (15,000 per sim) and a 50% increase since the last prim increase to 20,000 prims.

Granted a few estate owners decided to increase rents for the extra prims LL gave for free, but I only see a very few doing this.

We'll just see how the free market which runs on supply and demand goes.  If you don't like the estate owner's decisions you can always move to an estate that you do like. 

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Some are going to take the excuse to claw back a little of the 5% exchange drop. That went from 248 to 260 and the fees went up a little too.

So, in the case of Anshe, 6799+5%=7138 plus a little for future exchange moves


rasterscan wrote:

Anyone paying more than L$ 1.25 a prim needs to look around for better value imo

 Depends where you are getting those prims, if the sim is just a cookie cutter, or a themed, if it's mainland granite or Blake Sea connected. So 2-3 in some areas, 1 or less in others.

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Also  see no reason why tenants should get ALL the benefit and landlords nothing at all.  To me it is fair for landlords to take a little something for themselves.  Then both benefit.  

And yes, all of us who cash out have lost significant income on the exchange. 

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Torrie Mint wrote:

All the chungs went from $6995 to $7299 in 1 week. Good way to kill SL make the tier higher.

If ACS Holdings (The Chungs) is raising their rent (tier) that is what ACS Holdings is doing.  That does not mean that LL is changing their pricing.

And I am guessing you are referring to Linden Dollars.  For what size parcel are you referring to?

I would be surprised if other Estates didn't soon follow suit.  The Estates have to pay for their Sims with "Real Dollars."  Current rates on the Lindex would force them to have to raise their rent (tier) ib order to realise the same amount of "Real Dollars."  So this is a matter of economics.

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Torrie Mint wrote:

I guess you think its ok to charge more for land. That wont hurt a thing will it, people will flock to SL seeing that it cost even more to have land.

But even if the land costs more, the prims  cost less -- and prims are what everyone I know cares about even above the actual square meters. This can be a win-win situation, where tenant and landlord both gain.  If only the landlord gains, or only the tenant gains, my prediction is that will not be viable long term.

To me if you want all the benefit for yourself, you are no better than landlords who plan to charge tenants for 100% of the prim increase.


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It seems to me that there are at least three categories of lands owned by landlords.  




Island owners that opt in for double prims at an extra charge

Homestead (if you differentiate them from full prim islands)


I currently rent at .69 linden per prim on mainland. It used to be a bit over $1 per prim which is what I always try to rent at.  While mainland rents could go up, I expect that they will not as there is so much empty mainland AND landlords -- assuming they were smart -- bought the lands at rock bottom prices (often well below $1 per square meter). 


If I was on island land and my landlord opted to pay the extra $30 (assuming that the land barons will indeed have to pay that -- I have no clue) then I would expect my rent to go up a tiny bit  -- like 10 or 15% IF I got those prims. If they use them to beautify or make their own place on the land somewhere then I would likely not expect an increase -- or a very minimal one. 

Right now -- as opposed to many time in Sl's history -- there is a TON of land available. It is cheaper for me to rent than to pay tier, but should I be faced with the choice of paying more or moving I might opt for my OWN quarter sim which can be purchased fairly cheaply if you are a good land slueth (and I am *wink*).

Everyone has a CHOICE where they live. There are TONS of places to rent. If landlords that are raising rents see folks LEAVING it will likely deter the rent increase. 


I think there will be some shuffling, but since EVERYONE gets more prims now, it's not like some folks have an advantage. 

If it costs more in real dollars to pay the rent, it ALSO means that the folks renting are paying more in REAL DOLLARS since they get less when they cash out.  I suspect that there is a small contingent of folks that gather cyrstals to pay their weekly rent, but those are likely a small number.    


And yes, those of us working are perhaps working harder these days :D.   


Some landlords have been making a LOT of money off of their renters for a long time (I don't rent from those guys). Others have been very reasonable (I rent from THOSE guys).  We all make choices.


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Pamela Galli wrote:

Also  see no reason why tenants should get ALL the benefit and landlords nothing at all.  To me it is fair for landlords to take a little something for themselves.  Then both benefit.  

And yes, all of us who cash out have lost significant income on the exchange. 

Nor me. It seems quite fair to use this event as a way to reset the rents against the exchange rate. Possibly to grandfather in old tenants with free bonus but increase 10% or so for new tenants.

That exchange rate loss has eaten a lot of profit.

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Chic Aeon wrote:

If it costs more in real dollars to pay the rent, it ALSO means that the folks renting are paying more in REAL DOLLARS since they get less when they cash out.  I suspect that there is a small contingent of folks that gather cyrstals to pay their weekly rent, but those are likely a small number.    


The renters are paying 10% less, not more.

In the past tenants got 256 lindens for each USD. A lin$7000 homestead would cost usd$27.34 a week for the tenant. Now tenants buy at 271 lindens for each USD. A lin$7000 homestead costs them usd$25.83 a week. Tenants have gained 10% extra on the lindex, so their rents are 10% cheaper than 10 months ago.

In the past agents needed lin$248 for each USD. A USD$95 homestead needed lin$23,560 rent to be paid. Now agents need lin$260  for each USD. The same homestead needs minimum $24,700 rent to be paid to break even.

An extra lin$1140 a month needs to be found in rent to pay the teir to the lab. (or it comes from the agents pocket)


Chic Aeon wrote:

Some landlords have been making a LOT of money off of their renters for a long time (I don't rent from those guys). Others have been very reasonable (I rent from THOSE guys).  We all make choices.


Yes, everyone has a choice.

If a renter doesn't like the way their rent is going, they can move.

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Callum is right that in terms of RL dollars tenants are paying less because of the exchange rate. So not only are they paying less due to this, most have more prims.

I'm not so sure that a lot of landlords won't be increasing the rent a bit because of the exchange rate now that it seems that the exchange rate will remain higher amounts of $L's for the same US$ at least for a while.

Most rentals don't return much profit to the landlord, and many may have been breaking even or losing money because of the exchange rate and decided to eat the loss for a bit to keep their tenants.  But that can't go on forever.  Yes tenants can move, but if this turns out to be a trend, now that some of the major landlords have moved to raise rents, how long will the cheaper rent last at the new place before the new landlord has to raise rents or risk losing the sim altogether?

My advice would be that if you have a good landlord who has been charging you reasonable rent and providing good service, then even if your rent increases a bit, stay a while longer to see where rents stabilize, then make your decision.  Otherwise, you may be jumping from the frying pan to the fryer.

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