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Everything posted by DaniSkunk

  1. HiHi, land fee's are staying the same, if your landlord is saying pricing is going up, nope, nope. https://secondlife.com/corporate/pricing.php would be the page to goto, if they want to agrue with you and try to keep telling you that LL is increasing their prices, I would just move. the prim bonus is FREE. nobody is getting charged for an increase in prims. Unless private estates want to up them to 30k, but that would not affect homesteads, if the landlord is trying to pass that cost of them wanting their main sim with more prims, off onto you. I would move too.
  2. HIHi, there was a problem with bincoiners doing massive exchanges on the LL marketplace at one point, IRS got involved and we will never now possibly see bitcoin or other virutal currency. sorry
  3. I can recommend, nci or coming to lusk and talking to some of the regulars, we are pretty happy to help,
  4. Hi Hi! I'm going to recommend Luskwood (lusk sim) as a good spot for such! furry, human, ect. we accept all.
  5. if it can be seen, it can be stolen. simple. no mod means nothing.
  6. The poster below stated the program they listed is free, it is not free, it is currently 2.95 USD on the play store.
  7. hihi, there was a bug with the marketplace at one point in time, where if you used it, buying freebies it would just automatically add the payment info on file. some accounts still get it sometimes, but I believe it's been fixed and those accounts with it retain it.
  8. only way you will get hardware damage is if you do not clean your system. otherwise, drives and cards on gpu/cpu will thermal thottle to prevent damage. do not spread fud.
  9. You have to file a support ticket, email support has not been offered in many many years, I've been around for 9 years on my other account and always got the bounce back message that "this inbox is no longer monitored" or such wording. here is the link to use https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ and if you have already done this, sorry for wasting your time.
  10. Hi there! I've read the posting and what you describe is network issues on your end. the LL servers are actaully fine and the tracet I've run seems to indicate things are fine too along the routes. I'm not sure what fully to suggest how to fix this as I would need to know how you have your home network setup and who your provider is.
  11. I sent it in world. :3 just follow the directions I layed out in the im. if you have any questions, feel free to give me a poke. might take me a bit to reply. but I will.
  12. hihi, I what you need, im daniskunk resident. and I'll send it to you!
  13. to get faster processing fee's it required LL to make some changes to how they process the payouts, which seems to either them upgrading their own method or choosing another vendor to handle their merchant account, either one will raise the fee's they have to pay, so they pass that to us. it's business. they can not always obsorbe it all
  14. hello! I went ahead and looked at this, attempting to see if I could find a solution, sadly that video card does not even have windows 10 drivers on the intel site. so without those, there would be very little hope for second life to run on it. if it was downgraded back to a windows 7 machine, then it would work. but as it sits, windows 10 intel graphic driver does not exist.
  15. HiHi. I found this for you *TERMS & CONDITIONS This offer begins on April 14, 2016, at 8AM Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) and expires on April 25, 2016, at 8AM PDT. To qualify for this promotion, you must 1) have an existing Second Life (“SL”) basic account or create a new account, and 2) select quarterly (every three months) billing for your SL account. The fifty percent (50%) discount will be applied to your first quarter’s bill and future quarters will be billed at the standard Premium Membership price (currently US$22.50 per quarter). Any Linden Dollar (L$) sign-up bonus will be applied to new accounts or accounts not previously upgraded to Premium Membership after the account has been active for forty-five (45) consecutive days.
  16. LL has to act by the safe harbour if they go against that and remove items from the market place just willy nilly, they can lose the safe habour and that would cause them issues. So no LL can not just yank crap off the MP without the DCMA. a report has to be made before they can act.
  17. The password I use for my alt is 64 char long, so the 16 chat length is not correct. just used google to do a word count on it too. opensim is a max of either 12 or 16. not been there in a while though.
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